




从住房到汽车到餐馆的菜品,中国经济各个领域的价格都在下降。 Qilai Shen for The New York Times

The Chinese economy continued to grow at a lackluster pace over the summer, according to data released on Friday, underscoring the urgency of the government’s recent attempts to bolster the economy.


Construction has slowed because of a housing market meltdown. Millions of young college graduates have been unable to find work. Many local governments have run out of money to build roads or even pay the salaries of teachers and other workers.


Looming over it all are falling prices across the Chinese economy, from apartments to cars to restaurant meals. Broadly falling prices, a phenomenon called deflation, make it hard for companies and families to earn enough to pay their mortgages and other debts.


China’s economy grew 0.9 percent in July through September over the previous three months, China’s National Bureau of Statistics said. When projected out for the entire year, the economy grew at an annual rate of about 3.6 percent in the third quarter.


The growth in part reflected an official revision to show that the second quarter was even weaker than previously acknowledged. Growth then was at an annual pace of 2 percent, and not the previously reported pace of 2.8 percent.


Beijing has announced a series of measures since Sept. 24 to address the troubles that became clear in the numbers released on Friday. The central bank has cut interest rates and minimum down payments for mortgages. The finance ministry promised the sale of more bonds to raise money for local governments to pay municipal salaries and buy vacant apartments for conversion into affordable housing.


“The timing of the stimulus shows the government realizes the deterioration of the economy,” said Louise Liu Qian, the founder and chief executive of Wusawa Advisory, a Beijing geopolitical and business consulting firm.

“出台这些刺激政策的时机表明,政府意识到经济形势的恶化,”北京地缘政治和商业咨询公司Wusawa Advisory的刘倩说。

Storekeepers complain of weak sales, even as they cut prices so steeply that they are left with little or no profit.


18china econ 01 mhqz master1050上海的一家农贸市场,摄于上月。店家虽然降价,但表示销售情况仍然不佳。

“We have no transactions now,” said Yu Xingjun, a wallpaper dealer in Zibo in east-central China, as he sat idle in his empty store on a recent weekday. “As real estate fails, everything else follows.”


After working in the home decoration business for more than a decade, Mr. Yu has seen most of his sales evaporate in the last several years. “There was a time when not having orders was unthinkable, but now, it has been ages since I last received an order,” he said.


The slowdown in growth was less apparent in the Chinese government’s preferred statistic: the change in the third quarter versus the same period last year. By this measure the economy was 4.6 percent larger than a year earlier, down from 4.7 percent in the second quarter.


Falling prices are a problem for China not just at home but increasingly in its overseas trade. Deflation is starting to hurt what had been China’s sole remaining economic strength this year: exports.


By September, the overall value of China’s exports was growing only 2.4 percent from a year earlier, as an ever-rising volume of shipments was mostly offset by Chinese companies receiving less money for each load.


For the past four years, China has relied on rapidly expanding exports to offset difficulties in its domestic economy. From cars to chemicals to solar panels, the physical volumes of China’s exports has just kept rising strongly.


But the money that China receives for each product is tumbling as Chinese companies have cut prices to try to clear their warehouses of excess merchandise.


The number of cars and trucks exported by China surged 36 percent from a year earlier during the past three months, for example. But their total value increased 29 percent, according to data from China’s General Administration of Customs. That means the average price for each exported motor vehicle was falling.


Similarly, the number of flat-panel displays exported by China was up 12 percent during the past three months from a year earlier. But their total value climbed half as fast.


The result is in some ways the worst outcome for China. The country’s rising physical quantity of exports and ever increasing market share in overseas markets has triggered a backlash in many countries, prompting tariffs.


18china econ 02 mhqz master1050在房地产崩溃之前,建筑业和房地产行业占到经济总量的四分之一。

Chinese officials contend that they are now ready to pursue the answer that many foreign and Chinese economists have been recommending for months: strengthen the domestic economy. Finance Minister Lan Fo’an said on Saturday that the agency would soon “launch a package of targeted incremental policy measures in the near future to stabilize growth, expand domestic demand and mitigate risks.”


Central to that task is stabilizing the construction sector and other real estate-related industries that together accounted for a quarter of the economy before the property meltdown began three years ago.


The total square footage of buildings where construction started has dropped 66 percent in the first eight months of this year compared with the same period in 2019, before the pandemic. Data on so-called construction starts are important because they indicate how much activity will take place over the next several years.


Shanghai recorded more existing apartments changing hands on Oct. 13 than on any day since September 2023, according to state media. But even in Shanghai, buyers are cautious after three years of flat or falling prices.


“The investment appeal is gone, and buying a house is essentially for practical needs now,” said Cao Longquan, a Shanghai real estate agent. “While apartment viewings have increased, buyers remain relatively cautious.”


Many analysts have warned that China’s economic troubles echo Japan’s struggle a generation ago with rising debt and slowing growth. But some believe the government’s stimulus measures could reduce the chances the outlook will get worse.


“China is in the midst of a debt-deflation spiral, but Beijing’s latest economic policy U-turn will go a long way to preventing China from repeating Japan’s experience during the 1990s,” said Diana Choyleva, chief economist at Enodo Economics, a London research firm focused on China.

“中国正处在债务型通缩中,但北京最近的经济政策转向会有深远影响,有助于中国避免重复日本在上世纪90年代的境况,”专注于中国的伦敦研究机构Enodo Economics的首席经济师戴安娜·乔伊列娃说。

Li You对本文有研究贡献。

Keith Bradsher是《纽约时报》北京分社社长,此前曾任上海分社社长、香港分社社长、底特律分社社长,以及华盛顿记者。他在新冠疫情期间常驻中国进行报道。点击查看更多关于他的信息。








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