




周五,北京,习近平(中)与国际商界代表会面。 Florence Lo/Reuters

Xi Jinping, China’s top leader, met with executives of Saudi Aramco, BMW, Toyota Motor, FedEx and dozens of other foreign companies at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday as China seeks to boost foreign investment amid worsening trade relations between China and the United States.


It was the third time that Mr. Xi has met with executives of multinationals in the past 17 months, courting investment as sluggish growth and tightening national security laws have made global companies wary of making big bets in China.


More than 40 executives attended Friday’s meeting, including Amin Nasser of Saudi Aramco, Oliver Zipse of BMW, Akio Toyoda of Toyota, Ola Källenius of Mercedes-Benz, Lee Jae-yong of Samsung and Raj Subramaniam of FedEx, as well as the heads of the global shipping company Maersk, the Japanese conglomerate Hitachi, the South Korean chipmaker SK Hynix and the pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Sanofi.

超过40位企业高管出席了周五的会面,包括沙特阿美首席执行官阿敏·纳瑟、宝马首席执行官奥利弗·齐普策、丰田汽车会长丰田章男、梅赛德斯-奔驰首席执行官康林松(Ola Källenius)、三星会长李在镕以及联邦快递首席执行官拉吉·苏布拉马尼亚姆。全球航运公司马士基、日本企业集团日立、韩国半导体制造商SK海力士以及制药巨头辉瑞和赛诺菲的负责人也出席了会议。

Mr. Xi urged the executives to maintain the stability of global supply chains and said China held great potential for investors, according to Chinese state media.


Fresh foreign investment in China has dropped substantially over the past several years. One exception is the German automotive industry, which sees China, the world’s largest car market, as a place to try to compete with increasingly formidable domestic automakers.


German automakers represented half of new investments from the European Union last year, according to Rhodium Group, a consulting firm. BMW has upped its stake in a Chinese joint venture, and this week announced it would use artificial intelligence technology developed with Chinese tech giant Alibaba in its in-car assistant.


28Biz China CEOs 02 hltz master1050宝马首席执行官奥利弗·齐普策(左)与丰田汽车会长丰田章男,两人均在参加这次会面的高管之列。

A huge new electric car factory by Volkswagen in central China was one of the few new manufacturing facilities built by foreign firms in China last year. Volkswagen has also purchased a small stake in a Chinese automaker, Xpeng, as part of an approach it describes as “in China, for China.”


The meeting with Mr. Xi came four days after the China Development Forum, an annual economic and finance event attended by global executives. Tim Cook of Apple, Stephen Schwarzman of the Blackstone Group and executives from AstraZeneca, Cargill, Pfizer and FedEx, among others, were in Beijing to attend the forum along with the presidents of dozens of Chinese companies.


Speaking at the forum, Mr. Källenius of Mercedes-Benz talked about how his company had invested in Chinese engineering, including $2 billion spent in China on a long-wheelbase electric car.


China tapped $116 billion in foreign investment last year, down from $163 billion the preceding year and a peak of $189 billion in 2022, according to China’s Ministry of Commerce. Much of that money comes from the reinvestment of profits from existing operations.


28Biz China CEOs pfvq master1050周一,北京,中国副总理何立峰(右)会见黑石集团主席苏世民。

Tensions between Washington and Beijing have discouraged American companies from making new investments.


Ever-tightening national security laws have discouraged some investors. Five Chinese employees of the Mintz Group, an American corporate consulting firm, were released after two years in detention, the firm said this week. Firms like the Mintz Group that do research or due diligence for corporations have mostly pulled out of China, leaving multinationals without the support they need to check whether potential investments will face legal, environmental or political issues.


Another problem for foreign businesses in China, according to surveys by foreign chambers of commerce, is the deteriorating domestic market. Many industries suffer from severe overcapacity and falling prices. The potential to make a profit from new investments is limited.










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