




10月7日袭击受害者的亲友在周年纪念当天上午聚集在新星音乐节现场。 Avishag Shaar-Yashuv for The New York Times

A year has passed in Israel and Gaza like some nightmare from which there is no awakening. Hatred is the only winner. It towers over the corpse of a two-state Israeli-Palestinian peace and threatens to spread across the Middle East.


“Bring them home now” say ubiquitous posters in Israel, alluding to the roughly 100 hostages, many dead, still held by Hamas. Gaza lies in ruins as Israel exacts a terrible price in Palestinian life for the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack that killed more than 1,200 Israelis, and summoned in Jews every devouring specter of the Holocaust. War spreads to the Israeli-occupied West Bank, to Lebanon and to Iran, defying the futile peacemaking efforts of a rudderless world.


Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport stands almost empty, symbol of a lonelier Jewish state that is excoriated in many places amid calls to “globalize the intifada.” Protesters in New York chant “the state of Israel has to go.” The health authorities in Gaza announce that Israel has killed 41,788 Palestinians in the past year. Numbers tend to numb, but they promise another cycle of retribution in due course.


As after the Sept. 11 attacks two decades ago, the world has changed, people have changed, language itself has changed, becoming more treacherous. The tribal has triumphed over reason in a sea of mutual incomprehension and recrimination. Once the David of Middle Eastern conflict, Israel is now the increasingly vilified Goliath, even as it sees itself in a struggle for survival that it did not initiate.


07anniversary memory 03 jmkg master1050一些哈马斯袭击中的丧生者的尸体。

“We are a different society, a different country. Just look at the traumatized faces of people,” said Nirit Lavie Alon, an Israeli teacher at the Technion university in Haifa. “I gave up on peace, completely. Really, we are very desperate.”


Doaa Kaware, a mother of four in the Gazan city of Khan Younis, said: “This was a year that killed our hearts and souls before it destroyed the buildings, hospitals, schools and streets. In this war we feel someone pushed us down into a deep, dark and awful well.”


Israeli and Palestinian narratives have always seemed irreconcilable, but over the past year they have diverged with a new intensity. For Israel, the Oct. 7 Hamas attack was its 9/11, with the enemy not across the world in Afghanistan but right next door. The country, shaken and disoriented by the catastrophe, shamed by its failure to foresee it, was near unanimous in the conviction that it must extirpate Hamas from Gaza, at any price.


Much of the world understood Israel’s reaction, at least for a moment. But quickly a Palestinian narrative of Israeli “genocide” in Gaza gained traction, backed by wholesale destruction and killing in the rubble of collapsed buildings. The catastrophe, then, was not Israel’s, but that of the Palestinian people, systematically oppressed, in this telling, by a ruthless Israel intent for decades on dispossessing them.


The issue, in a striking transference, was no longer Oct. 7; it was the Israeli retaliation.


07anniversary memory 04 jmkg master1050去年10月,在以色列对加沙地带中部发动的空袭中受伤的巴勒斯坦人。

Now, with the widening of the war to Lebanon and even Iran, the catastrophe is broader and murkier, the narrative even more confused, as the suffering spreads. Iran and its Shiite proxy forces are no longer facing off with Israel; they are at war with it. Hamas is only part of the story now. But by no means does all of Lebanon or Iran want to die for the Palestinian cause.


Much has changed and much has not. The war, detonated a year ago by Hamas rockets in the dawn fired from Gaza, is new in its frenzied intensity, its yearlong duration and its expansion to include Iran directly, but not in its essential nature.


As the author I. F. Stone noted in 1967, just after the third Arab-Israeli war in 19 years and the Israeli conquest of the West Bank, the “struggle of two different peoples for the same strip of land” is marked by an “ethnocentric fury” to which “the Bible is still the best guide.”


Writing in The New York Review of Books, he noted that both sides believe that “only force can assure justice.” He continued: “If God as some now say is dead, He no doubt died of trying to find an equitable solution to the Arab-Jewish problem.”


Almost six decades have gone by since those words were written, not without glimpses of possible peace, to which the 1995 assassination by a nationalist Israeli zealot of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin sounded the death knell.


07anniversary memory 02 jmkg master1050要求达成释放人质协议的以色列抗议者,在9月封锁了一条道路。

But the cycle of destruction has never been broken, and the conflict that erupted with the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948 is now well on the way to becoming the Hundred Years’ War of our times. No other war has such power to lacerate nations, communities, families and even the conscience of a single individual.


The current round of fighting has been different in some ways, and not only in its feverish register. It has demonstrated the limited reach of American diplomacy, once decisive but now ineffective and increasingly attacked for its ironclad military support of Israel, even as thousands of Palestinian children have been killed in Gaza.


The war has seen another significant shift: the broad embrace of the Palestinian cause as an extension of movements for racial and social justice in the United States. It has also been adopted by the Global Majority, sometimes known as the Global South, as an expression of the battle of Indigenous peoples — read Palestinians — against white colonial oppressors and interlopers.


07anniversary memory 06 jmkg master1050周日,在以色列多次空袭之后的贝鲁特南部郊区。

Across the world, from the Americas to Africa, the quest to create a state of Palestine supplanting Israel has become the North Star of many young people. Israeli “colonialism” is increasingly shorthand for the Zionist project of establishing a homeland for the Jewish people after their millennial persecution, rather than for Israel’s post-1967 colonial settlement of the occupied West Bank.


Not all the protesters think this way, of course. They are appalled by Israel’s conduct of the war but do not dispute its right to exist. As with past protest movements against the Vietnam War or Apartheid South Africa — but unlike the seemingly numbing wars in Syria or in Ukraine or in Sudan — this is now the passionate cause of a generation, the emblem of their idealism.


It focuses on the forced displacement of some 750,000 Palestinians at Israel’s birth and the high death toll in Gaza today. It tends not to acknowledge that Israel is a multiracial society born through U.N. Resolution 181 of 1947 and peopled not by colonial forces but by persecuted Holocaust survivors and other refugees, often from Arab states that evicted them, with no motherland to return to. As for the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, it has generally been relegated to a subordinate clause.


07anniversary memory 05 jmkg master10507月,巴勒斯坦人在遭到破坏的加沙南部城市汗尤尼斯。

“I’d been hearing warnings of antisemitism on the left, but the militancy of the antisemitism of student groups has been shocking,” said Ruth Franklin, an adjunct associate professor of writing at Columbia University and the author of the forthcoming “The Many Lives of Anne Frank.” “When you hear ‘Burn Tel Aviv to the ground,’ as I have with my own ears, the intent is pretty clear.”

“我一直听到左翼人士在说要警惕反犹主义,但学生团体反犹主义的激进程度令人震惊,”哥伦比亚大学写作副教授露丝·富兰克林说。她是即将出版的《安妮·弗兰克的多种生活》(the Many Lives of Anne Frank)的作者。“当你听到‘把特拉维夫夷为平地’时——这是我亲耳听到的——这其中的意图非常明显。”

Today, Israel is poised to strike back against Tehran in response to Iran’s firing of nearly 200 ballistic missiles at Israel last Tuesday, which in turn was a retaliation for Israel’s assassination in Lebanon of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, the potent army of Iran’s westward projection.


Certainly, there were other possible courses for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including a cease-fire, a deal for the release of Israeli hostages in return for the release of Palestinian prisoners, and the possible breakthrough normalization of Israel’s relations with Saudi Arabia that President Biden pushed for many months.


But ultimately Mr. Netanyahu has felt free to ignore American pressure without cost or consequence. His need to satisfy his far-right partners in government and his interest in prolonging the war to postpone a possible formal reprimand for the military and intelligence failures that allowed the Oct. 7 attack will almost certainly complicate any diplomatic efforts.


07anniversary memory 07 jmkg master10509月,纽约的抗议者呼吁以色列停止在加沙、约旦河西岸和黎巴嫩的军事行动。

Hamas, with the hostages as leverage and global support growing for Palestinians, has its own reasons to adopt a waiting game as the killing spreads.


“This time sadness is beyond bearing,” Ms. Kaware, the Palestinian mother in Khan Younis, said. “Nothing will ease this pain that will last forever.”


As for Ms. Lavie Alon, the teacher, she struggles to survive. “We don’t have enough things to give us hope,” she said.


Her younger son, Chen, 22, told her last week he will be out of touch for a while as he is about to deploy with Israeli forces in Lebanon. Her older son, Noam, 25, has gone to Germany to avoid the pain of the Oct. 7 anniversary.


Noam’s great love, Inbar Haiman, 27, lived her last moments of freedom at the Tribe of Nova music festival, where Hamas killed 364 people on Oct. 7. A video captured her being dragged, bleeding from the face, into Gaza.


When there was a hostage release last November, Lavie Alon and her son hoped that Haiman would be among those freed. But a month later, on Dec. 14, 2023, the Israeli army informed them that she was dead.


Haiman’s corpse is still in Gaza. “We are struggling to bring her back,” Lavie Alon said. “We don’t have a grave. We cannot start to rebuild.”


Nor can anyone in Gaza. The gyre inexorably turns.


07anniversary memory 08 jmkg master1050上周伊朗对以色列的导弹袭击,一座建筑被击中。

Bilal Shbair自加沙地带对本文有报道贡献。

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