




José A. Alvarado Jr. for The New York Times

The Trump administration appears likely to succeed in having federal corruption charges dropped against Mayor Eric Adams in Manhattan.


But in Brooklyn, a separate group of prosecutors has been conducting a long-running investigation involving Mr. Adams’s most prominent fund-raiser — and at one point searched her homes and office for evidence of a possible Chinese government scheme to influence Mr. Adams’s election, according to a copy of a search warrant, portions of which were read to The New York Times.


Mr. Adams has known the fund-raiser, Winnie Greco, for more than a decade, and he appointed her to be his Asian affairs adviser after he became mayor in 2022. She has been a close collaborator with people and groups linked to the Chinese government over the years, and she has showed a willingness to steer politicians toward pro-Beijing narratives, The Times reported in October.

亚当斯认识这位筹款人郑祺蓉(Winnie Greco)已有十多年,2022年当选市长后,他任命她为自己的亚洲事务顾问。《纽约时报》去年10月报道称,多年来,郑祺蓉一直与和中国政府有联系的个人及团体密切合作,并且她表现出愿意引导政界人士去宣扬亲北京的言论倾向。

The searches of her homes in the Bronx and office in Queens occurred early last year and were overseen by prosecutors from the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York. The agents conducting the searches were also seeking evidence of solicitation of illegal contributions from foreign nationals, wire fraud and conspiracy, the warrant said.


On the day Ms. Greco’s homes were searched, and as part of the same investigation, agents also searched the mansion of another prominent fund-raiser for the Adams campaign, Lian Wu Shao, on Long Island, according to two people with knowledge of the matter. The search of Mr. Shao’s home has not been previously reported.


A wealthy Chinese businessman, Mr. Shao is the operator of the New World Mall in Flushing, Queens, which housed Ms. Greco’s office. Records show that hundreds of donors associated with his companies boosted Mr. Adams’s 2021 campaign.


Neither Ms. Greco nor Mr. Shao has been accused of wrongdoing, and it is possible the investigation could conclude without any charges being brought.


A spokesman for Mr. Adams’s 2025 campaign, Todd Shapiro, said in a statement that both the mayor and his campaign “have always followed the law, and that is why neither he nor the campaign has been accused of any wrongdoing in this case.”


Ms. Greco, through her lawyer, declined to comment. Mr. Shao did not respond to several requests for comment made over several days.


00edny adams 05 ghmc master1050布鲁克林的纽约东区检察官办公室重点关注非法中国影响力行动相关的案件。

The inquiry continued after Mr. Adams was indicted following an investigation by the F.B.I. and prosecutors from the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan. He was charged with conspiracy, fraud, bribery and soliciting illegal foreign campaign contributions from Turkish nationals.


Last month the Justice Department asked a judge in Manhattan to dismiss those charges, saying they were interfering with Mr. Adams’s ability to aid in the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown. The move led several prosecutors, including the interim U.S. attorney in Manhattan, to resign in protest.


There is no indication that Mr. Adams is a target of the investigation in Brooklyn into Chinese influence or that Eastern District prosecutors believe he played any role in a criminal scheme.


Even so, given the push to drop the charges against Mr. Adams in the neighboring district, those prosecutors may be forced to navigate fraught terrain if they try to bring a case that touches in any way on the mayor or his campaign, according to interviews with three former Eastern District prosecutors.


Mr. Adams’s relationship with Ms. Greco dates at least to 2014, when, as Brooklyn borough president, he named her an honorary ambassador to Brooklyn’s Chinese community.


She accompanied Mr. Adams on at least two of his six trips he made to China while he was borough president, and records show she requested dozens of meetings with him on behalf of Chinese businessmen and government officials.


00edny adams 04 btfj master10502022年2月,亚当斯市长的主要捐款人邵连武和儿子威廉出席在格雷西大厦举行的春节活动。邵是照片正中左脸被手机遮挡者。

In April 2018, Ms. Greco held the first fund-raiser for Mr. Adams’s mayoral campaign, a dinner event with 500 guests at the Royal Queen restaurant in Mr. Shao’s New World Mall in Flushing, Queens, that netted $64,000 — and qualified Mr. Adams’s campaign for an additional $100,000 under the city’s generous matching-funds program.


In the years that followed, she organized at least nine additional events at the same restaurant, along with others at different venues that helped raise at least $1.6 million for Mr. Adams’s 2021 campaign, a Times analysis shows.


He brought her into his administration when he became mayor in 2022, and, while working in City Hall, she scheduled scores of meetings with people and groups with connections to Beijing, including at least a dozen dinners and events with one of the top Chinese government officials in the United States, the consul general in New York.


On Feb. 29, 2024, her homes were searched by investigators from the Eastern District, an office that has focused in part on bringing cases targeting Chinese transnational repression and influence operations.


On the same day, they also searched Mr. Shao’s mansion and his mall, where Ms. Greco kept a campaign office.


00edny adams 03 btfj master1050邵连武的儿子威廉·邵(坐在最左侧)是亚当斯的亚洲事务顾问委员会成员,2024年初,联邦探员对邵的长岛大宅进行了搜查。

Mr. Shao was another central figure in the fund-raising efforts that helped elect Mr. Adams as mayor.


More than 100 cashiers, waiters, and other low-wage workers at his mall gave Mr. Adams $249 apiece, records show, even though many of them were not registered to vote. The donations qualified Mr. Adams’s campaign to receive more than $200,000, most of it from the city’s matching funds program.


On Aug. 8, 2021, Mr. Shao held a fund-raiser at his home in Old Brookville, N.Y., that generated 231 donations and raised $55,000 for Mr. Adams, qualifying him for an additional $364,000 in matching funds. Both Mr. Adams and Ms. Greco were present.


Four donors listed in city filings as attendees by Mr. Adams’s campaign told The Times they did not go to the event.


Previous reporting by the nonprofit news organization The City and others has documented other irregularities with donations Mr. Shao helped raise. City auditors cited the irregularities in a report issued in August, and the Campaign Finance Board denied the mayor millions of dollars in public matching funds in December — dealing a huge blow to his re-election efforts.

非营利新闻机构“The City”及其他媒体此前的报道记录了邵连武协助筹集的捐款存在的其他违规情况。市政审计员在8月发布的一份报告中提及了这些违规行为,12月,竞选财务委员会拒绝向市长提供数百万美元的公共配比资金,这给他的连任竞选造成了巨大打击。

In December 2021, after Mr. Adams had won the mayoral election, Mr. Shao stood next to him at a victory party at the Royal Queen restaurant.


00edny adams 01 btfj master1050邵连武与他人一同创办了新世界商城和亚洲超市Jmart。联邦调查人员去年搜查了该商城,以寻找外国捐款相关的证据。

The event raised more than $400,000 for Mr. Adams’s transition committee, multiple Chinese-language newspapers reported.


Besides overseeing the investigations involving Mr. Shao and Ms. Greco, the Eastern District also recently indicted a businesswoman, Weihong Hu, whose connections to Mr. Adams and his allies, including Ms. Greco, also run deep.


Ms. Hu was charged last month with conspiring with two businessmen to steal millions of dollars from a taxpayer-funded program that placed incarcerated people in hotels she owned. During that period, Ms. Greco stayed at one of those hotels for eight months.


Ms. Hu was also a prolific fund-raiser for Mr. Adams. She held at least two events to raise money for his 2021 mayoral campaign. One of those occurred on June 4 of that year at Ms. Hu’s hotel in Fresh Meadows, Queens, The City reported. The day after the fund-raiser, Mr. Adams disclosed receiving 17 checks worth $2,000 each from donors with Chinese surnames, including a former tenant of Ms. Hu’s and a worker at one of her hotels.

胡卫红也为亚当斯举办了许多筹款活动。她至少举办了两场活动,为他2021年的市长竞选筹款。据“The City”报道,其中一场是在当年的6月4日,地点在胡卫红位于皇后区弗莱辛梅多斯的酒店。筹款活动的第二天,亚当斯披露收到17张支票,每张金额为2000美元,来自有华人姓氏的捐赠者,其中包括胡卫红的一位前房客和她名下一家酒店的一名员工。

More recently, at a fund-raiser organized by Ms. Hu in 2023 at her Hudson Yards apartment, the campaign netted $87,638, one of its biggest single-day hauls. Both Mr. Adams and Ms. Greco attended the event. Some donors who donated that day later told The City and other outlets that they were reimbursed for the donations made in their names — an apparent violation of the law.

更近的一次筹款活动是2023年胡卫红在她位于哈德逊城市广场的公寓里组织的,竞选团队筹得87638美元,是竞选团队单日筹款数额最多的活动之一。亚当斯和郑祺蓉都参加了该活动。一些当天捐款的捐赠者后来告诉“The City”和其他媒体,他们以自己名义所做的捐款得到了报销,这显然违反了法律。

00edny adams campaign grab 01 master10502021年市长竞选期间,亚当斯出席在邵连武的皇后区法拉盛新世界商城举行的集会。戴着绿色口罩的邵连武站在亚当斯身后。

The indictment of Ms. Hu does not mention her fund-raising activities.










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