


Alex Prewitt


纽约尼克斯队的后卫杰伦·布伦森与一家名叫East Goes Global的公司合作,在中国的社交媒体上打造自己的形象。 Pamela Smith/Associated Press

Jalen Brunson first experienced the fervor of the N.B.A.’s biggest international market in 2018 when, as a rookie, he traveled with the Dallas Mavericks to China for a pair of preseason games. The trip itself was brief, but the reception that Mr. Brunson and his teammates received left a lasting impression.


“The fandom that basketball brought to that country, I thought it was really cool and interesting and something I wanted to be a part of,” Mr. Brunson said in a recent interview.


Now a star for the New York Knicks, Mr. Brunson, 28, took a crucial step toward that goal before the current N.B.A. season when his representatives at Creative Arts Agency enlisted a digital management company, East Goes Global, to create and run Chinese social media accounts for him. In the months since, Mr. Brunson has gained more than 400,000 followers across five of the country’s major apps: Bilibili, Douyin, RedNote, Weibo and WeChat.

如今,28岁的布伦森已是纽约尼克斯队的球星,在NBA本赛季开始之前,他已朝着那个目标迈出了关键一步,他在创新艺人经纪公司(简称CAA)的代表们请了一家数字管理公司East Goes Global为他在中国社交媒体上创建和管理账号。此后的几个月里,布伦森在中国五大主流应用(哔哩哔哩、抖音、小红书、微博、微信)上已收获了40多万粉丝。

Mr. Brunson is one of several N.B.A. players looking to establish an online presence in China, where millions of people follow the league closely. But given the language barrier and differing societal norms and trends — not to mention an insular Chinese internet where popular western platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and X are blocked and content is reviewed by the government — most have sought help from companies with specific expertise in navigating the digital landscape.


“I think it’s important to understand your audience, and I think a lot of smart people understand what they know and what they don’t know,” Mr. Brunson said. “It was key for me to let someone else do it, because they understand more than me. Even though I am the face of it, they really run it.”


Founded in 2018 by Andrew Spalter, a former music manager who lives in Austin, Texas, East Goes Global is not alone in providing such a service. Coral Lu, a former ESPN reporter, handles the Chinese social media accounts for Kawhi Leonard of the Los Angeles Clippers and Paul George of the Philadelphia 76ers. The IMG-owned company Mailman, based in Shanghai, manages 30 accounts for 14 active players.

安德鲁·斯帕尔特在2018年创办了East Goes Global,他曾是一名音乐经理,住在得州奥斯汀。提供这类服务的不只是East Goes Global一家。曾在ESPN当记者的陆垠箐(Coral Lu)负责管理洛杉矶快船队的科怀·伦纳德和费城76人队的保罗·乔治在中国社交媒体上的账号。国际管理集团旗下的邮人体育公司总部设在上海,为14名现役球员管理着30个账号。

10NBA CHINA 02 wpfv master1050NBA为扩大在中国的影响力所做的努力包括参加在澳门举办的国际超越博览会等活动。

“For the player, some people are really motivated by engaging with their global audience, and in cultures where basketball is huge,” said Matthew Spalter, the chief operating officer of East Goes Global, who is Andrew’s brother. “There’s also the business perspective: ‘During my basketball career, how can I scale my business? And, post-career, how can I make sure I’m not gone forever?’”

“有些球员真的很想与他们在全球的观众互动,尤其是那些篮球文化浓厚环境下的观众,”East Goes Global的首席运营官马修·斯帕尔特说,他和安德鲁是兄弟。“还有一个商业角度的考虑:‘我如何在我的篮球生涯中扩大自己的业务?而且,在职业生涯结束后,我如何确保自己不会被人遗忘?’”

The player-led push is coming at an important time for relations between the N.B.A. and China. In October 2019, a year after Mr. Brunson’s trip, a pro-Hong Kong social media post from Daryl Morey, then the general manager of the Houston Rockets, led to China pulling N.B.A. games off national television and ending the N.B.A. China Games, which had been played annually since 2012.


The freeze from Mr. Morey’s post, however, has significantly thawed, and the league is planning to play two exhibition games next October in the Chinese territory of Macau. With help from groups like East Goes Global, some players will be ahead of others should the relationship between the league and China return to its previous heights.

不过,莫雷帖子引发的僵局已明显缓和,NBA正在打算明年10月在中国澳门举行两场表演赛。如果NBA与中国的关系恢复到以前的程度的话,一些球员将在East Goes Global等团体的帮助下领先一步。

The work of the groups typically begins by reaching out to the various platforms to verify the player’s accounts — and often, as with Mr. Brunson, creating them in the first place. But further measures can be required, as when the team at Mailman helped an N.B.A. All-Star client recover his page on Douyin, China’s equivalent of TikTok, after it had been taken over by a mysterious third party that was posting spam content.


Next comes the process of creating content for a Chinese audience. Success, according to the people involved, goes beyond simply using the native language in captions and adding trending background music.


“Mirroring the same content on your Chinese channels as your western ones really isn’t diving deeper into that Chinese culture,” said Michael Lin, a vice president of digital at Mailman who oversees its U.S. sports operation. “Athletes do a lot better when they’re creating personalized content that’s speaking to the Chinese fans.”


10NBA CHINA 03 wpfv master1050印第安纳步行者队的泰瑞斯·哈利伯顿将自己入选2024年NBA全明星赛首发阵容归功于他在中国社交媒体上的粉丝。

For Mr. Brunson, this has meant meeting periodically with East Goes Global staff members to film exclusive videos for his Chinese accounts, including a marathon two-hour session heading into last month’s Chinese New Year during which he sampled Chinese snacks and wrote his name in Chinese characters.

对布伦森来说,这意味着要定期与East Goes Global的工作人员见面,让他们为他的中国账号拍摄独家视频,包括在上个月的春节前夕拍摄的长达两小时的马拉松式视频,他在视频中品尝了中国小吃,还用汉字写了自己的名字。

“I thought that was really cool,” he said.


There are numerous business possibilities for N.B.A. players in China. Some have gone on huge tours across the country. Others have signed endorsement deals with Chinese shoe companies. James Harden, a star for the Clippers, sold 10,000 bottles of wine in five seconds during a Douyin livestream.


But Mr. Lin has noticed a particular uptick in requests from players who cite another source of motivation: getting fan votes for the All-Star Game.


The ideal playbook, in that regard, was laid out last season, when Tyrese Haliburton of the Indiana Pacers rode a wave of Chinese social media support to lead Eastern Conference guards in fan voting, earning a surprising spot as a starter for the 2024 All-Star Game.


“I know people see a player in Indiana and don’t expect that,” Mr. Haliburton said at the media day for that game, “but the love I’ve received from my fans in China has been amazing.”


According to Matthew Spalter, Mr. Brunson’s team at C.A.A. similarly approached East Goes Global about executing a “massive All-Star push” for this year’s game. The results? Even though Mr. Brunson finished third among Eastern Conference guards on fan ballots, he was named a starter under the league’s weighted voting formula, which also incorporated votes from the news media and the players.

据马修·斯帕尔特,布伦森在CAA的代表们已与East Goes Global进行了类似的接触,希望在今年的赛季发起一个“大规模的全明星助力运动”。结果怎样?尽管布伦森在球迷对东部后场全明星的投票中排名第三,但根据NBA计算投票的加权公式(其中也考虑了媒体和球员的投票),他仍入选了全明星赛首发阵容。

“I think it helped a lot, and I’m really appreciative of it,” Mr. Brunson said in February of the help from Chinese fans, adding that he planned to post a message of gratitude after the All-Star break.


Sure enough, a week or so later, a 44-second video was uploaded to Mr. Brunson’s account on Bilibili, China’s equivalent of YouTube. The video features behind-the-scenes footage from his trip to the game in San Francisco.


“Thanks to my friends at Bilibili for voting and supporting me,” the caption read — in Chinese characters, of course.










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