



时报的一项分析发现,设在香港文咸东街135号的空壳公司将受限制的军用技术运往俄罗斯。 Anthony Kwan for The New York Times

From a nondescript seventh-floor office at 135 Bonham Strand near Hong Kong’s financial district, at least four companies are operating with a shadowy mission: facilitating the illicit trade of Western technology to Russia.


Shell companies at that address have acquired millions of restricted chips and sensors for military technology companies in Russia, many of which have been placed under sanctions by the U.S. government, according to an examination by The New York Times.


The companies have names like Olax Finance and Rikkon Holding. Their office, with a faded 704 number on the door, appears unoccupied. No one answered during a visit last month. An ad for air-conditioning hung in the crack of the door.

这些空壳公司的名字包括Olax Finance和Rikkon Holding。它们办公室的门上有褪了色的号码704,但里面似乎无人。记者上个月登门造访时,无人应答门铃,只看到门缝里插着一张空调广告。

00RUSSIA SANCTIONS 135 04 vwgl master1050Rikkon Holding和Olax Finance在文咸东街135商业中心的房门。记者今年6月登门造访时,无人应答门铃。

Yet the companies are a crucial link in a chain connecting U.S. research laboratories to Chinese factories, Russian arms makers and the battlefields of Ukraine — and a sign that the U.S. government and tech giants cannot control where their technology goes.


Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, nearly $4 billion of restricted chips have poured into Russia from more than 6,000 companies, including those at Hong Kong’s 135 Bonham Strand, according to a Times analysis of Russian customs data, corporate records, domain registrations and sanctions data. The analysis examined nearly 800,000 shipments of restricted electronic goods into Russia since mid-2021.


Even as the West sought to cut off access to semiconductors through trade restrictions, Russia established such a robust parallel supply chain that it imported almost the same number of critical chips in the last three months of 2023 that it did in the same period in 2021, according to the analysis of Russian customs data. The reliance on China for many of these chips also deepened, with transactions that were historically settled in U.S. dollars now increasingly executed in Renminbi, according to the analysis.


c26russia sanctions master1050注:数据为美国商务部指定的1级受限芯片每月运往俄罗斯的价值。

The ability of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to flout Western trade restrictions has been one of the failings of the U.S.-led response to the war in Ukraine. Rather than become economically isolated, Russia has emerged from more than two years of conflict emboldened in its attacks against Ukraine.


Russia’s technology imports begin with U.S. chipmakers selling their products to international distributors. The chip companies are not legally required to track where their goods go from there. Russia has then turned to the international distributors — which are in Hong Kong, China, Turkey, India, Serbia and Singapore, according to The Times’s analysis — to maintain a steady supply of tech.


Some of the middlemen companies are part of longtime networks of offshore firms owned by Russian businessmen. At 135 Bonham Strand, four shell companies are owned by oligarchs linked to Russia’s military industrial base, according to The Times’s analysis.


The speed with which the shell companies have sprung into action has overwhelmed Western regulators. As soon as one supplier is ferreted out, new ones sprout in its place, sometimes with the same owner. Some of the companies operate in the United States’ backyard, including one Russia-linked firm fronted — apparently unwittingly — by a Latvian-Canadian retiree in a two-story house in a Toronto suburb.


A Commerce Department spokeswoman did not directly address how Russia had flouted trade restrictions and said U.S. export controls meant that “Russia is increasingly unable to meet its heightened wartime demand in the face of shrinking supply and is paying more for what it does get.” A Treasury Department spokeswoman said the agency had expanded its efforts to penalize those trading with Russia and supporting its war efforts.


Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn’t respond to requests for comment.


China plays an essential role. As the world’s leading assembler of electronics, it imports huge numbers of Western components and turns them into consumer electronics. Chinese firms can easily channel those supplies to Russia, industry experts said.


In a statement, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it didn’t provide weapons or equipment to any party in the war in Ukraine. “What the United States should do is reflect on its responsibility for the Ukraine crisis rather than shirking responsibility to China,” the ministry said.


With limited domestic manufacturing capacity, the United States has little option but to continue sending chips into China for manufacturing, packaging and assembly.


“The tide has shifted,” said Elina Ribakova, an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington think tank. “We have lost control of chip production.”


Western Chips in Russian Missiles


RUSSIA SANCTIONS HOSPITAL 1 fqjk master1050今年7月8日,一枚俄罗斯导弹击中基辅奥赫马迪特儿童医院后,救援人员和志愿者们清理废墟,寻找幸存者。

On July 8, a Russian missile tore into a children’s hospital in Kyiv, killing two and injuring 10, including seven children.


The Kh-101 long-range cruise missile fired into Kyiv was laden with electronics from American chipmakers that had been restricted by trade controls, according to Ukraine’s National Agency on Corruption Prevention.


One important chip in the Russian missiles was the Field Programmable Gate Array, or F.P.G.A., made by U.S. companies such as Advanced Micro Devices and Intel. The chip is used in fire alarms, internet modems, missiles and drones to process data at lightning speed and is banned for sale to Russia.


Since the war began, Russia has imported more than $390 million in F.P.G.A.s, according to Russian customs data. The shipments are just one sliver of the Kremlin’s efforts to sidestep sanctions and maintain supplies of critical technology.


The Kremlin has long understood its reliance on Western technology to be a vulnerability. In 2020, Russia tried to kick-start domestic chip production with a plan to bolster electronics manufacturing over the next decade. Those efforts largely failed.


Instead, Russia cultivated relationships with large U.S. semiconductor manufacturers, importing chips from companies such as Intel and electronics distributors like DigiKey. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, those ties were upended. The U.S. government swiftly announced sweeping restrictions to hamper Russia’s ability to acquire crucial technologies.


“Russia’s access to cutting-edge U.S. and partner country technology will halt,” Thea D. Rozman Kendler, an assistant secretary of commerce, said at the time.


Western companies soon exited Russia. Their products did not.


Russia speedily reoriented supply chains, seeking out friendly countries and ports willing to service its ships. Transshipment hubs popped up in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco. The U.S. government has imposed sanctions on companies and individuals in those countries.


China emerged as the dominant chip supplier to Russia. According to the Semiconductor Industry Alliance, 29 percent of all semiconductors pass through China.


ftzm master10502022年,乌克兰军方在战场上收集的一枚俄罗斯导弹内发现的电路板上有德州仪器公司的芯片。

Texas Instruments, which makes chips found in the Shahed and Lancet drones — two of Russia’s deadliest military-grade drones — has a chip assembly and testing factory in the central Chinese city of Chengdu. Micron Technology, another U.S. chipmaker, fabricates chips in Xi’an. F.P.G.A.s flow in huge numbers to Chinese manufacturers, which put them in products that are sold globally.


In emailed responses, AMD, Texas Instruments, Micron and Intel said they opposed the use of their technology by Russia and that they complied with U.S. export controls.


“In the first few weeks of the war, there really was something of an expectation that these were going to be crushing measures,” Emily Kilcrease, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, said of the sanctions. But “we underestimated the difficulty of the U.S. to actually enforce in a market like that.”


The Russians of 135 Bonham Strand


00RUSSIA SANCTIONS 135 02 vwgl master1050香港上环文咸街135号。时报追查到那里的一些公司由俄罗斯商人所有。

In 2008, Alexey Chichenev, a Russian businessman, took control of a company called Saril Overseas based in Hong Kong.

2008年,俄罗斯商人阿列克谢·奇切涅夫控制了一家名为Saril Overseas的香港公司。

It was one entity in a growing portfolio of shell companies at 135 Bonham Strand, led by Mr. Chichenev, a Russian expatriate in Hong Kong, and his partner, Mikhail Vinogradov.

在香港的俄罗斯侨民奇切涅夫及其生意伙伴米哈伊尔·维诺格拉多夫领导下,文咸东街135号出现了越来越多的空壳公司,Saril Overseas只是其中之一。

Over the next decade, the pair began managing nearly a dozen shell companies with names like Syssoft and Toren Limited, which worked in international property development and trade, according to news releases and the companies’ websites. One Bonham Strand firm, Olax Finance, said it had helped finance a water purification project with Costner Industries Venezuela, a company owned by the actor Kevin Costner. Mr. Costner’s publicist did not respond to requests for comment.

根据新闻稿和两家公司的网站,接下来的十年里,两人开始管理十来家空壳公司,比如Syssoft和Toren Limited,这些公司从事国际房地产开发和贸易。位于文咸东街135号的一家名为Olax Finance的公司表示,它与美国演员凯文·科斯特纳拥有的公司Costner Industries Venezuela合作,为一个净水项目提供了资金。科斯特纳的公关人员没有回复记者的置评请求。

The firms at 135 Bonham Strand used byzantine offshore ownership structures that intersected with holding companies in the British Virgin Islands and Cyprus, according to corporate registration documents. Shares of the companies were transferred like baseball cards between Russian businessmen with addresses in places like Vienna, Tel Aviv and Paris, according to Hong Kong corporate registration records.


00RUSSIA SANCTIONS 135 03 vwgl master1050香港文咸街135号七层的公司名录。

Two companies at 135 Bonham Strand, Rikkon and Midicon, were owned separately by Andrey Kozitsyn and Igor Kudryashkin, the former directors of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, an industrial conglomerate in Russia, according to public records. The Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company has ties to Mr. Putin, weapons manufacturing and Russian organized crime, according to the Treasury Department and publicly available documents.


The Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company did not respond to a request for comment. It’s unclear whether Mr. Kozitsyn and Mr. Kudryashkin are still affiliated with the company, and they could not be reached.


In 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea, Mr. Kozitsyn and Mr. Kudryashkin transferred ownership of Rikkon and Midicon to Mr. Chichenev and Mr. Vinogradov. By 2022, Mr. Chichenev and Mr. Vinogradov controlled at least 11 companies at 135 Bonham Strand, according to Hong Kong’s corporate registry.


Only two of those companies, Kvantek and Superchip, sold chips to Russia before the war in Ukraine. But as restrictions and sanctions set in, more jumped into action, according to The Times’s analysis of Russian customs data.


c26russia sanctions chart2a master1050注:数据为美国商务部指定的1级受限芯片的发货量。为便于查看,货值低于10万美元的出货进行了放大。

Saril Overseas, for one, had no record of exports to Russia until six months after the war began. Its first shipment, in July 2022, was a batch of F.P.G.A.s valued at $95,000 and made by AMD.

Saril Overseas原本没有向俄罗斯出口的记录,直到战争进行到第六个月才开始。2022年7月,它向俄罗斯出口的第一批货物是AMD生产的FPGA,价值9.5万美元。

Saril Overseas later expanded its trade to several Russian companies. By this year, it had sold nearly $9 million of restricted semiconductors, according to the analysis of Russian customs data.

后来,Saril Overseas公司扩大了与几家俄罗斯公司的贸易规模。根据对俄罗斯海关数据的分析,到今年为止,它已经销售了近900万美元的受限制半导体。

At least one of the shell companies, Kvantek, has since shut down its website and appears to have ceased operations, according to The Times’s analysis.


In an interview at the door of his Hong Kong apartment, Mr. Chichenev said he did not know who was behind the companies and had forgotten how they were transferred to his name. “You see, it is a friend of my friend in Moscow, so they asked me to help them,” he said.


Mr. Chichenev said he was contacted because he lived in Hong Kong, working as the director of a separate company. He said he was not a tech expert and simply helped get chips from the United States and Taiwan to China.


“It was out of my control,” he said. “I just made payments to the U.S. or Taiwan.”


His 135 Bonham Strand companies were being shut down, he added. “At the moment, I just enjoy life,” he said. “But before, yes, we had several companies, but now everything is closed.”


Mr. Vinogradov did not respond to emailed questions. Colin Cohen, a lawyer based in Hong Kong whose firm, Boase Cohen & Collins, is listed as the secretary on many 135 Bonham Strand companies, declined to comment, citing client confidentiality.

维诺格拉多夫没有回复通过电子邮件发送的问题。香港律师科林·科恩的律所Boase Cohen & Collins被列为文咸东街135号那些公司的秘书,他以替客户保密为由拒绝置评。

One beneficiary of the continued tech flows was Staut, a Russian military electronics supplier. In July 2023, the Treasury Department imposed restrictions on Staut to cut it off from U.S. technology.


That posed a problem for the 135 Bonham Strand companies, which had sold over $21 million in restricted chips to Staut. Yet within months, several Bonham Strand firms had shifted their shipments from Staut to two new companies, Chipdevice and Leningrad Microwaves.

这给文咸东街135号的那些公司带来了麻烦,它们已向Staut销售了超过2100万美元的受限芯片。但几个月内,多家位于文咸东街135号的公司已将货物从Staut转移到了Chipdevice和Leningrad Microwaves这两家公司。

While appearing independent on paper, Chipdevice and Leningrad Microwaves shared ownership with Staut and another Russian military electronics supplier, Fregat, according to Russian corporate records and domain registrations. Chipdevice and Leningrad Microwaves have received over $17 million in restricted chips since the war began.

根据俄罗斯的公司记录和域名注册信息,虽然Chipdevice和Leningrad Microwaves在名义上是独立的,但它们与Staut和另一家俄罗斯军用电子供应商Fregat共享所有权。自战争开始以来,Chipdevice和Leningrad Microwaves已经收到了超过1700万美元的限制芯片。

By late last year, the United States had placed Chipdevice and Fregat under sanctions. Leningrad Microwaves remains unaffected. Last month, the Treasury Department also designated Mr. Chichenev and several of the 135 Bonham Strand firms for economic sanctions. It has not take action against Mr. Vinogradov.

到去年年底,美国已将ChipDevice和Fregat列入制裁名单。Leningrad Microwaves仍未受到影响。上个月,财政部还将奇切涅夫和文咸东街135号那些公司中的几家列为经济制裁对象。它还没有对维诺格拉多夫采取行动。

Still, the U.S. government remains at least a step behind. Since the war started, the Office of Foreign Asset Control, an agency in the Treasury Department that administers the U.S. sanctions program, has designated at least 4,234 Russian individuals and companies for economic restrictions, according to OpenSanctions, a sanctions data provider.


A Retiree’s Suburban Home


这座多伦多郊区的住宅被列为阿尔伯顿公司的加拿大总部。自乌克兰战争爆发以来,该公司已向俄罗斯出口了800多万美元的受限技术。 Brendan George Ko for The New York Times

On the porch of his house in a leafy Toronto suburb, Edward Poberezkin, a 67-year-old Latvian-Canadian retiree, recently recounted his connection to a company that had shipped restricted technology to Russia.


A decade ago, Mr. Poberezkin said, a businessman from Russia paid him a nominal fee to register as an “agent for service” for Alburton Enterprises, a company based in the British Virgin Islands. The registration made Mr. Poberezkin and his home the designated addressee and address for official documents for Alburton’s Canadian headquarters.


When a Times reporter visited with questions about Alburton this month, Mr. Poberezkin said he was “very surprised.” The company has shipped more than $9 million in restricted technology to Russia since early 2022, according to The Times’s analysis of Russian customs data.


Mr. Poberezkin, who is Alburton’s only publicly listed director, said he had not heard from the company or received any mail related to it in nine years.


“I do not have any contact with the Russian government,” he said, adding that he did not know how his name or address were being used and did not know Alburton’s work. He said he intended to remove himself as the company’s Canadian representative.


While Mr. Poberezkin’s story couldn’t be independently verified, it was characteristic of Russian efforts to pull in businesspeople — some of whom may be unwitting and who often have a background linked to Russia — to sidestep sanctions, experts said. That Russia-related businesses dared to do it in a major city of a U.S. ally illustrated how unabashed their evasions could be.


A Canada Border Services Agency spokesman said it could not provide details about Alburton’s operations.


Alburton has other international links. In 2019, it shipped thousands of pounds of electrical cables to Russia through Levitus Trading, a company in the British Virgin Islands, according to the analysis of Russian customs data. Levitus was once the sole owner of Olax, a company now owned by Mr. Chichenev at a familiar address: 135 Bonham Strand in Hong Kong.

阿尔伯顿还有其他国际关系。根据对俄罗斯海关数据的分析,2019年,该公司通过英属维尔京群岛的Levitus Trading公司向俄罗斯运送了数千磅电缆。Levitus曾经是Olax公司的唯一所有者,而这家公司现在的所有人是奇切涅夫,注册地址很熟悉:香港文咸街135号。



创业公司零一万物的联合创始人李开复。该公司今年推出了一款新技术,在全球最佳技术排行榜上名列前茅。 Krista Schlueter for The New York Times

At the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai this month, start-up founder Qu Dongqi showed off a video he had recently posted online. It displayed an old photograph of a woman with two toddlers. Then the photo sprang to life as the woman lifted the toddlers up in her arms and they laughed with surprise.


The video was created by A.I. technology from the Chinese internet company Kuaishou. The technology was reminiscent of a video generator, called Sora, that the American start-up OpenAI unveiled this year. But unlike Sora, it was available to the general public.


“My American friends still can’t use Sora,” Mr. Qu said. “But we already have better solutions here.”


While the United States has had a head start on A.I. development, China is catching up. In recent weeks, several Chinese companies have unveiled A.I. technologies that rival the leading American systems. And these technologies are already in the hands of consumers, businesses and independent software developers across the globe.


While many American companies are worried that A.I. technologies could accelerate the spread of disinformation or cause other serious harm, Chinese companies are more willing to release their technologies to consumers or even share the underlying software code with other businesses and software developers. This kind of sharing of computer code, called open source, allows others to more quickly build and distribute their own products using the same technologies.


Open source has been a cornerstone of the development of computer software, the internet and, now, artificial intelligence. The idea is that technology advances faster when its computer code is freely available for anyone to examine, use and improve upon.


China’s efforts could have enormous implications as A.I. technology continues to develop in the years to come. The technology could increase the productivity of workers, fuel future innovations and power a new wave of military technologies, including autonomous weapons.


When OpenAI kicked off the A.I. boom in late 2022 with the release of the online chatbot ChatGPT, China struggled to compete with technologies emerging from American companies like OpenAI and Google. (The New York Times has sued OpenAI and its partner, Microsoft, claiming copyright infringement of news content related to A.I. systems.) But China’s progress is now accelerating.


Kuaishou released its video generator, Kling, in China more than a month ago and to users worldwide on Wednesday. Just before Kling’s arrival, 01.AI, a start-up co-founded by Kai-Fu Lee, an investor and technologist who helped build Chinese offices for both Google and Microsoft, released chatbot technology that scored nearly as well as the leading American technologies on common benchmark tests that rate the performance of the world’s chatbots.


New technology from the Chinese tech giant Alibaba has also leaped to the top of a leaderboard that rates open-source A.I. systems. “We have disproved the commonplace belief that China doesn’t have the talent or the technology to compete with the U.S.,” Dr. Lee said. “That belief is simply wrong.”


In interviews, a dozen technologists and researchers at Chinese tech companies said open-source technologies were a key reason that China’s A.I. development has advanced so quickly. They saw open-source A.I. as an opportunity for the country to take a lead.


But that will not be easy. The United States remains at the forefront of A.I. research. And U.S. officials have resolved to keep it that way.


The White House has instituted a trade embargo designed to prevent Chinese companies from using the most powerful versions of computer chips that are essential to building artificial intelligence. A group of lawmakers has introduced a bill that would make it easier for the White House to control the export of A.I. software built in the United States. Others are trying to limit the progress of open-source technologies that have helped fuel the rise of similar systems in China.


The top American companies are also exploring new technologies that aim to eclipse the powers of today’s chatbots and video generators.


“Chinese companies are good at replicating and improving what the U.S. already has,” said Yiran Chen, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke University. “They are not as good at inventing something completely new that will bypass the U.S. in five to 10 years.”


But many in China’s tech industry believe that open-source technology could help them grow despite those constraints. And if U.S. regulators stifle the progress of American open-source projects (as some lawmakers are discussing) China could gain a significant edge. If the best open-source technologies come from China, U.S. developers could end up building their systems atop Chinese technologies.


00china ai clement mhpw master1050人工智能公司抱抱脸的首席执行官克莱蒙德·德朗格(右)表示,开源技术可以帮助中国在人工智能领域取得进展。

“Open-source A.I. is the foundation of A.I. development,” said Clément Delangue, chief executive of Hugging Face, a company that houses many of the world’s open-source A.I. projects. The U.S. built its leadership in A.I. through collaboration between companies and researchers, he said, “and it looks like China could do the same thing.”

“开源人工智能是人工智能发展的基础,”抱抱脸公司(Hugging Face)首席执行官克莱蒙德·德朗格说,世界上许多开源人工智能项目在使用这家公司的平台。他说,美国通过企业和研究人员之间的合作,建立了人工智能领域的领导地位,“看起来中国也可以做同样的事情。”

While anyone with a computer can change open-source software code, it takes a lot of data, skill and computing power to fundamentally alter an A.I. system. When it comes to A.I., open source typically means that a system’s building blocks serve as a foundation that allows others to build something new, said Fu Hongyu, the director of A.I. governance at Alibaba’s research institute, AliResearch.


As in other countries, in China there is an intense debate over whether the latest technological advances should be made accessible to anyone or kept as closely held company secrets. Some, like Robin Li, the chief executive of Baidu, one of the few companies in China building its own A.I. technology entirely from scratch, think the technology is most profitable and secure in the hands of a limited few.


A.I. systems require enormous resources: talent, data and computing power. Beijing has made it clear that the benefits accruing from such investments should be shared. The Chinese government has poured money into A.I. projects and subsidized resources like computing centers.


But Chinese tech companies face a major constraint on the development of their A.I. systems: compliance with Beijing’s strict censorship regime, which extends to generative A.I. technologies.


Kuaishou’s new video generator Kling appears to have been trained to follow the rules. Text prompts with any mention of China’s president, Xi Jinping, or controversial topics like feminism and the country’s real estate crisis yielded error messages. An image prompt of this year’s National People’s Congress yielded a video of the delegates shifting in their seats.


Kuaishou did not respond to questions about what steps the company took to prevent Kling from creating harmful, fake or politically sensitive content.


By making their most advanced A.I. technologies freely available, China’s tech giants are demonstrating their willingness to contribute to the country’s overall technological advancement as Beijing has established that the power and profit of the tech industry should be channeled toward the goal of self sufficiency.


The concern for some in China is that the country will struggle to amass the computing chips it needs to build increasingly powerful technologies. But that has not yet prevented Chinese companies from building powerful new technologies that can compete with U.S. systems.


At the end of last year, Dr. Lee’s company, 01.AI, was ridiculed on social media when someone discovered that the company had built its A.I. system using open-source technology originally built by Meta, owner of Facebook and Instagram. Some saw it as a symbol of China’s dependence on American ingenuity.


Six months later, 01.AI unveiled a new version of its technology. It now sits near the top of the leaderboard that ranks the world’s best technologies. Around the same time, a team from Stanford University in California unveiled Llama 3-V, claiming it outperformed other leading models. But a Chinese researcher soon noticed that the model was based on an open-source system originally built in China.

6个月后,零一万物推出了一款新技术。如今,它在世界最佳技术排行榜上名列前茅。大约在同一时间,加州斯坦福大学的一个团队发布了Llama 3-V,声称它的性能优于其他领先模型。但一位中国研究人员很快注意到,该模型是基于最初在中国建立的开源系统。

It was the reverse of the controversy surrounding 01.AI last year: Rather than Chinese developers building atop U.S. technology, U.S. developers built atop Chinese technology.


If regulators limit open-source projects in the United States and Chinese open-source technologies become the gold standard, Mr. Delangue said, this kind of thing could become the norm.


“If the trend continues, it becomes more and more of a challenge for the U.S.,” he said.




Drew Angerer/Getty Images

It’s always a good idea to pay attention to Nancy Pelosi and to judge where things are going by which direction she’s nudging them in, but that was especially true over the past few weeks. When she started sending President Biden signals that he should reconsider his candidacy, I felt almost certain that he’d eventually do so, because she was both giving other Democrats permission to break ranks with him and letting him and his allies know the extent and inevitability of the rebellion.


And I realized that Vice President Kamala Harris wouldn’t face any competition for the Democratic nomination when Pelosi endorsed her. That was the sign.


In other words, Pelosi, a woman who so ably foiled Donald Trump when he was president and she was House speaker, helped make it possible — and then confirmed — that another woman, Harris, would lead the charge to foil him from becoming president again.


It’s a veritable Hollywood movie. Women are scripting what will happen to Trump, who has treated women with such cruelty and contempt.


They still don’t enjoy full equality with men in America, but we sure have been leaning on them lately to save American democracy. The appallingly stymied attempts to hold Trump responsible for his crimes have rested largely on the efforts of women, a few of whom did vanquish him in court, as my Times Opinion colleague Jessica Bennett noted in an essay in April. She did a roll call of his pursuers: “Letitia James. Fani Willis. E. Jean Carroll, and her lawyer Roberta Kaplan. And, of course, Stormy Daniels. The five women who are living rent-free in Mr. Trump’s mind these days.”


I’d add “crazy Nancy Pelosi” — Trump is still regularly calling her that, unable to purge her from his thoughts — to the list. (Jessica wrote about Pelosi in an essay this week.) Also former Representative Liz Cheney: Nobody on the House panel investigating the events of Jan. 6, 2021, was more forceful or impassioned than she was in exposing Trump’s actions and inaction on that day. She, too, squats somewhere in Trump’s gray matter, so much so that he recently amplified social media posts that accused her of treason and urged that she be subjected to a televised military tribunal.


Jessica made her “rent-free” observation on the eve of Trump’s trial in Manhattan for falsifying business records to cover up an alleged dalliance with Daniels, and that proceeding has been so completely overtaken and overshadowed by subsequent events that it might as well have happened in the Ice Age. Fresher developments include Biden’s cataclysmic debate performance, many Democrats’ demands that he end his campaign and their despair when he resisted, talking about all he’d accomplished and how nobody was a more potent foe for Trump.


Who do you suppose was tasked with taking on that male vanity? Women! Jill Biden was exhorted to make everything right. Or it was Valerie Biden’s job. Or Pelosi’s. Hunter Biden was reportedly hunkered down with Dad, but did anyone demand that he tame the paterfamilias? Not that I heard or read. Women were given the heaping measure of responsibility, though they often get only a soupçon of credit.


I do sense progress. When people discussed who might be a stronger Democratic nominee than Biden and the names of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo rightly came up, few dissenters questioned their electability on the ground that they’re women.


And Harris’s doubters on the Democratic side don’t focus on her gender. Some Democrats don’t want her to pick another woman as a running mate — they worry that such a ticket might be a milestone too far — but they’re not afraid that a woman on top is a mistake in the battle against Trump.


Maybe, just maybe, it’s exactly the way to go. Women’s reproductive rights are in the foreground of this presidential election, Harris is practiced and eloquent in her defense of them, and that could widen a gender gap in a way that works to Democrats’ advantage. Women voters could be the barricade between Trump and that first-day dictatorship.


Also, as my Times colleagues Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan wrote recently, and as I discussed with two prominent Democrats in a conversation published on Wednesday, women opponents bring out the ugliest in Trump. Harris will quickly take up residence with Pelosi, Cheney and the gang.


And Trump will have to build an annex, maybe to his frontal or occipital lobe, to accommodate the sorority.




俄罗斯军方周四公布的一张照片显示,一架中国轰炸机(左)和一架俄罗斯战斗机前一天在阿拉斯加附近进行联合巡逻演习。 Russian Defense Ministry, via Reuters

Russia and China flew strategic bombers in a joint patrol exercise near Alaska, the first time they had conducted air drills together in that area, a pointed signal to Washington of their deepening military ties.


Two Russian Tu-95 bombers and two Chinese Xian H-6 planes flew over the waters of the Chukchi and Bering seas, with Russian fighter jets guiding them, the Russian Defense Ministry said Thursday in a statement. The joint flight lasted longer than five hours, the ministry added. It took place on Wednesday.


“During the flight, Russian and Chinese crews worked through issues of cooperation at all stages of the air patrol in a new area of joint operations,” the Russian Defense Ministry said. The ministry said the drill was “not directed against third countries.”


The exercise prompted the United States and Canada to scramble their fighter jets to carry out what is known as an “intercept” in military parlance, or when a country flies its jets alongside foreign aircraft as a show of defense.


U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said at a Pentagon news conference that the aircraft were “closely monitored” and “didn’t enter our airspace. I think the closest point of approach was about 200 miles off of our coast.”


The joint air drills near Alaska, involving bombers capable of delivering nuclear missiles, come as President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia deepens his military’s ties with China, in part as a signal to the West that he will not remain isolated over his invasion of Ukraine. In addition to other joint drills and sales of Russian arms to China, Mr. Putin has grown to rely on a flow of dual-use goods from China to sustain his war effort.


Though Moscow and Beijing carried out their first joint patrol of strategic bombers in 2019, military exercises have increased in frequency since then. They are designed in part to send a message of defiance to Washington and its allies, but also to give the two militaries practice in operating together, should they one day need to fight jointly in a war.


For Russia, the display of Chinese support is part of a broader effort to end American dominance on the world stage and respond to Washington’s regular schedule of exercises with its own allies.


“It’s still in the signaling stage,” Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center, said of Russia’s actions. “And the signaling is, ‘Hey, U.S., we are not alone. We are having a partner that has a huge nuclear arsenal.’”


The Chinese and Russian bombers didn’t cross into American or Canadian airspace during Wednesday’s joint patrol, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, a joint military operation between the United States and Canada that defends the continent’s airspace.


NORAD said the Russian and Chinese aircraft were not seen as a threat.


The Russian and Chinese bombers were flying in an area known as the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, or ADIZ. It is just outside U.S. airspace around the Alaskan coast, where the United States and Canada require the identification of aircraft for national security reasons.


The U.S. and Canadian militaries have intercepted six to seven Russian war planes a year on average since 2007 within the zone, NORAD said in a statement last year. But the area is far afield for Chinese war planes.


The first joint bomber patrol between Russia and China in 2019 took place between South Korea and Japan. Moscow and Beijing have conducted seven more since then, Zhang Xiaogang, a spokesperson for China’s Defense Ministry, said, according to The Associated Press.


The last such patrol took place in Asia in December.




中国人民银行周四降低了一年期贷款成本,本周早些时候还下调了其他利率。 Jason Lee/Reuters

China’s central bank on Thursday cut a key interest rate, in Beijing’s second move this week to try to offset a weakening economy and a housing market crisis.


The unexpected action came as stock markets fell sharply across most of Asia, in an echo of Wall Street’s sharp drop the day before. Market indexes fell roughly 1 to 3 percent in Australia, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.


But share prices were down by less in Shanghai and Shenzhen. That could reflect a favorable response by investors to the central bank’s rate move, or a sign of intervention by the Chinese government, which plays an extensive role in the country’s stock markets.


As markets opened in China on Thursday, the People’s Bank of China, the central bank, reduced its interest rate for one-year loans to commercial banks to 2.3 percent, from 2.5 percent. It was the biggest cut to that rate since a similar reduction in April 2020, when the Chinese economy was struggling because of a nearly national lockdown in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.


The central bank surprised markets because it normally reviews the one-year loan rate only on the 15th of each month. It kept the rate steady on July 15, and also left it unchanged on Monday when it adjusted other rates.


The People’s Bank of China said in a statement only that Thursday’s rate cut was intended to “maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity in the banking system at the end of the month.”


The one-year rate is important as a guide to commercial banks on the interest rates that they use for loans to corporate customers and also to the financing units of local governments. Beijing blocks local governments from borrowing directly from banks, but has allowed them to set up financial units that do so.


Many of these financial units are now deep in debt, and the local governments that control them have been cutting the salaries of teachers and other civil servants to conserve cash.


The reduction in the one-year interest rate followed moves by the central bank on Monday to lower other rates that it controls. The actions came after a conclave of the Communist Party’s leadership on economic policy last week that did not produce the broad course correction that many economists have recommended.


The party reaffirmed its commitment to pursuing economic self-reliance through further investment in industry, while saying less about consumer spending.


Top Chinese economists defended the party’s plan at a government-organized news briefing in Beijing on Thursday afternoon. Liu Xiaoguang, an economic development specialist at Renmin University in Beijing, pointed out that the plan calls for more assistance to families for child-rearing and elder care.


“We will have huge potential to unleash in those two industries,” he said.


By reducing rates now, instead of waiting for a possible cut by the U.S. Federal Reserve this autumn, China runs the risk of prompting more companies and households to move money out of the country as they seek to earn more interest elsewhere. That could cause China’s currency, the renminbi, to weaken further against the dollar.


Lower rates might also prompt a revival of speculative borrowing schemes that were a problem for Beijing several years ago.


But Eswar Prasad, a Cornell University economist who specializes in China’s monetary policy, said that such concerns appeared to be secondary right now. “Supporting growth is taking precedence over other objectives, such as limiting financial risks or preventing currency depreciation,” he said.





There is a glorious folly to the Paris Olympics, the first in the city since 1924, as if France in its perennial revolutionary ardor took a century to ponder something unimaginable, the transformation of a great city into a stadium.


The heart of Paris has fallen silent in preparation for the opening ceremony on Friday, when a flotilla will usher thousands of athletes down the Seine, under the low-slung bridges where lovers like to linger. Not since the Covid-19 pandemic has the city been so still, or so constrained.


From the Pont d’Austerlitz in the east to the Pont Mirabeau in the west, roads are closed, newly built stands for spectators line the riverbanks, fences enclose sidewalks and residents need police-issued QR codes to reach their homes. The golden cherubs, nymphs and winged horses of the Pont Alexandre III gaze out on metal bleachers and posses of police.


The Olympic project is almost unthinkable in its audacity, and a major security headache, but then the Eiffel Tower would never have risen above Paris in 1889 if the many naysayers had prevailed. As it went up for the Paris World Fair, Guy de Maupassant called the tower a “giant hideous skeleton” that had driven him out of Paris.


Now, between its first and second floors, five giant Olympic rings — in blue, yellow, black, green and red — adorn the tower. They glow at night over the Champ de Mars park, where the beach volleyball competition will be held. Nearby flows the Seine, beautified at a cost of about $1.5 billion and clean enough, it is said, for several Olympic events, including two 10-kilometer swims and the triathlon.


Swimming in the Seine was banned 101 years ago. All things come to an end. These Games, at a cost of about $4.75 billion, were conceived to be transformative in a lasting, environmentally conscious way. “We wanted a dash of revolution, something the French would look back at with pride,” Tony Estanguet, the head of the Paris Olympics committee, told me.


00oly paris scene 03 master1050塞纳河上的观光船,周五,运动员们将乘船前往开幕式场地。00oly paris scene 02 master1050凡尔赛宫将举办马术比赛。00oly paris scene 04 master1050奥运会马拉松比赛的起点是市政厅,1944年戴高乐将军在这里发表了他最令人难忘的演讲之一。

Paris has seen its share of upheaval over the centuries. To walk its streets is to be accompanied by history and to be ambushed from time to time, even after many years, by some previously unnoticed inflection of beauty.


To be a “flâneur,” poorly translatable as a wanderer, is a particularly Parisian state, capturing the random meandering of the observer who is entranced by the city and its people. “America is my country and Paris is my hometown,” said Gertrude Stein, the novelist and art collector.


Wonderment is a common condition here. The way the light falls — on a golden dome, or through the leaves of the plane trees, or on the limestone walls of a handsome boulevard, or across the shimmering water of the Seine at dusk — stops visitors in their tracks. The City of Light is also the city of etched shadows ever redrawing its lines.


In summer, crowds of young people gather on the river bank. They drink wine and beer. They play music. Sightseeing boats glide past, carrying tourists who wave and are waved at. The sensual conviviality that has made “Paris” and “romance” inseparable words is palpable.


Among the revelers there is generally a reader or two holding a book, isolating earbuds in place, lost in solitary musing. Paris is a city where books are prized and authors celebrated in prominent posters and other ads that in the United States would be reserved for Hollywood movies.


It is also a city of formality and refuge. Quiet spaces abut architectural grandeur. You are never far from magnificence, perhaps most extravagantly illustrated by Napoleon’s tomb at the Hôtel des Invalides, but never far, either, from an unsuspected covered arcade, like the Passage Verdeau, that snakes from a Grand Boulevard into an intimate world. Hidden enclaves like the little St. Vincent Cemetery in Montmartre are part of the ever renewed mystery of the city.


00oly paris scene tkzw master1050上周在塞纳河游泳的人们。运动员将乘船沿塞纳河顺流而下,前往开幕式场地。24olympics paris scene gjzf master1050大皇宫将成为跆拳道和击剑比赛场地。00oly paris scene mtwc master1050马拉松和公路自行车赛会途经卢浮宫。

Even in the approaches to the Grand Palais, built just off the Avenue des Champs-Élysées for the Paris World Fair of 1900, gravel paths lead through secluded greenery. The immense palace, with its classical stone facade and vaulted roof of iron, steel and glass, will host the taekwondo and fencing events. It seems a suitable setting for the saber.


A little farther down, at the Place de la Concorde, athletes in three-a-side basketball, break dancing (known in the Olympics as break) and BMX freestyle (motocross stunt riders) will compete for gold medals. Guests at the adjacent Crillon Hotel, the ne plus ultra of Paris luxury, may not be amused.


Of course, central Paris is not all of Paris. Much of the Games will take place in Seine-Saint-Denis, a densely populated neighborhood north of the city blighted by poverty, crime and the faltering integration of mainly North African immigrants, deprived of decent schools and opportunity.


It is also a vibrant melting pot and a testament to France’s growing diversity. The Olympic Village will be housed there, and a new 5,000-seat Aquatics Center. A clean river and a revitalized Seine-Saint-Denis integrated into a “Grand Paris” are two of the core aspirations of the Games.


They are noble ambitions, but in France seeing is believing. Clashes over immigration policy in places like Seine-Saint-Denis have been one of the factors poisoning French politics of late, leaving the country deadlocked and with no more than a caretaker government as the Games begin.


Of course, malaise is nothing new in France; in fact, it’s a French word for a long-term national condition.


I see this newly birthed stadium city through many-layered memory. There are places you come to at an impressionable age that will not leave you. Almost a half-century ago, I lived as a student in a tiny apartment at the bottom of the Rue Mouffetard on the Left Bank. I was studying French and giving English lessons three times a week in a high school in a southern suburb famous principally for its prison.


24olympics paris scene tphc master1050荣军院将成为射箭比赛的背景以及马拉松比赛的重点。24olympics paris scene vftk master1050夏天,塞纳河畔聚集着成群结队的年轻人。00oly paris scene 09 master1050在协和广场,运动员们将参加三人篮球和其他项目的比赛。

I would return in the early evening and wander around the Mouffetard market — the mackerel glistening on their bed of ice, the serried ranks of eggplant, the raucous invitations to buy the last of the silvery sardines for a song. Acrid smoke from Gauloise cigarettes swirled in the wintry air. My single window on the city offered inexhaustible distraction.


The smoke has gone, largely, from Paris and there are fewer bracing glasses of sauvignon blanc being served midmorning. English has made a devastating assault on French, with “le sharing” and “le bashing” among my recent least favorites.

香烟已经基本离开了巴黎,也很少有店家会在上午出售令人心旷神怡的长相思。英语对法语发起了毁灭性的攻击,“le sharing”(分享)和“le bashing”(猛击)是我最近最不喜欢的词。

Yet the unique texture of Paris endures — that web of zinc roofs and dormer windows and chimney pots and black-grilled balconies and peeling off-white shutters and cobblestone streets and gravel pathways and flat-topped pollarded trees and inviting bistros with names like Chez Ginette that make it easy for movie directors like Wes Anderson to long to be French, or even imagine they are.

然而,巴黎独特的质感依然存在——锌铁皮屋顶、老虎窗、烟囱、黑色栏杆围起来的阳台、斑驳的白色百叶窗、鹅卵石街道、碎石小径、顶部剪平的树木,以及像“Chez Ginette”(吉内特餐厅)这样的诱人小酒馆,这一切会令韦斯·安德森这样的导演很容易渴望成为法国人,或者甚至想象自己就是法国人。

Food still occupies a central place in Paris. Lunch remains an honored ritual, despite the encroachment of fast food. The advice of A.J. Liebling, the New Yorker writer and gourmand of Paris, remains useful: “Each day brings only two opportunities for fieldwork, and they are not to be wasted minimizing the intake of cholesterol.”


Nothing is more Parisian than the hill of Montmartre, topped by the white-domed Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, besieged by tourists taking as many selfies as photographs of the splendid panorama beneath them. Here the likes of Picasso and Modigliani lived, and here cyclists will climb repeatedly during the road cycling Olympic event.


The Rue Lepic winds down the hill. At one of its curves stands Au Virage Lepic, or the Lepic Bend, a small restaurant with tables set close together.

利比克街从山上蜿蜒而下。在它的一个转弯处,有一家小餐馆,名叫Au Virage Lepic,也就是“利比克弯道”的意思,餐桌摆放得很近。

“What we need from the Olympics is gaiety!” said Maria Leite, the owner of the restaurant, who complained that business was way down as tourists shied away from the Olympics and accompanying restrictions.


Michel Thiriet, 78, a habitué of the restaurant, was lunching alone on steak tartare. I asked him if he was enthused by the Olympics. No, he said, echoing the sentiment of many Parisians who have fled what they see as the life-complicating takeover of their city. For Mr. Thiriet, it was all a form of “megalomania.”


00oly paris scene qzkm master1050没有什么地方比蒙马特山更具巴黎风情了。奥运自行车手们将在这里一次又一次向山顶发起冲击。

00oly paris scene 06 master1050

24olympics paris scene fqlm master1050亚历山大三世桥,位于铁人三项、马拉松游泳和公路自行车赛道上。

He told me he was a retired movie cameraman. And what, I wondered, does he do now? “I am awaiting death with tranquillity,” he said. Fierce realism is another characteristic of a city that has seen it all.


A poll last week by IFOP, a market-research group, found that 36 percent of French people were indifferent to the Games and 27 percent anxious about them. That may well change once it all begins. The Olympics will usher an expected 11.3 million visitors through the history of France, to the Palace of Versailles for equestrian events amid the urns and statuary and formal symmetry of the Gardens, where French royals once disported themselves before being decapitated in the Revolution of 1789.


At the Hôtel de Ville, or City Hall, more elaborate than many a royal palace, the Olympic marathon will begin. It was here on Aug. 25, 1944, in a Paris just liberated from the Nazis, that Gen. Charles de Gaulle made one of his most memorable speeches. “Paris! Paris outraged! Paris broken! Paris martyred! But Paris freed!” he said, before attributing the liberation to “the only France, the true France, the eternal France.”


Nearby, on the Île de la Cité, stands the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, its spire now replaced after the fire of 2019, but still encased in scaffolding as its restoration nears completion. Beyond it, at the east end of the island, is the Memorial to the Martyrs of Deportation, among them the 75,000 Jews killed in Nazi camps by the other France, that of the collaborationist Vichy regime, against which de Gaulle fought and of which he said nothing in his speech.


In some ways the very survival of Paris, marked at different times by religious wars, revolutionary terror and murderous hatred, is a miracle. In the small garden under the Pont Neuf, there is a plaque that commemorates the thousands of Protestants “assassinated because of their religion” in the city in August 1572. I never fail to stop there when I can.


From beneath the willows at the western edge of the Île de la Cité, which points its prow down the river, the city stretches away past the Louvre toward the faintly silhouetted hills of the suburb of St. Cloud. Many have asked, as many of the Olympic athletes no doubt will as they sail toward the Eiffel Tower and Trocadéro: What is this magical harmony of Paris?


It is grace and it is calm and it is consolation for the weary, but perhaps in the end it cannot be pinpointed, and that is of the nature of magic. “Fluctuat nec mergitur,” says the city’s motto. “She is rocked by the waves but does not sink.” With luck, the Olympics will raise Paris still higher and, in a world marked by wars, offer reconciliation and peace.

它是优雅,是平静,是对疲惫的安慰,但也许最终还是无法确定,这就是神奇的本质。这座城市的座右铭是“Fluctuat nec mergitur”——她经历波浪,但永不沉没。如果运气好的话,奥运的浪潮将把巴黎举得更高,并且为这个充满战争的世界带来和解与和平。



拜登总统周三签署了对外援助法案。其中有些条款可能会让他的连任竞选团队感到头疼。 Doug Mills/The New York Times

President Biden just signed a bill that could ban President Biden from using TikTok. But Mr. Biden plans to keep using TikTok until Mr. Biden’s new law forces Mr. Biden off it.


His political team in Wilmington, Del., after all, considers TikTok a vital tool to reach young voters who could be crucial to his chances of winning re-election this fall. The problem is that his national security team in Washington considers the Chinese-owned social media site a threat to America that should be banned if it is not sold.


Reconciling those two imperatives left Mr. Biden’s government and campaign advisers laboring on Wednesday to explain the competing rationales. But it is not the only time that Campaign Joe and Foreign Policy Joe have been at odds in recent months. Campaign Joe tells stories on the trail that Foreign Policy Joe’s staff then has to clean up — or try to ignore as best as possible. Campaign Joe prefers blunt talk. Foreign Policy Joe has to worry about diplomacy.

为了协调这两项要务,拜登的政府和竞选顾问们周三不得不费尽心思解释它们背后相互矛盾的理由。但这并不是近几个月来“竞选乔”(Campaign Joe)和“外交政策乔”(Foreign Policy Joe)唯一的冲突。竞选乔在竞选活动中讲的故事,外交政策乔的幕僚们都得善后,或者尽量忽略不谈。竞选乔喜欢直言不讳。外交政策乔则需要担心外交问题。

The disconnect is hardly unprecedented in an election year. Every president seeking a second term finds himself juggling two different jobs with two different priorities at the same time: running the country and running for office. A candidate is focused on firing up supporters and tearing down the other side. A commander in chief has to worry about what might be best for the nation even if it is not necessarily best for his electoral chances.


Still, the disparity between Wilmington and Washington has been on display lately. When former President Donald J. Trump hosted Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s Florida estate and club, Mr. Biden’s Delaware-based campaign assailed Mr. Orban as “a dictator.” The White House, however, refused to use that term for a NATO ally.


Just last week, Mr. Biden told two campaign audiences that after being shot down during World War II, his uncle might have been eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea. Unsurprisingly, that rather peeved the island nation’s leaders at a time when the president has been courting them as part of his Indo-Pacific strategy.


“Like most effective incumbent presidents, President Biden can navigate doing two things at once: being commander in chief, and barnstorming the battlegrounds, taking his popular and historic agenda to the voters who will decide this election,” Kevin Munoz, a campaign spokesman, said in a statement. “It’s a stark contrast to Trump, who couldn’t manage the day job when he was in office and can’t seem to wake up to the fact that he’s running on a deeply toxic agenda that will lose him the election again this November.”


Problematic offhand remarks have long been a challenge for Mr. Biden, who once called himself “a gaffe machine.” Campaigns result in more opportunities to go off script than speaking off a teleprompter in the East Room, so the White House cleanup squad invariably has a surge in business at this point in the electoral cycle.


It was at a campaign fund-raiser last year that Mr. Biden referred to President Xi Jinping of China as “a dictator” — just a day after Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken had met with Mr. Xi in Beijing in an effort to smooth over friction in the U.S.-Chinese relationship. When Mr. Biden was later asked at a news conference if he would still call Mr. Xi a dictator, he said, “Well, look — he is,” and Mr. Blinken, sitting nearby, appeared to wince.


25dc memo jvpg master1050去年,美国国务卿布林肯在听拜登总统发表演讲。当拜登把中国国家主席习近平称为独裁者时,布林肯显得有些难堪。

Not that anyone in Washington would privately dispute that Mr. Xi is a dictator. But as a matter of timing, saying it out loud complicated Mr. Blinken’s diplomacy. As it happens, Mr. Blinken seems to have remarkable timing when it comes to these things. Where was the secretary on Wednesday when Mr. Biden signed the TikTok legislation? He had just landed in Beijing for more talks with Chinese leaders.


Mr. Orban is another leader widely considered a dictator in Washington. But because he leads a treaty ally of the United States, official criticism of his policies cracking down on democracy is usually more measured.


Not so when Mr. Orban met with Mr. Trump last month. “Donald Trump is kicking off the general election” by welcoming rogues like “Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban,” the Biden campaign said in an emailed statement. Mr. Biden himself, at a later campaign stop, did not go quite that far but referred to Mr. Orban as someone “looking for dictatorship.”


The statements prompted outrage in Budapest, where Mr. Orban’s government summoned the U.S. ambassador to protest. “We are not obliged to tolerate such lies from anyone, even if that person happens to be the president of the United States of America,” Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto complained at a news conference.


That left Jake Sullivan, the president’s national security adviser, in the awkward position of declining to say whether Mr. Orban is a dictator. “I’m not going to speak on behalf of the Biden campaign,” he told reporters at a briefing. “You should direct those questions to the campaign.” He did express “our deep concerns about Hungary’s assault on democratic institutions.”


Heather A. Conley, the president of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, a research group that promotes democracy, noted that Mr. Orban had injected himself into America’s politics, attending the Conservative Political Action Conference and declaring after his Mar-a-Lago visit that it would be “better for Hungary” if Mr. Trump returned to power.


“Tragically, Hungary has become both a foreign policy and a campaign issue,” she said. Still, she added, calling Mr. Orban a dictator has concrete foreign policy implications. “Should a NATO member, head of state, government be declared a ‘dictator,’ the country would be placed in a special penalty box until the dictatorship is over,” she said, recalling the military junta that took over Greece from 1967 to 1974.


Last week’s presidential cannibal storytelling provoked a backlash of its own. Mr. Biden was talking about his uncle’s death in World War II. “He got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea,” he said at one stop.


Never mind that the story does not even appear to be true. According to Pentagon records, his uncle, Second Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan, was a passenger on a military plane that crashed in the Pacific off the northern coast of what was then the territory of New Guinea on May 14, 1944, after its engines failed. Mr. Finnegan and two crew members disappeared and were presumed dead, but the report does not indicate that the plane was shot down, much less that anyone encountered cannibals.


The president’s comments did not go over well in Papua New Guinea, with whom Mr. Biden has been trying to strengthen relations as part of his effort to counter Chinese aggression in the region. “President Biden’s remarks may have been a slip of the tongue; however, my country does not deserve to be labeled as such,” Prime Minister James Marape said.


Gordon Peake, an expert in the region at the United States Institute of Peace, said the flap was a reminder that comments could have unintended consequences. “Papua New Guinea and the wider Pacific, traditionally a bit of a diplomatic backwater for the major powers, is now something of a seller’s market as competition ramps up,” he said. “So words are mattering now more than ever.”


The new TikTok law was part of a $95 billion foreign aid measure to provide arms to Ukraine and Israel for their ongoing wars and to bolster Taiwan against possible Chinese aggression. Under the law, TikTok’s Chinese owner, ByteDance, has to sell within 270 days, or about nine months, or shut down operations in the United States because of concerns over sensitive privacy information and propaganda. The president can extend that deadline to a year.


25dc memo hktz master1050在拜登总统签署成为法律后,TikTok遭禁的可能性会赶走年轻选民。

That means that Mr. Biden’s campaign can continue to use TikTok through the November election. Mr. Sullivan, the national security adviser, declined to say whether the campaign should leave the platform in the meantime. “I’m going to let campaigns decide for themselves what they’re going to do,” he told reporters on Wednesday.


Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, emphasized that TikTok did not necessarily face a ban if it could find a buyer. “We want to see a divestment,” she said. “We want to see it being sold, and we do not seek a ban.”


She added that the White House was not urging anyone to leave the platform in the interim. “We’re not saying that we do not want Americans to use TikTok,” she said. “We want to make sure it’s done in a way that we protect our national security and we protect Americans.”


But in fact, the Biden administration has told some Americans not to use TikTok, or at least limited how they use it. Last year, it banned federal employees from having TikTok on their government devices, a rule that applied to federal contractors and any personal devices used for federal work.


The bill that Mr. Biden signed on Wednesday exemplified the conflict between foreign policy and electoral considerations. Not only did he risk alienating millions of young people who use TikTok, but the measure also included billions of dollars in arms for Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, even though his support for Israel has cost him support among young progressives outraged by the civilian casualty toll.


In his comments on signing the bill, Mr. Biden emphasized that it included money for humanitarian relief in Gaza. But he made no mention of TikTok.


About three hours later, his campaign posted its latest video on TikTok attacking Mr. Trump.




“没有什么能够阻挡民主,”拜登说。“包括个人的抱负”。 Pete Marovich for The New York Times

President Biden told the American public in an Oval Office address on Wednesday that he had abandoned his re-election campaign because there is “a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices — yes, younger voices.”


His words, lasting 11 minutes in all, were the first extensive ones from Mr. Biden since his decision to step aside, and expanded on his initial announcement, delivered in a post on social media on Sunday, that he was dropping out of the race. His tone was wistful and his speech was an early farewell.


“It’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years,’’ he said


Sitting behind the Resolute Desk and surrounded by photos of his family, Mr. Biden ticked through the accomplishments of his term, ranging from the choice of the first Black woman to be a Supreme Court justice to pulling the country out of a paralyzing pandemic. He expressed gratitude to the American people for allowing a “kid with a stutter” from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pa., to reach the pinnacle of American politics.


Just beyond the camera, dozens of aides and several members of his family, including Jill Biden, the first lady, watched as Mr. Biden said he would walk away from the office they had worked to help him reach for decades.


“I revere this office,” he said, “but I love my country more.”


Ultimately, Mr. Biden said, he concluded that “the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation.” The president praised Vice President Kamala Harris — “she’s experienced, she’s tough, she’s capable” — but warned, as he has for years, that Americans faced a choice between preserving democracy and allowing it to backslide.

拜登说,他最终得出的结论是,“前进的最佳途径是把火炬传递给新一代。”总统赞扬了副总统贺锦丽——“她经验丰富、作风顽强、能力出众”—— 但是,他警告说,正如他这些年所说的那样,美国人要在维护民主和任其倒退之间做出选择。

“History is in your hands,” Mr. Biden said. “The power is in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. We just have to keep faith, keep the faith, and remember who we are.”


24dc biden vcgf master1050此前感染新冠的拜登总统在特拉华州的海滨别墅度过了本周的前几天,于周二返回华盛顿。

Mr. Biden, who spent the first part of the week recovering from Covid at his beach house in Delaware, spoke with a rasp and slight slur in his voice, speaking sometimes haltingly as he promised that he would defend his legacy and do what he could to help Ms. Harris win the election against former President Donald J. Trump. He stared straight ahead into the camera and seldom blinked.


“Over the next six months I will be focused on doing my job as president,” Mr. Biden said. “That means I will continue to lower costs for hard-working families, grow our economy. I will keep defending our personal freedoms and civil rights, from the right to vote to the right to choose.”


This speech was the fourth Oval Office address of Mr. Biden’s presidency and the second just this month. Ten days ago, Mr. Biden urged Americans to lower the political temperature after a gunman opened fire at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, wounding the former president and killing one of his supporters.


Other than saying it was time to pass the torch to someone young, Mr. Biden offered no other reason for his decision to step down. He did not mention the three-week pressure campaign from his own party to get him out of the race after his faltering and at times incoherent debate performance with Mr. Trump in June 27.


Mr. Biden and his advisers, aides said, still believed that he had a path to victory, but that he had been unable to flip the focus from his debate showing back onto the policies espoused by Mr. Trump. His decision to turn the race over to Ms. Harris ultimately overrode some of his private concerns about her ability to be able to win in a general election.


The drafting of his Wednesday address began on Sunday after Mr. Biden made the decision to drop out. Mike Donilon, one of the president’s senior aides, helped Mr. Biden fashion the remarks. Jon Meacham, the presidential historian, contributed to the speech, as well as Vinay Reddy, a White House speechwriter.


24dc biden bqzp master1050拜登在决定放弃竞选连任后,于周日开始起草周三的讲话。

Mr. Biden now has six months to bolster a legacy that he is proud of but that gained little traction among Democratic voters, who had long registered their concerns in polls about his age and ability to do the job. Over the last three-and-a-half years, Mr. Biden worked to repair frayed relations with American allies in the West, passed a raft of landmark legislation and helped lead the country out of a crippling pandemic.


But Mr. Biden, a former senator who spent 36 years priding himself in his ability to find compromise on legislation, now has little hope to deliver on unfulfilled promises he has made on issues ranging from women’s rights to voting protections.


In recent days, Ms. Harris has blazed onto the campaign trail, surfing a wave of hope and enthusiasm from Democratic voters that was absent during much of Mr. Biden’s presidency. Though Mr. Biden has promised to campaign vigorously for the vice president, his schedule for next week remains relatively clear, beyond a trip to Austin on Monday to speak at the presidential library of President Lyndon B. Johnson — the last Democratic president who decided not to seek re-election.


Mr. Biden is also facing heightened pressure from Republicans — including Mr. Trump’s new running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio — who argue that he must resign if he does not think he would be able to serve a second term.


In a press briefing on Wednesday, Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said that Mr. Biden would not resign and, in fact, still believes that he would be able to fulfill his duties four years into a second term.


He did not say any of that in the Oval Office. Instead, he said repeatedly that he had put the good of the country before his political aspirations.


“Nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy,” Mr. Biden said. “That includes personal ambition.”





2023年,中国人民大学的毕业生。一名博士生投诉其教授性骚扰后,该大学面临公众审查。 Wu Hao/EPA, via Shutterstock

In the video, the Chinese graduate student stared straight into the camera as she spoke. She wore a mask, but in a bold move, made clear who she was by holding up her identification card. Then she issued an explosive accusation: A prominent professor at a top Chinese university had been sexually harassing her for two years.


Shortly after the woman posted the video on her Chinese social media pages on Sunday, it drew millions of views and set off an online outcry against the professor she named, Wang Guiyuan, then the vice-dean and Communist Party head of Renmin University’s School of Liberal Arts in Beijing.


The next day, Renmin University fired Mr. Wang, saying that officials had investigated the student’s allegations and found that they were true.


The swift response by the university reflected the growing pressure that Chinese academic institutions have come under to curb sexual harassment on campus. In recent years, several schools have been accused of not doing enough to protect their students from tutors and professors who preyed on them.


At the same time, in denouncing the professor, the university and commentaries in state media that followed studiously avoided describing his conduct as sexual harassment. Instead, they depicted it as a moral failing, using language that feminist activists and scholars say points to a strategy of deflection that turns the attention away from victims.


“If they have to avoid saying ‘sexual harassment,’ it’s very hard to imagine that they take sexual violence seriously,” said Feng Yuan, an academic and the founder of an anti-domestic violence help line in Beijing.


In her video, the graduate student, who identified herself as Wang Di, said that Mr. Wang, her doctoral supervisor, had demanded in 2022 to have sex with her, then abused her physically and verbally after she refused.


“Because I rejected him, he retaliated over the past two years, threatening that I would not graduate,” she said in the hourlong video. She included audio clips of what she described as recordings of his attempts to force himself on her. She also said she had text messages that backed up her claims.


Renmin University responded by saying it had verified the student’s allegations and dismissed the professor, whom it identified only by his last name, Wang. In a statement, the school said the professor had “seriously breached the party discipline, school rules and the professional ethics of teachers.”


Mr. Wang, the professor, did not reply to an email seeking comment. Ms. Wang, the student, also did not respond to a request for comment.


00china professor 02 lqjm master1050周一,中国人民大学的主校区。该学校称已证实了学生的指控。

The university also said he had been expelled by the Communist Party, and the local police department said it was investigating the situation. An online commentary about the case in the People’s Daily, a Communist Party mouthpiece, hailed the quick action, saying: “Black sheep cannot remain in the herd and the reputation of top schools cannot be destroyed.”


Feminist activists said that school administrators were often more concerned about protecting the reputation of the school than the rights of the victim. Schools in China have long encouraged students to keep quiet about such allegations. In this case, the activists said, administrators may have had little choice but to take action, given the evidence that the student had collected and the widespread scrutiny on the school.


The Chinese authorities have tried to avoid addressing the harm that had been done to the victim, said Lu Pin, a prominent Chinese feminist activist. “It is not a question of rights, it is not a question of safety, but a problem of violating morality and the politics of the party-state,” she said. This was to avoid being seen as encouraging students to seek legal redress, she said.


The avoidance of the term “sexual harassment” has been a feature in past cases as well. In 2023, Southwest University in Chongqing fired a professor after a doctoral student said he had pressured her into having sex with him. In the university’s announcement, it described the teacher as having had an “improper sexual relationship” with a student, a term that scholars like Ms. Feng say is problematic because it implicates the victim as well.


Even though sexual harassment by university teachers of students is officially described as a breach of professional ethics, the tendency within academia was to downplay the issue, said Lao Dongyan, a law professor from Tsinghua University, in a post on Weibo.


Yet “the environment around me seems to collectively assume it a trivial matter, or even an inevitable love affair for the men,” she wrote in the post, which has been liked nine million times.


That Ms. Wang had to resort to going public with her complaint at the cost of her privacy reflected how weak reporting mechanisms on campus can be, Ms. Lu said.


After the university’s response, Ms. Wang posted a statement online saying she was satisfied by the school’s response and appreciative of its concern for her well-being. Her original video was no longer available, though it was not immediately clear who took it down.




周三,乌克兰外长德米特罗·库列巴(左)在广州与中国外长王毅于会谈前握手,照片由中国官方媒体发布。 Lu Hanxin/Xinhua, via Associated Press

Ukraine’s top diplomat met with China’s foreign minister on Wednesday in talks that signaled Kyiv’s increased willingness to pursue a diplomatic solution to the war with Russia and to have China play a more central role in the effort.


“I am convinced that a just peace in Ukraine is in China’s strategic interests,” Dmytro Kuleba said in a statement after a meeting with Wang Yi, the Chinese official, in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou. “China’s role as a global force for peace is important.”


Mr. Kuleba made clear that Ukraine attached conditions to such negotiations, saying it would only engage Russia when Moscow was “ready to negotiate in good faith.” He added: “No such readiness is currently observed on the Russian side.”


Mr. Kuleba is visiting China for the first time since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. His trip comes as Ukraine is slowly losing ground in the war and faces growing uncertainty about the level of support it will have from the West. Moscow and Kyiv briefly held peace talks in the spring of 2022 but they quickly broke down over critical issues.


For China, hosting Mr. Kuleba reflects the country’s ambition to play a bigger role in global security challenges as a counterweight to the United States. It also serves to rebut Western criticism of Beijing’s close alignment with Russia.


Mr. Wang said China was committed to finding a political solution to the crisis, adding that while the timing was not yet right, Moscow and Kyiv had “sent signals of their willingness to negotiate to varying degrees,” according to a readout from China’s Foreign Ministry.


Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, told reporters Mr. Kuleba’s reported openness to negotiations with Russia was “in unison with our position” and added that Russia has never refused talks.


Ukrainian and Western officials reject the idea that Russia is open to good-faith peace talks. They describe the Kremlin’s frequent messages about negotiations as a propaganda ruse designed to obfuscate the Kremlin’s determination to force Ukraine to capitulate.


President Vladimir V. Putin’s cease-fire conditions — that Ukraine gives up four frontline regions that Russia partly controls, and that Kyiv pledges to never join the NATO military alliance — are a nonstarter for Ukraine, leaving little to no room for negotiations. Ukraine, for its part, wants to regain full control of its territory and to join NATO, which is anathema to Moscow.


24ukraine china 02 gplc master1050泽连斯基总统上个月在瑞士举行的和平峰会上。中国曾试图在莫斯科和基辅之间进行调解,但很快遭到欧洲领导人的拒绝。

China’s previous attempt to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, with a 12-point plan it put forward in 2023, was quickly dismissed by European leaders. Beijing had since eschewed a public role in the war, declining to participate in a Ukrainian-held peace summit in Switzerland last month because Russia was not invited.


The summit eventually failed to rally support from regional powers such as India and Saudi Arabia. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, recently said Ukraine aimed to hold a second peace summit later this year, ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November, and that Russia should participate.


Beijing now may be calculating that the time is right to step in, partly based on a belief that Ukraine may be more realistic about how the war might end, said Yun Sun, the director of the China program at the Stimson Center, a foreign affairs think tank in Washington.


“The Chinese wanted to play the role of a peacemaker and they weren’t able to before because the timing was not mature, in that Ukraine still believed that it could prevail in winning the war on its own terms,” Ms. Sun said.


In Kyiv, there has been a growing understanding that peace talks without China’s participation “will not be meaningful,” said Nataliya Butyrska, an expert on Ukrainian-Asian relations at the Kyiv-based New Europe Center, a foreign policy think tank.


“China is a country that can push Russia to engage in peace talks,” Ms. Butyrska said, adding that Mr. Kuleba’s visit partly aimed to secure Beijing’s participation in the second peace summit.


Ukraine wants to speed up peace talks partly because of the prospect of a Trump victory in the U.S. presidential election this autumn, she said. Mr. Trump’s vow to end the war quickly has raised fears in Kyiv that he would push for a peace deal that would allow Russia to keep the territory it occupies today and leave it in a position to attack Ukraine again.


The Ukrainian army is also on the back foot along a frontline stretching more than 600 miles, as Russian troops creep forward and capture towns. Although the vast majority of the population is adamantly opposed to Russia’s maximalist peace terms, there has been growing acceptance of the need for peace talks.


China is in a unique position to mediate because its top leader, Xi Jinping, has a good relationship with Mr. Putin. The two have met dozens of times as presidents of their countries. Beijing also has economic leverage over Moscow, said Alexander Gabuev, the director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center, a research group.


“In theory they can use that leverage to push Russia,” Mr. Gabuev said.





Jeff Kowalsky/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

On Sunday, almost immediately after prominent Democrats started endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for president, attacks from the political right started pouring in. Will Chamberlain, a conservative lawyer who worked on Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign, posted on X that Harris “shouldn’t be President” because she doesn’t have biological children; “becoming a step-parent to older teenagers doesn’t count,” he wrote, adding that “The concerns of parents and families will always be abstract to her” because she doesn’t have “skin in the game, a stake in the future, and the lived experience of raising children.”


First, let’s note the obvious: If elected, Harris wouldn’t be the first American president with no biological children. There were five others: George Washington, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, James Polk and James Buchanan. (Warren Harding had a child out of wedlock and publicly denied paternity; that he was the father was confirmed by DNA testing almost a century later.)


But more to the point, if you think that the concerns of parents and families will always be “abstract” to someone who doesn’t have children, you’re telling on yourself. It’s not simply that, by all accounts, Harris has a close, loving relationship with her stepkids. It’s that it’s possible for people who have basic empathy to understand the needs, aspirations and concerns of fellow citizens who aren’t exactly like them — and to commit to their well-being.


It actually should be a requirement for presidential candidates to have compassion for people they’ll never meet. And it strikes me as anti-American to argue that a politician is any less invested in families or our country’s future because of his or her own parental status. It should go without saying, but: Having children doesn’t necessarily make you a better person.


This argument is also appallingly dismissive to so many adults who dote on the children in their lives and devote time, money and care to helping them grow, regardless of whether they are related by blood. It’s even more hurtful to people who really want to have children but are unable to.


This is, also, not a new tactic for the right. As a way of clinging to the tag line that the G.O.P. is the pro-family party — despite working, during the Biden years, to defeat federal legislation that included paid family leave and affordable high-quality child care — some Republicans are content to paint the Democratic Party as the party of “childless cat ladies.”


When JD Vance, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, was running for Senate in 2021, he told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson:


We’re effectively run, in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too. And it’s just a basic fact, if you look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, A.O.C. — the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?


Vance has taken his feud with the childless even further than that, floating the idea in 2021 — apparently earnestly — of giving children votes that would be controlled by their parents, something that would have the effect of giving parents a greater say in our democracy than people without kids. (Vance has also spoken out against divorce and people who “shift spouses like they change their underwear,” but that criticism seems not to apply to his thrice-married running mate.)


Buttigieg has become a father since Vance and his fellow conservatives began this line of attack. But these critiques are part of the right-wing obsession with the traditional nuclear family. As the former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy put it: “The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.”


Instead of using Harris’s biography as a way to dismiss her family-friendly bona fides, we should be looking at her record. By that measure, Harris could be one of the most pro-family candidates we’ve had in recent memory. She was the public face of Democrats’ efforts in 2022 to promote the expanded child tax credits that families received as part of the American Rescue Plan, and in his endorsement of Harris, Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado praised her commitment to this policy and her “dedication to our country’s security and our children’s prosperity.”


By contrast, when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked a question about child care in the presidential debate last month, Donald Trump responded with a word salad about firing a bunch of people, draining the swamp and how President Biden is terrible.


Elder care often gets left out of discussions about caregiving in this country, though many people without children are spending a great deal of resources caring for older family members. This will only become a more important issue in the next decade, as by 2030, an estimated 73 million Americans will be seniors. In April, Vice President Harris announced two rules that help support older Americans and their caregivers, including a minimum staffing rule at nursing homes that receive federal funding and a wage requirement for home care workers.


When Vice President Harris spoke at a child-care center in 2021, she looked out at the crowd and referred to the kids in attendance as “our babies.” They’re our babies, she said, because “I was raised to understand that the children of the community are the children of the community.”


I want a future for my own children in which everybody looks out for the babies of the whole community and aren’t distrusting of people who live their lives differently, whether by circumstance or by choice.




中国的一座太阳能发电场。去年中国的太阳能板装机量超过了美国历史上的总和。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times

China, the world’s biggest source of planet-warming greenhouse gases for most of the past two decades, is seemingly on the verge of bending its emissions curve from years of steep growth into a flat plateau.


The implications for climate change could scarcely be greater. Since China’s emissions surpassed those of the United States in 2006, China’s global share has grown to almost a third — a huge number, even with population differences taken into account.


A recent spate of data from China’s government, as well as reports by energy analysts, have provided positive signs that while China’s emissions may not decrease significantly, they also may not grow. China’s president, Xi Jinping, had pledged to reach that turning point by 2030.


“The important thing to understand is that when China’s emissions stop growing, it likely follows that the world’s stop growing, too,” said Dave Jones, global insight director at Ember, an energy think tank.


The biggest factor in the shift is changes to how China produces its electricity. In short, renewable sources are replacing coal, the most polluting fossil fuel.


Last year alone, China installed more solar panels than the United States has in its entire history, and connected most of them to its electricity grid.


Almost two-thirds of big wind and solar plants under construction globally are in China, according to a report last week from Global Energy Monitor. That is more than eight times the wind and solar capacity being planned in the United States.


And in May, China generated 53 percent of its electricity from coal, its lowest share since its government began publishing energy data decades ago, while nearly all the rest of it came from non-fossil-fuel sources. “This indicated that China may have peaked” its emissions, said Belinda Schäpe, a China analyst at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.


However, some observers caution that “peak” was perhaps the wrong word to describe the current trend in China.


“We’ve been talking about whether there’s been a peak for almost a decade,” said Li Shuo, the director of China Climate Hub at the Asia Society Policy Institute. “Peaking assumes persistent emissions decline after it is passed. That’s not an assumption we can or should make.”


Mr. Li said it was more likely that China’s emissions would plateau. And he cautioned that while growth in renewable energy was responsible for replacing coal in electricity generation, other factors — such as China’s recent real estate crisis and sluggish post-pandemic economy — have led to less consumption of energy overall, which might skew the data downward, but only temporarily.


“If you look at China’s emissions profile of the past two decades, one particular source was hugely significant: real estate and construction, whose supply chain made up about a third of all emissions,” he said. “That’s cooling off.”


More reliable signs have come from recent policy shifts, he said. In particular, a new ban on permits for steel factories that would use coal to fire their blast furnaces could have far-reaching effects. A huge push toward electric-vehicle production has also dampened demand for oil.


But, ultimately, China’s emissions trajectory will come down to how quickly renewables can displace coal from its electricity mix. While coal’s share has fallen, China is still investing in it as a power source.


China alone accounted for two-thirds of the world’s newly operating coal plants last year. In 2023, new coal-plant construction hit an eight-year high in China. If China were to build all the others it has proposed, it would add the equivalent of one-third of its current operating fleet. Today, China accounts for around 60 percent of the world’s coal use.


Some of China’s coal build-out is meant to provide a fallback option for when wind and solar generation dips. But China is also investing heavily in pumped-storage hydropower. Pumped hydro is a way to store energy by pumping water uphill to a reservoir during times of low demand for electricity, then releasing it later to generate extra electricity if demand surges.


Those systems could help reduce the demand for coal power during peak times.


Oil and gas are also used in Chinese industry as power sources. But Mr. Li cautioned that while both China’s domestic production of petrochemicals was growing as well as its imports of them, the deciding factor in China’s emissions trajectory will be coal’s decline.


In the coming months, China’s government is expected to unveil new commitments to reduce emissions ahead of November’s United Nations-sponsored climate summit, COP 29, in Azerbaijan.


“Diplomatic attention is fixated on the question: Has China peaked or not,” said Mr. Li. “You could imagine that if the answer is yes, so far ahead of schedule, it might give China more reason to be even more ambitious with its reduction targets.”




卡玛拉·哈里斯的粉丝们用Charli XCX的《Brat》时期标志性的灰绿色滤镜,让她沐浴在时尚酷炫的流行歌星光晕之下。 Illustration by The New York Times; Photograph by Chris Kleponis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Kamala Harris is a highly memeable presidential candidate. She dances in a loose and enthusiastic manner. She has an idiosyncratic speaking style. She laughs easily, including at herself. This has not always worked in her favor.


When Harris said, in a May 2023 speech, “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?,” a Republican YouTube channel snipped the clip from its context and tossed it to commentators, who used it to compare Harris to a daffy talk show host or to joke that she sounded high. Videos of Harris dancing at campaign events were labeled “cringe.” The stickiest anti-Kamala meme of the 2020 election — that the former prosecutor Harris “is a cop” — united leftists, Black Twitter and Republican trolls in an internet-wide project of framing Harris as either a reactionary or a hypocrite.


Now these images have been reversed. Since President Biden bowed out of the race and threw his support to Harris, the familiar old Kamala memes have risen again. It’s their interpretation that has changed.


In the hands of her online fans, Harris’s word salad has been replated as hypnotic internet speak. Her confounding coconut tree quote — “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you,” she went on to say — now circulates as a symbol of the giddy high produced by her dizzy rise in a destabilized campaign. Her dance moves have been set to Charli XCX songs and filtered through Charli’s lime-green “Brat”-era branding, bathing Harris in her chill hot-mess pop star glow. Even “Kamala Harris is a cop” has been reclaimed, with an exaggerated wink, by supporters eager to fashion it into a winning general-election pitch.

在她的网络粉丝手中,哈里斯那些不知所云的话经过重新包装,变成了令人迷醉互联网话语。她那句令人困惑的椰子树名言——在那句话之后,她接着说:“你存在于你所处的环境和你之前的环境之中”——现在被当做她在一场动荡的竞选中因为过于快速的崛起而头晕目眩的象征,并且流传开来。她的舞蹈动作被配上了Charli XCX的歌曲,并且配上了《Brat》时期Charli标志性的灰绿色滤镜,让哈里斯沐浴在时尚酷炫的流行歌星光晕之下。甚至“卡玛拉·哈里斯是条子”这句话也被支持者重新拾起,配上夸张的眨眼动作,他们希望把它塑造成赢得大选的宣传口号。

The measure of a candidate’s charisma used to be, “Would you have a beer with her?” Now it’s more like, “Are you willing to spend your evening editing a fancam-style video that sets her idiosyncrasies to pop music so effectively that they produce a pleasant narcotic effect?”


All of it feels like a fun house mirror to the online energy that vibrates around the other party’s presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump. The Trump fandom stands ready and willing to spin any potential weakness, up to and including a felony conviction, into a triumphant meme. The MAGA stan proves his loyalty and ingenuity by processing even the gravest concerns into pro-Trump grist, thus maximizing his satisfaction at triggering the left. It once seemed as if the Democratic Party could never produce a candidate who could inspire an internet response quite that powerful and strange. Now, improbably, it has.


The mantra of Harris’s online converts — “I’m coconut pilled” — riffs on the symbology of “The Matrix” to signal that their perspective has undergone a reality-altering shift, one with enough chaotic power to upend the presidential race. Part of Harris’s viral energy feels generated by the topsy-turvy motion of the campaign itself. The pent-up excitement at Biden’s decision not to seek a second term, after months of mounting concerns, accrues to her. It helps that the Harris memes booted up shortly after Biden’s disastrous debate. It makes it feel as if the internet manifested her candidacy. Her boosters are now tipsy with their collective power.


The undercurrent to many of the anti-Kamala memes was the accusation that she occasionally appeared smugly unintelligible. One viral supercut, which showed Harris passionately delivering the catchphrase “what can be, unburdened by what has been” over and over again, was circulated by the Republican National Committee before it was reclaimed by Harris supporters. The mild incoherence of her phrasing only makes it more interesting as a hook on TikTok, where fans chop up and remix a candidate’s speech like D.J.s working a goofy soundboard. Now, in a bizarre reversal, right-wing influencers are trying to imbue Harris’s nonsense with meaning. One has floated the theory on X that the “unburdened” line is “a Marxist and Luciferian incantation, and that’s easily seen.”


The redemption of the “unburdened” meme is also a reaction to the legitimately concerning gibberish generated by the elder statesmen in the race over the past few months. Harris now presides over a post-coherence landscape, one where her occasionally meandering phrasing feels refreshingly low stakes. It’s a quirk, not an existential threat to American democracy. The “unburdened” supercut shows a candidate who can memorize a line and capably deliver it on command — not something that could be said of Joe Biden, in the end.


Biden always fared poorly on TikTok, the platform that he hoped to ban from American phones even as his campaign dutifully opened an account. The use of a warmed-over “Dark Brandon” meme as Biden’s avatar — where he’s styled as a secret mastermind, lasers shooting from his eyes — failed to capture the audience’s imagination. Instead it was captivated by videos of Biden seemingly wandering, stumbling and freezing during numerous presidential appearances.


The campaign sought to dismiss these depictions as the distortions of a disinformation machine and flooded the app with its own videos. In many of them, anonymous youthful Biden surrogates made concerned faces and soliloquized talking points. The campaign seemed to think that it could fix its TikTok problem by posting lots of TikToks, but TikTok’s fixation on his possible cognitive decline was an early signal of a deeper issue — one that Biden, and many of his supporters, only seriously acknowledged after it was showcased on live television during the first presidential debate.


Shortly after Biden stepped down on Sunday, James Medlock, a pseudonymous social democratic Twitter power user, reposted a leftist meme of Harris that first circulated in 2019. In the image, Harris is Photoshopped into a police uniform and superimposed in front of the thin blue line flag. She is made to laugh and handcuff a Black child.


“Remember,” Medlock wrote on X, “now we pivot to not mentioning Kamala’s sterling left wing voting record and her cool Marxist dad, and instead loudly say she’s a cop who will lock up all the criminals. It’s time to win this election.” Another user Photoshopped a picture of Donald Trump in the child’s place. Then someone Photoshopped Charli XCX in instead.

“记住,”梅德洛克在X上写道,“现在我们不再提卡玛拉出色的左翼投票记录和她那酷酷的马克思主义老爸,现在要大声说,她是一个会把所有罪犯都关起来的警察。现在是时候赢得这次选举了。”另一位用户用Photoshop将特朗普的照片放在了孩子的位置上。然后有人用Photoshop将Charli XCX换了上去

When internet users make Kamala Harris appear to arrest Charli XCX, or splice her coconut tree line into a Taylor Swift track, it’s not clear how firmly their tongues are in their cheeks, or where their sincere politics lie. But their sincerity is not required. With Harris, a meme alliance has emerged between the Democratic Party’s irony-pilled leftists and its #resistance-core centrists, and now this ragtag crew has come together to try to lift her into the White House. For very online members of the left who view Harris as insufficiently radical, the playfulness of her memes is protective. The ironic distance stands in for their own political distance from their new favorite candidate.

当互联网用户把卡玛拉·哈里斯塑造成逮捕Charli XCX的形象,或者为她的椰子树那句话配上泰勒·斯威夫特的歌曲时,我们并不清楚他们有多真诚,也不清楚他们真正的政治立场是什么。但是没有人需要他们的真诚。在哈里斯身上,民主党张口就是讽刺的左派和它相信#抵抗核心(#resistance-core)的中间派之间形成了一个米姆联盟,现在这群散漫的人聚集在一起,试图把她抬进白宫。对于那些认为哈里斯不够激进的左翼网络成员来说,这些俏皮的米姆起到了保护作用。这种具有讽刺意味的距离代表了他们自己与这位新宠候选人之间的政治距离。

On the internet, the project of electing an establishment Democrat like Harris can feel almost subversive. Or at the very least, mildly entertaining.





Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

History has its eye on us. President Biden’s decision to end his campaign was as pure an act of patriotism as I have seen in my lifetime. It should also be a call to action to the rest of us to continue his fight for the soul of our nation. The next 15 weeks will be like nothing this country has ever experienced politically, but have no doubt: This is a race Democrats can and must win.


Mr. Biden has done a hard and rare thing. Serving as president was a lifelong dream. And when he finally got there, he was exceptionally good at it. To give that up, to accept that finishing the job meant passing the baton, took real moral clarity. The country mattered more. As one who shared that dream and has had to make peace with letting it go, I know this wasn’t easy. But it was the right thing to do.


Elections are about the future. That’s why I am excited about Vice President Kamala Harris. She represents a fresh start for American politics. She can offer a hopeful, unifying vision. She is talented, experienced and ready to be president. And I know she can defeat Donald Trump.


There is now an even sharper, clearer choice in this election. On one side is a convicted criminal who cares only about himself and is trying to turn back the clock on our rights and our country. On the other is a savvy former prosecutor and successful vice president who embodies our faith that America’s best days are still ahead. It’s old grievances versus new solutions.


Ms. Harris’s record and character will be distorted and disparaged by a flood of disinformation and the kind of ugly prejudice we’re already hearing from MAGA mouthpieces. She and the campaign will have to cut through the noise, and all of us as voters must be thoughtful about what we read, believe and share.


I know a thing or two about how hard it can be for strong women candidates to fight through the sexism and double standards of American politics. I’ve been called a witch, a “nasty woman” and much worse. I was even burned in effigy. As a candidate, I sometimes shied away from talking about making history. I wasn’t sure voters were ready for that. And I wasn’t running to break a barrier; I was running because I thought I was the most qualified to do the job. While it still pains me that I couldn’t break that highest, hardest glass ceiling, I’m proud that my two presidential campaigns made it seem normal to have a woman at the top of the ticket.


Ms. Harris will face unique additional challenges as the first Black and South Asian woman to be at the top of a major party’s ticket. That’s real, but we shouldn’t be afraid. It is a trap to believe that progress is impossible. After all, I won the national popular vote by nearly three million in 2016, and it’s not so long ago that Americans overwhelmingly elected our first Black president. As we saw in the 2022 midterms, abortion bans and attacks on democracy are galvanizing women voters like never before. With Ms. Harris at the top of the ticket leading the way, this movement may become an unstoppable wave.


Time is short to organize the campaign on her behalf, but the Labour Party in Britain and a broad left-wing coalition in France recently won big victories with even less time. Ms. Harris will have to reach out to voters who have been skeptical of Democrats and mobilize young voters who need convincing. But she can run on a strong record and ambitious plans to further reduce costs for families, enact common-sense gun safety laws and restore and protect our rights and freedoms.


She has a great story to tell about the accomplishments of this administration. Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris led America’s comeback after Mr. Trump bungled the pandemic and left our economy in free fall. Under their leadership, the United States has created more than 15 million jobs, and unemployment is near a 50-year low.


When inflation spiked around the globe, many economists said the only way to tame it would be a painful recession with major job losses. But Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris kept Americans working as inflation fell back toward normal levels and real incomes for working people rose.


When many thought bipartisanship was dead, Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris brought Republicans and Democrats together to pass major legislation on infrastructure and clean energy, microchips and national security. From drug prices to student debt, they’ve delivered results that have made our country stronger and people’s lives better.


Ms. Harris is chronically underestimated, as are so many women in politics, but she is well prepared for this moment. As a prosecutor and attorney general in California, she took on drug traffickers, polluters and predatory lenders. As a U.S. senator, she rigorously questioned squirming Trump administration officials and nominees and was inspiring to watch. As vice president, Ms. Harris has sat with the president in the Situation Room, helping make the hardest decisions a leader can make. And when the extremist Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, she became the administration’s most passionate and effective advocate for restoring women’s reproductive rights.


I look forward to hearing her prosecute a compelling case against Mr. Trump, who failed as a president the first time and is running on a dangerous agenda. A second Trump term would be much worse than the first. Mr. Trump’s plans are more extreme, he is more unhinged, and the guardrails that constrained some of his worst instincts are gone.


Ms. Harris can explain to the American people that inflation would surge again under Mr. Trump, thanks to his proposed across-the-board tariffs, sweeping tax cuts for the rich and mass deportations. The policies outlined by Mr. Trump’s allies in Project 2025, from further restricting abortion rights to dismantling the Department of Education, are a recipe for a weaker, poorer, more divided America.


The vice president’s law enforcement experience gives her the credibility to rebut Mr. Trump’s lies about crime and immigration. The facts are on her side: After spiking under Mr. Trump, the murder rate is plummeting under the Biden-Harris administration. Illegal border crossings are also dropping fast and are now the lowest they’ve been since 2020, thanks in part to Mr. Biden’s recent executive order. We’d be making even more progress if Mr. Trump hadn’t killed a bipartisan immigration compromise in Congress this year for his own selfish political purposes.


As a friend and supporter of Mr. Biden, I find this a bittersweet moment. He is a wise and decent man who served our country well. We have lost our standard-bearer, and we will miss his steady leadership, deep empathy and fighting spirit. Yet we have gained much as well: a new champion, an invigorated campaign and a renewed sense of purpose.


The time for hand-wringing is over. Now it’s time to organize, mobilize and win.




法塔赫副主席马哈茂德·阿鲁勒、中国外交部长王毅,以及哈马斯高级官员穆萨·阿布·马尔祖克周二在北京。 Pool photo by Pedro Pardo

Fatah and Hamas signed a joint statement in Beijing on Tuesday in a grand show of unity, with the leaders of the rival Palestinian factions standing beside China’s foreign minister for a photo opportunity in an ornate hall.


Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior Hamas official, declared that “historic moments” were underway. Mahmoud al-Aloul, the deputy leader of Fatah, showered praise on China for standing beside the Palestinian people.


Their joint statement supports the formation of a temporary government for Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank that all parties agree upon. But for many Palestinians, without concrete steps to make that plan a reality, the gathering in the Chinese capital was little more than a performance — and one they had seen before.


“What happened in China isn’t significant,” said Jehad Harb, an analyst of Palestinian affairs. “There aren’t any indications that Hamas and Fatah intend to end the split between them.”


Hamas and Fatah have been deeply divided for years, each trying to present itself as the legitimate leader of the Palestinian people and wary that the other will undermine its power. In 2007, the parties engaged in a civil war in which Hamas forcibly took over Gaza from the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, which retains limited autonomy over parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank.


Multiple past attempts to broker unity between the rival parties have resulted in joint statements and agreements, but all of those efforts have failed.


“These statements aren’t worth the ink needed to write them,” said Abd Al-Rahman Basem al-Masri, 25, a resident of Deir al Balah in central Gaza. “We’ve seen these things before and we’ve lost hope in them.”


The joint statement on Tuesday, which was also signed by other smaller Palestinian factions, said the new government should begin working on uniting Palestinian institutions in the West Bank and Gaza, reconstructing Gaza and preparing for national elections, though it does not lay out a clear timeline.


Mohammad Shtayyeh, a senior Fatah official and the former prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, said he thought the statement was “serious,” but he emphasized that more discussions were required to advance reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah.


“There’s no alternative to Palestinian unity,” he said in an interview. “What has happened in China is stating the obvious.”


“It’s a matter of principles,” he said, adding that “a lot of talks and details” were needed for implementation.


Palestinian experts have said cooperation between Hamas and Fatah was critical to discussions about a postwar future in Gaza. If they can form a government of independent figures without formal ties to Hamas, it could make it easier for much of the Western world to participate in rebuilding the territory. The United States, Britain and other nations consider Hamas a terrorist group.


The statement does not address a key sticking point: security control over Gaza. Fatah has demanded that all weapons be under the authority of one unified security force and government, while Hamas has said it will not dismantle its military wing, the Qassam Brigades.Mr. Shtayyeh, who stepped down as prime minister in March, acknowledged frustration among Palestinians, describing the division between Hamas and Fatah as a “black chapter in the history of Palestine.”


“Palestinians on the street are very angry and disappointed that these talks have been ongoing for 17 years now,” he said. “The general public wants results, they don’t want papers. They want practical steps in the right direction.”


For China, meanwhile, bringing Hamas and Fatah together represented an opportunity to promote its image as a peace broker and an important player in the Middle East. The declaration on Tuesday followed Beijing’s success in negotiating a deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran last year. It also comes as China has deepened its financial ties in the region in areas like technology and artificial intelligence.


Official Chinese state media hailed the meeting, saying it was “bringing precious hope to the suffering of the Palestinian people.”


The Palestinian factions attended the meeting mostly to placate China, Mr. Harb said, noting that they want to be in the good graces of a world power.


The images of China as a key international actor were not just for an overseas audience.


“The Chinese government does put significant weight on symbolic interactions, and certainly they are trying to lay out a tableau for everyone to look at domestically to say, ‘Yes, the Chinese government is important and is a force for good in the world,” said William J. Hurst, a professor of Chinese politics at the University of Cambridge.

“中国政府的确非常重视象征性的互动,当然,他们正试图将一个画面展示给国内的所有人,让他们说,‘是的,中国政府很重要,是世界上的一股向善的力量’,”剑桥大学中国政治学教授贺斌(William J. Hurst)说。




副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯看起来几乎肯定将成为民主党的总统提名人。 Erin Schaff/The New York Times

In the eight years since Hillary Clinton failed to win the American presidency, the work force for the first time grew to include more college-educated women than college-educated men. The #MeToo movement exposed sexual harassment and toppled powerful men. The Supreme Court overturned the federal right to abortion.


Will any — or all — of it make a difference for Vice President Kamala Harris?


Ms. Harris seems almost certain to become the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee after President Biden’s decision not to seek re-election. As such, she faces, fairly or not, some of the same electability questions that Mrs. Clinton confronted in a nation that, unlike many of its peers around the globe, has yet to pick a woman as its leader.


A presidential contest pitting Ms. Harris against former President Donald J. Trump would represent a rematch of sorts: Mr. Trump would again have to run against a woman who held a top administration position and served in the Senate. He defeated Mrs. Clinton in 2016 in spite of her winning the popular vote by a wide margin.


But the dynamics would be unquestionably different. Ms. Harris has neither the political legacy nor the baggage of Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Trump, having served a turbulent term in office, is now a known quantity. Ms. Harris is Black and of South Asian descent.


And the country is not the same as it was eight long years ago.


“Women are angrier, and that could be motivating,” said Karen Crowley, 64, an independent voter and retired nurse in Concord, N.H., who would not vote for Mr. Trump, did not feel like she could support Mr. Biden and now planned to back Ms. Harris.


Among the motivations Ms. Crowley cited were the demise of Roe v. Wade and comments and actions by Mr. Trump that many women see as sexist and misogynistic. “A woman president might be more possible now,” she said.


22nat women voters 01 wkcv master10502016年希拉里·克林顿(右)与唐纳德·特朗普的第二次总统竞选辩论。尽管以较大优势赢得普选,克林顿还是输给了特朗普。

But for female voters and activists eager to break that elusive glass ceiling, there was also fear that sexism would remain difficult for Ms. Harris to overcome.


“It’s a patriarchy out there,” Ms. Crowley said. “She’s smart and she’s a prosecutor, but there are a lot of old white men who will want to stop her. The only thing wrong with her is that she’s a woman.”


Discussing the gender of a politician can feel reductive and regressive, especially when it does not seem as relevant in other countries. The United Kingdom has had three female prime ministers. Mexico elected its first female president this year.


Yet when a woman runs for office in the United States, many voters still mention her gender unprompted in interviews, identifying it as a concern — often not for themselves, they say, but for the wider electorate.


Julia Blake, 80, of La Jolla, Calif., said she had spent a lot of time arguing with her book club friends about whether a woman could be elected president. One after the next — professional women, with doctorates and master’s degrees — they said they thought the answer was no. Ms. Blake was indignant with them.


“I said, ‘If women think a woman can’t win, and they repeat that year after year, we will never get a female president,’” said Ms. Blake, who supported Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and also donated to Ms. Harris during the Democratic primary in 2020. “I don’t think they’re giving women enough credit.”


To be sure, party affiliation, not gender, remains most important for many voters. “I would not vote for her,” said Naomi Villalba, 74, a Republican from Dallas who supports Mr. Trump but thinks Ms. Harris a better choice for Democrats than Mr. Biden.


22nat women voters chlp master1050周一,哈里斯来到特拉华州威尔明顿的竞选总部。

Mr. Biden won 55 percent of the female vote in 2020, compared with Mrs. Clinton’s 54 percent in 2016, according to the Pew Research Center. Mr. Trump’s support among women grew slightly to 44 percent in 2020, up from 39 percent in 2016.


The prospect of having Ms. Harris atop the Democratic ticket energized some voters looking to elect a female president. But it also resurfaced old fears about the fact that Mr. Trump had lost to a man (Mr. Biden) but defeated a woman (Mrs. Clinton).


If ultimately not successful, Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy did change the idea of what was possible, said Christina Wolbrecht, a political scientist at the University of Notre Dame who studies women’s voting patterns. Ms. Klobuchar and Senators Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts were taken seriously as candidates during the 2020 election, as was Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina who challenged Mr. Trump this year.

研究女性投票规律的圣母大学政治学家克里斯蒂娜·沃尔布莱希特说,希拉里·克林顿的竞选虽然以失败告终,但的确改变了人们对何为可能的看法。克罗布查和纽约州参议员陆天娜(Kirsten Gillibrand)、马萨诸塞州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦都是2020年选举的有力竞争者,此外还有今年对特朗普发起了挑战的前南卡罗来纳州州长妮基·黑利。

“That suggests to me that post-Hillary Clinton, people are increasingly comfortable with the idea of a woman president,” Dr. Wolbrecht said.


Forty-two percent of women felt it was at least somewhat important to elect a woman as president in their lifetime, according to a Pew Research Center report last year. In the poll, 39 percent of respondents, both male and female, said a female president would be better at working out compromises and 37 percent said a woman would be better at maintaining a respectful tone in politics. (More than half said that gender did not matter on those measures.)


Ms. Harris appears to have a special bond with Black women in particular, who comprise a key part of the Democratic base and have been especially enthusiastic in their past support for her.


22nat women voters 01 cbql master1050伊丽莎白·沃伦参议员是参与竞逐2020年民主党总统提名人的女性之一。

Laurie Nsiah-Jefferson, director for the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts Boston, said that much had changed for women since 2016. Concerns over Mr. Trump’s positions on issues like abortion transformed from remote possibility to concrete reality after he took office, she said.


“When he was elected, we were disappointed, we were upset — there were marches, demonstrations, all kinds of things — and we had a good idea what was going to happen,” Dr. Nsiah-Jefferson said. “But now we know what happened.”


Mr. Trump has already signaled that he considers his gender worth highlighting: At one point during the Republican National Convention last week, he walked out to “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World,” by James Brown.


But Dr. Nsiah-Jefferson thinks that Ms. Harris will also lean in to the fact that she is a woman. “She’s going to talk about the way in which politics and policy impacts on women,” she said.


Some voters would like to lose the gender talk altogether.


“We have to take the emphasis off the gender identification stuff and put it on the person themselves and their own abilities,” said Marilyn McDole of Oregon, Wis., who attended a weekend re-election rally in Stoughton, Wis., for Senator Tammy Baldwin. “Because that’s so stigmatizing and damaging to women. That’s not fair.”


Ms. Harris, Ms. McDole added, has “got experience up the wazoo.”


Several Democratic voters, however, said that a female nominee would help amplify perhaps the party’s strongest issue: abortion access.


Katy Sorenson, 69, a former commissioner in Miami-Dade County, Fla., said the overturning of Roe had been a “galvanizing phenomenon.” “It’s not just abortion; it’s problem pregnancies that have so many women concerned about what they’re going to do, and can they get the health care they need,” she said.


22nat women voters SWAP2 zqpk master10502022年罗诉韦德案被推翻后,堕胎权支持者在最高法院外抗议。

In Raleigh, N.C., Mary Lucas, 36, said that Ms. Harris gave her new motivation to campaign. “My immediate reaction is, ‘How do I get involved?’” Ms. Lucas said.


Women also pointed to societal shifts that might make Ms. Harris’s run different. Dr. Liz Bradt, 64, a retired veterinarian and the chairwoman of the Salem Democratic City Committee in Salem, Mass., said younger people seemed less likely to make judgments based on rigid definitions of male and female.


“Where my generation is like, ‘Male or female, where’s the check box?’ I think the younger generation is more accepting of different genders,” Dr. Bradt said. “That will make a difference.”


Still, Dr. Bradt, who campaigned for Mrs. Clinton in New Hampshire, expects a tough road ahead for Ms. Harris. “It’s going to be hard to see what she has to go through,” she said. “I fear for her, like I feared for Hillary.”


Though Mrs. Clinton won the most votes in 2016, some voters said they found her off-putting. Among them was Dr. Maria E. Laurencio, 73, a retired anesthesiologist in Coral Gables, Fla., who was a lifelong Republican until she pinched her nose and voted for Mrs. Clinton.


“Women were not sympathetic to Hillary because a lot of them said she stood by the president,” Dr. Laurencio said about former President Bill Clinton’s extramarital affairs. “Hillary tended to be a little arrogant and not so likable, even though she was so prepared.”


22nat women voters 03 wkcv master10502016年大选前夜,希拉里·克林顿在费城的一场竞选集会上。

In 2020, Dr. Laurencio changed her registration to vote for Mr. Biden. Now, she intends to support Ms. Harris. “For me, anything that prevents Mr. Trump from getting to the presidency again, I will go along with,” she said.


And more women are now veterans of political campaigns.


Luisa Wakeman, 57, a flight attendant in suburban Cobb County, Ga., said women like her were relatively new to politics when they campaigned against Mr. Trump in 2016. Now, their informal and largely female-led networks in the area have matured into durable, battle-tested electoral machines.


“I think like many people, I’m feeling invigorated,” she said.


And she said she was impressed by Ms. Harris’s qualifications. “It’s not just because she’s a woman,” she said, “but I’m excited that she will make history.”





Kenges Rakishev, one of the richest men in Kazakhstan, stepped off a private jet at a Soviet-era airport and hopped into the lead car of a convoy of sport utility vehicles. The cars tore down a two-lane road, zipping past the snow-covered steppe in eastern Kazakhstan at 90 miles per hour.


Riding shotgun, Mr. Rakishev gestured toward the vast emptiness.


“Nothing, right?” he said with a chuckle. “But it’s a unique opportunity.”


That opportunity is in nickel, a key mineral used in electric vehicles and other clean energy technologies. Kazakhstan, a mineral-rich country in Central Asia, has a lot of nickel, and Mr. Rakishev is investing tens of millions of dollars to extract it.


00China Kazakhstan 02 lwjf master1050全球对关键矿产的寻求将投资者带到了这个国家严酷的地区。

Mr. Rakishev, 44, is always chasing the next big investment. In February, he was the driving force behind the public offering of a Canadian maker of plant-based instant noodles on the Nasdaq stock exchange. Before that, it was blockchain technology. And before that, it was an Israeli photo-sharing app, called Mobli, that tried to become the next Instagram.


He has connections to Kazakhstan’s ruling elite that are apparent in his energy investments and his purchase of a bank seized by the government. His close ties with a former prime minister of Kazakhstan brought him into the orbit of Hunter Biden, the American president’s son whose business dealings became the focus of an impeachment inquiry by House Republicans.


But Mr. Rakishev’s next big investment is much closer to home.


00China Kazakhstan 03 lwjf master1050哈萨克斯坦商人肯格斯·拉基舍夫正在为开采本国的镍矿投入巨资。

The world’s transition to renewable energy, including electric cars, requires huge amounts of nickel, copper, lithium and other so-called critical minerals. Kazakhstan has many of them, and China, the biggest producer of electric vehicles and batteries, is right next door and eager to buy.


“Everything is going to China,” Mr. Rakishev said.


A former Soviet Republic, Kazakhstan borders Russia to the north and China to the east and retains close trade ties to Russia. But China is a much larger customer for Kazakhstan’s critical minerals, using them to feed the insatiable needs of its factories churning out electric vehicles, batteries and solar panels. Kazakhstan said that it was also courting buyers from the West and that it did not play favorites when it came to investors in mining.


“If somebody is doing geological exploration, I don’t care what flag they carry,” said Kanat Sharlapayev, Kazakhstan’s minister of industry and construction and a former Citigroup executive in Kazakhstan and the Middle East.


Mr. Sharlapayev spoke from his office in Astana, the capital city, in a massive building known as the “House of Ministries.” He had just returned from Canada, where he had attended an international mining conference.


In recent years, Kazakhstan has signed pacts with the European Union and Britain to cooperate on critical minerals. The United States held initial discussions with Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries this year. On his trip, Mr. Sharlapayev stopped in Washington to meet with officials at a U.S. foreign development agency.


00China Kazakhstan 05 lwjf master1050哈萨克斯坦首都阿斯塔纳的总统府。

Kazakhstan is a longtime oil exporter, and Mr. Sharlapayev said years of working closely with American oil companies was proof that Astana was open to Western investment.


But after a short pause, he added, “Geography cannot be ignored, of course.”


China’s Europe Link


It’s not just critical minerals that China wants from Kazakhstan. Beijing has invested billions of dollars, much of it as part of its Belt and Road foreign policy initiative, into upgrading Kazakhstan’s railways and other infrastructure to establish easier trade routes to Europe, an essential trading partner of China.


China’s economic influence is now apparent across the country. In Almaty, Kazakhstan’s wealthiest city, new car dealerships for Chinese electric vehicle brands are popping up.


00China Kazakhstan 08 lwjf master1050一条从中国运来集装箱的货运铁路在霍尔果斯穿越哈萨克斯坦边境。

On the Chinese-Kazakh border, the two countries built the Khorgos Gateway, the world’s biggest port used exclusively for handling cargo containers carried by trains. On Kazakhstan’s western border along the Caspian Sea, China invested in a container hub in the port city of Aktau.


This is now a railway alternative for sending goods from China to Europe in half the time it takes for sea cargo to travel from Shanghai to Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


During a visit to Kazakhstan this month, Xi Jinping, China’s leader, said the two countries had agreed to double their bilateral trade “as soon as possible” by cultivating growth and cooperation in areas such as important minerals.


“We are a natural, organic partner to China,” said Nurlan Zhakupov, the chief executive of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, Kazakhstan’s sovereign wealth fund. “We are very safe economically and politically.”


For all the economic ties and expressions of friendship, there is a well of anti-Chinese sentiment and mistrust among some Kazakhs — especially among those outside the political class or the business elite.


China’s detention of Uyghurs and members of other largely Muslim groups, including ethnic Kazakhs, in camps in Xinjiang has added to the misgivings. Roughly two-thirds of Kazakhstan’s population is Muslim.


‘The New Oil’


In three decades as an independent country after the fall of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan has built an economy that is reliant on its natural resources. Through its state-owned mining firms, Kazakhstan is a leading supplier not only of oil and uranium but also of chromium, gold and copper.


For years, global miners stayed away from investing because it seemed risky. Kazakhstan was viewed as promising, but bogged down by bureaucracy, a lack of transparency and corruption. And eventually, new mining opportunities dried up.


Kazakhstan recognized it had a problem and rewrote its mining rules in 2018, using the investment-friendly regulations of Australia, a mining juggernaut, as a model.


00China Kazakhstan 11 lwjf master1050一名矿工在哈萨克斯坦中部城市卡拉干达附近的铜矿工作。

Still, foreign investors did not come pouring in.


First, Covid-19 struck. Then violent protests erupted in Kazakhstan, pitting loyalists of the longtime ruler, Nursultan Nazarbayev, against the government of the current president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. The unrest was quelled with the help of Russian forces. Mr. Tokayev became the country’s undisputed leader and pledged to increase business privatization, combat corruption and limit the role of monopolies and oligopolies.


In a national address last year, Mr. Tokayev said he wanted to prioritize the development of rare and rare-earth metals, which he called the “new oil.”


One of the prospectors lured to the country was Alex Walker, a 40-year-old Australian entrepreneur who relocated to Kazakhstan after a mining project of his in Sweden had failed. Looking for a new place to explore for valuable minerals, he ruled out Canada and Australia, which were already heavily mined. Africa was too complex to operate in. But Kazakhstan had potential.


“It looked like a place where you could really get things done,” he said.


Mr. Walker secured exploration licenses in partnership with Tau-ken Samruk JSC, the country’s national mining company, and moved his family to Kazakhstan in 2021. But in January 2022, days before he was preparing to list his company on the London Stock Exchange, the protests, now known as “Bloody January,” broke out. More than 200 people died, and thousands were arrested.

他与哈萨克斯坦的国家矿业公司Tau-ken Samruk JSC合作,获得了勘探许可证,并于2021年举家迁往哈萨克斯坦。但在2022年1月,就在他准备将自己的公司在伦敦证券交易所上市的几天前,如今被称为“血腥一月”的抗议活动爆发了。200多人死亡,数以千计的人被捕。

“The timing was horrible,” Mr. Walker said. “We were trying to present this as a very safe jurisdiction.”


Despite the upheaval, no investors bailed on the stock offering. Mr. Walker said his decision to search for critical minerals in Kazakhstan had proved to be the right move. BHP Group, the world’s largest mining company, selected his company’s copper exploration project for a grant among hundreds of applicants.


Western interest in mining Kazakhstan is picking up momentum like a “snowball rolling down a hill,” said Kaisar Kozhamuratov, a partner at Aurora Minerals Group, a mining advisory company in Astana.


So far this year, the number of exploration licenses in Kazakhstan is on a pace to nearly double the average annual amount issued over the previous six years.


‘A Pure Businessman’


Mr. Rakishev, the investor in nickel mining in eastern Kazakhstan, is not backed by a multinational mining giant, but he casts a long shadow in the country.


His company, the Fincraft Group, has holdings in oil and gas operations and a handful of technology start-ups. It recently sold its stake in a bank that Mr. Rakishev had bought from the state a decade earlier. Mr. Rakishev also owns a private school and a cosmetics company that he started with his wife, Aselle Tasmagambetova, an ecologist, a philanthropist and the daughter of Imangali Tasmagambetov, a former prime minister.


Mr. Rakishev seems to know every prominent Kazakh in the country. He and his wife started a charity program with Vyacheslav Kim, Kazakhstan’s richest person, doling out grants to entrepreneurs. The former middleweight boxing world champion Gennadiy Golovkin, a national hero better known as GGG, is a friend and texting buddy. Mr. Zhakupov, the chief executive of the country’s sovereign wealth fund, is a former classmate.


00China Kazakhstan ctgf master1050背景中的拉基舍夫在一家生态研究公司的实验室里,这家公司是他的妻子阿塞尔·塔斯马甘贝托娃今年3月在哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图建立的。

But these close relationships can create complications. In 2015, Mr. Rakishev accompanied Karim Massimov, Kazakhstan’s prime minister at the time, on a visit to the United States. During that trip, the two men attended a group dinner at an Italian restaurant in Washington with Joseph R. Biden Jr., then the vice president, and his son Hunter.


That dinner — and a business relationship with a company affiliated with Hunter Biden — put Mr. Rakishev on the radar of the impeachment inquiry into President Biden.


The investigation found that Mr. Rakishev had wired $142,300 to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, a company affiliated with the president’s son, in April 2014. The money was transferred to a car dealership to buy a vehicle for Hunter Biden, according to testimony by Devon Archer, Mr. Biden’s former business partner.


In closed-door testimony with a House oversight committee, Mr. Archer said Mr. Rakishev was “a prominent businessman” from a “prominent family,” according to a transcript.


In an interview, Mr. Rakishev said that he had met Mr. Archer in Kazakhstan and that they had become friends. He was planning to do business with Mr. Archer’s firm, Rosemont Seneca, in mining and real estate. He said he had bought a car for the new venture’s U.S. office. It was not supposed to be for Hunter Biden, whom he said he had met on several occasions. His understanding was that he, too, would drive the car when he visited.


00China Kazakhstan fkwh master10502023年拜登总统和他的儿子亨特·拜登。

“I don’t have any business relationship with Hunter. I didn’t ask him for any favors,” Mr. Rakishvev said. He said he had attended the dinner with the elder Mr. Biden as part of Kazakhstan’s “official delegation,” but had not spoken with him. A representative for Hunter Biden did not respond to requests for comment.


Despite his political connections and his wealth — an estimated $435 million, according to Forbes — Mr. Rakishvev said it was incorrect to call him an oligarch. In his mind, an oligarch is a businessperson with the power to change the government.


“I am a pure businessman,” he said.


Mr. Rakishev’s company, Kaznickel, is producing nickel and cobalt in the Abay region of eastern Kazakhstan. The project resembles a modest farming outpost, nothing like the open-pit sites used to extract nickel in countries like Indonesia. In fields blanketed with fresh snow, boreholes stick out of the ground every few feet. Kaznickel injects a chemical solution into the ground through the openings. The nickel dissolves in the solution, which is then pumped to the surface and processed in a metal storehouse next to the site.


00China Kazakhstan 19 lwjf master1050采自哈萨克斯坦东部一个矿床的氢氧化镍,这种物质被广泛用于生产电动汽车电池。

Kazakhstan has used a similar approach for decades to mine almost half of the world’s uranium. Its use for nickel is more novel.


The Kaznickel project was started five years ago as a pilot. Mining requires a lot of patience and foresight — a lesson that, Mr. Rakishvev said, other countries would be wise to heed.


The West, he said, is lagging behind when it comes to critical minerals. China started to secure supplies of lithium, cobalt and graphite decades ago.


“You need to have patience like China,” he said. “They think strategically.”




与拜登总统不同,副总统哈里斯在堕胎权利问题上直言不讳。 Erin Schaff/The New York Times

From the beginning of President Biden’s ill-fated re-election bid, Democrats struggled to frame the race as a choice between two radically different visions, rather than a referendum on Mr. Biden’s age and abilities.


But now that he has dropped out and Vice President Kamala Harris is cruising toward the Democratic nomination, her party sees fresh opportunities to turn the public’s attention back to the vulnerabilities of former President Donald J. Trump on key issues for voters, including abortion rights, fundamental democratic principles and questions of economic fairness.


Democrats hope that Ms. Harris — a history-making former prosecutor who is nearly two decades younger than Mr. Trump — can draw a sharp new set of contrasts and tap into arguments that were out of reach for Mr. Biden, 81, starting with the issue of age but extending into matters of policy and personality.


That is especially clear on abortion rights. Mr. Biden, a practicing Catholic, has long been uncomfortable discussing the issue, or even saying the word “abortion.” Ms. Harris, by contrast, speaks easily and openly about reproductive health and has held campaign events alongside women sharing their stories of miscarriages, abortions and challenges with fertility.


Republicans, for their part, plan to argue that Ms. Harris still owns the unpopular parts of Mr. Biden’s record, saying that she is also weak on issues like inflation and immigration. Polling has shown Mr. Trump with significant advantages on many of the most important issues for voters, other than abortion rights.


But in interviews, Democrats were eager to make the race about character and experience, noting Ms. Harris’s law enforcement background and Mr. Trump’s litany of legal problems.


“She is a former prosecutor and he is a convicted felon,” said Marcia L. Fudge, a former housing secretary in the Biden administration who said she had spoken with Ms. Harris on Sunday. “If there ever was a huge choice, this is it.”


Mr. Biden’s miserable debate performance late last month stole the spotlight from Mr. Trump’s 34-count felony conviction in Manhattan. Many Democrats had hoped Mr. Trump’s criminal status could be used to their advantage, but that line of attack was put on hold as Mr. Biden tried to quell the Democratic revolt against his candidacy.


Democrats are now moving to renew it, casting Ms. Harris as the “rule of law” candidate and hammering home the fact that the twice-impeached Mr. Trump sought to overturn the results of a free election.


“What is particularly important, especially in this case, is her history as a prosecutor — someone who has stood for law and order,” said Representative Veronica Escobar, a Texas Democrat who served as a co-chair of Mr. Biden’s campaign. Mr. Trump, she added, is “a convicted criminal, who not just violates the law, but believes very firmly that the law does not apply to him and his supporters.”


Before being elected to the Senate in 2016, Ms. Harris served as the district attorney of San Francisco and the attorney general of California. She sometimes struggled to discuss her history in law enforcement and matters of criminal justice during her 2020 presidential campaign, when many Democrats were pushing to rein in the powers of the police.


22pol trump harris matchup prosecutor qfkl master10502012年,哈里斯担任加州司法部长。民主党人认为,她的执法背景将有助于与特朗普竞争。

But she relishes bringing up those roles on the campaign trail now, and her allies say she will try to wield them against Mr. Trump as she makes the case that he is unfit to return to the White House.


“As many of you know, I am a former prosecutor, so I say: Let’s look at the facts, shall we?” Ms. Harris said to roars from a crowd in North Carolina last week before dissecting the policy differences between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump.


Ammar Moussa, a spokesman for the Harris campaign, said the vice president would press her “contrast” with Mr. Trump.


“Vice President Kamala Harris has held criminals accountable her entire career — and Donald Trump will be no different,” Mr. Moussa said in a statement. “Vice President Harris has dedicated her career to making life better for working people — while Trump only cares about himself.”


In a statement, Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Mr. Trump, tried to undermine Ms. Harris’s credentials by accusing her of embracing “pro-criminal, soft-on-crime policies.”


While worries about public safety have been galvanizing in some elections, no issue has energized Ms. Harris, or Democratic voters, more than abortion rights. The issue has fueled a spate of Democratic victories in recent years, and helped Ms. Harris recover her political footing after a shaky start to her term as vice president. Ms. Harris says she has appeared at nearly 100 events on reproductive rights since the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision two years ago.


“This election will be won on abortion rights and there is no one better to make the case to voters,” said Jessica Mackler, the president of Emily’s List, which supports Democratic female candidates who back abortion rights. The group has fiercely defended Ms. Harris and has used polls to test messaging about her political strengths and weaknesses.


Its research, Ms. Mackler said, found that highlighting Ms. Harris’s work on abortion rights “will turn out the voters we need to win in November — young voters, women and voters of color.”


Abortion access was top of mind on Sunday as Ms. Harris and her staff made the case to other Democrats that they should back her, according to a list of talking points used to outline those conversations that was reviewed by The New York Times.


Ms. Harris is the party’s “leading messenger” on abortion rights, according to the document, and will make certain that Mr. Trump’s role in overturning Roe “is front and center in this election.”


When talking to voters about the issue, Ms. Harris often strives to make it personal. recounting how she was motivated to become a prosecutor after learning in high school that her best friend was being molested by her stepfather. This year, she became the highest-ranking federal official to visit an abortion clinic. She has slammed abortion restrictions in red states as “Trump abortion bans.”


“We believe in freedom,” Ms. Harris said last week at an event in Michigan. “Freedom from the government telling us what to do about matters of heart and home. We believe in the right of people to make basic decisions like when and if they will start a family.”


Her messaging on abortion has been far clearer than that of Mr. Biden, who supports abortion rights but struggled to articulate his position at the debate last month.


22pol trump harris matchup abortion fvkg master1050哈里斯曾在几次以堕胎权为主题的竞选活动中担任主角,图为今年早些时候在亚利桑那州图森市举行的一次活动。

Republicans, for their part, are hoping to blur any policy differences between Ms. Harris and Mr. Biden.


Ms. Harris’s “dismal record is one of complete failure and utter incompetence,” Mr. Cheung said. “Her policies are Biden’s policies, and vice versa.”


Even before Mr. Biden dropped out, the Trump campaign had a plan to attack Ms. Harris if she became the nominee: tie her to the most unpopular parts of the president’s record.


At the Republican National Convention last week, speaker after speaker misleadingly referred to Ms. Harris as the Biden administration’s “border czar.” They argued that the large numbers of undocumented migrants crossing into the United States were her fault. Polls have shown that voters give Mr. Biden low marks for his handling of the border crisis, although Democrats have criticized Mr. Trump for persuading Republican lawmakers to walk away from a bipartisan immigration deal.


Inflation has also bedeviled Mr. Biden. Although cost increases have slowed and the causes of inflation are complex, Republicans have squarely blamed the president and his policies for rising prices. Voters say they are unhappy with Mr. Biden’s stewardship of the economy, and negative views of inflation have helped sap his support from Black and Hispanic voters, both crucial parts of the Democratic coalition. As Mr. Biden’s partner in government, Ms. Harris will have to overcome that glum mood.


“I’d take the next three weeks and hang the Biden White House’s failures on her,” said David Kochel, a Republican strategist based in Iowa. “Most people think the country is going in the wrong direction. They need to place her right in the middle of that.”


Republicans wasted no time starting their attacks. On Monday, the Trump campaign said in an email that “Kamala Harris is Joe Biden 2.0.”


And less than an hour after Mr. Biden dropped out, the leading pro-Trump super PAC posted an ad on X saying Ms. Harris had “covered up” the president’s “mental decline” and was responsible for his “failed record.”


“Look what she got done,” the ad’s female narrator says. “A border invasion. Runaway inflation. The American dream, dead.”


But Ms. Harris’s supporters were working to turn the tables on Mr. Trump at every turn.


Erin Wilson, the vice president’s White House deputy chief of staff, said in a call on Sunday with the group Win With Black Women that Ms. Harris would use her skills as a prosecutor to lace into Mr. Trump, who at 78 is only three years younger than Mr. Biden, and use his age against him.


Left unsaid: That argument had been impossible for Democrats to make with Mr. Biden at the top of the ticket.




如果副总统卡马拉·哈里斯与特朗普竞选下任总统的话,她将捍卫拜登总统的政绩,反击特朗普对最近几年的截然不同的看法。 Doug Mills/The New York Times

As President Biden greeted the leaders of his 31 allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization a week ago, he described in vivid terms how he thought history would treat his first term in office.


He was the American president who had restored and then expanded NATO, the world’s biggest military alliance, saving it from his predecessor’s threats to withdraw from it. He organized the West to push back against President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, and in so doing deterred Moscow from direct attacks on European nations beyond Ukraine’s borders. And he became the architect of a new American plan to contain China, though he never calls it that: cutting off sophisticated technology to Beijing while pouring billions of federal dollars into producing advanced chips at home.


But Mr. Biden’s defense of his record came too late, after the shocking debate performance that led to his withdrawal from the race on Sunday. And now it will fall to a different nominee — likely but not certainly Vice President Kamala Harris — to defend that record from a radically different interpretation of the past four years promoted by former President Donald J. Trump.


In his acceptance speech in Milwaukee on Thursday night, Mr. Trump insisted he had turned over to Mr. Biden a world at peace in January 2021, and that today “our planet is teetering on the edge of World War III.” It was a disingenuous argument at best. There was a low-level war bubbling in Ukraine throughout Mr. Trump’s term; he simply chose to pay little attention.


Elections are rarely fought on foreign policy records, except when the nation is at war. And while Mr. Biden’s recounting of events hews far closer to the historical record than Mr. Trump’s does, the Democratic nominee will have to explain how she or he will manage a world that is clearly far more dangerous today than four years ago. Whoever is elected in November will inherit confrontations with America’s nuclear rivals China and Russia, cold wars that are one mistake away from turning hot.


More than any election in decades, this one will be marked by starkly different approaches to an era of simultaneous confrontations: the re-emerging arms race with Beijing and Moscow; deterring attacks on Taiwan and the eastern edge of the Atlantic alliance; Israel’s war against Hamas, which still threatens to set the Middle East aflame. Any one of those could easily explode on the watch of the next president.


“We are seeing territorial conflict between the great powers again,” former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Thursday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado, where Mr. Biden’s top foreign policy and national security aides made the case for Mr. Biden’s legacy — and for a second term that they suspected, but could not say, was slipping away. As in the period between World War I and World War II, Ms. Rice added, there has been the return of “the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: populism, nativism, isolationism and protectionism.”


Mr. Biden’s time in office was spent fighting the first three items on Dr. Rice’s list. Surprisingly, as his presidency moved into its last two years, he came to embrace the fourth, closing off American markets to Chinese electric vehicles and embracing an industrial policy that closely resembled Beijing’s own.


But it is Mr. Biden’s decision to step in and support Ukraine, with over $100 billion in aid and military equipment, that seems certain to define his presidency — and become a centerpiece of the debates that will dominate the 106 days until the election.


He was under no obligation to do so. Ukraine was not a member of the Atlantic alliance. There was no treaty requirement that he come to the country’s defense, of the kind the United States has with Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.


Instead, the decision was born of Mr. Biden’s Cold War roots. By his own account, Mr. Biden was convinced that if he did not stop Russia in Ukraine, Mr. Putin would keep going, on a mission to dismantle the liberal democratic order that had been constructed, defended, and ultimately expanded over Mr. Biden’s political lifetime.


Mr. Biden regarded himself as one of the last defenders of that order, and he was convinced that if Mr. Trump had been president at the time, he would have welcomed the invasion rather than rally the West against it.


“The day after Putin invaded Ukraine, here’s what he said,” Mr. Biden said last week, warming up to a campaign line for a race he still thought he could win. “It was ‘genius.’ It was ‘wonderful.’ Some of you forgot that, but that’s exactly what he said.” It was the kind of muscular defense of his signature foreign policy decision that Mr. Biden’s supporters would have liked to see in the debate.


Mr. Trump’s view of the war could not be more starkly different. The former president’s first impeachment was over the question of whether he had suspended arms to Ukraine because its leaders were not giving him political dirt on Mr. Biden. And in choosing JD Vance as his running mate, he selected the leading critic of American involvement in Ukraine, a man who has argued that the United States should cut off arms and intelligence to Kyiv and focus on China.


That sets up the Democratic nominee to play the role that Republicans once did: that of the hawks, warning that if America abandons the Ukrainian people, it will endanger all of Europe and could ultimately encourage China’s leader, Xi Jinping, to move on Taiwan.


It is Mr. Biden’s strategy in the Indo-Pacific region that perhaps marks one of his boldest foreign policy initiatives — but also one of the most fragile. He nursed along a rapprochement of the leaders of Japan and South Korea to overcome centuries of enmity and join forces in countering China’s expansionism.


Since a summit at Camp David last year, the three allies have conducted more than 60 trilateral meetings and military drills, a pace designed to solidify and, in a way, “future-proof” the relationship. He brought the Philippines into the mix as well, and he negotiated the construction of submarines by Australia.


It all adds up to the seeds of a nascent Atlantic alliance for the Pacific. Mr. Trump has already voiced his doubts, declaring in a recently published interview that he was not certain he would defend Taiwan, because it had stolen America’s semiconductor industry.


The result is that Mr. Biden is the preferred candidate among those allies, more popular abroad than at home. “Biden’s approach has made it feel like we can have a more normal and predictable relationship with the U.S.,” said Yujin Yaguchi, a professor of American studies at the University of Tokyo.


Under Mr. Biden, the United States expanded joint military drills with South Korea while bringing it deeper into the folds of American-led global supply chains, with top South Korean conglomerates building new factories in the United States to produce cars, batteries and computer chips. In recent months, the United States has begun replacing China as South Korea’s biggest export market, for the first time in two decades.


But it all has a sense of fragility about it; the partnerships in Asia have little of the muscle memory of the NATO alliance. And Mr. Biden has made no serious attempt at a diplomatic breakthrough with North Korea, as his halfhearted calls for “dialogue without preconditions” found no audience in Pyongyang. He will leave office with no progress to report on countering North Korea’s expanding nuclear and ballistic missile programs.


During his term, North Korea has rapidly expanded its weapons programs, using Washington’s intensifying strategic competition with Russia and China to its advantage. It has conducted more missile tests during Mr. Biden’s four years in the White House than under any other American leader, while Moscow and Beijing vetoed American attempts to impose new sanctions on the country at the U.N. Security Council. Last month, Russia and North Korea further closed their ranks against Washington by signing a mutual-defense treaty.


“After Trump’s cost- and benefit-oriented and arm-twisting foreign policy, Biden respected and restored the alliance,” said Park Won-gon, a political scientist at Ewha Womans University in Seoul. “But he leaves North Korea as homework for his successor.”


The same could be said of Iran, which Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said on Friday was just a few weeks away from “breakout,” obtaining the fuel necessary for a nuclear weapon. (The weapon itself would take months, maybe more than a year, to develop.)


And Mr. Biden leaves one more legacy: a deepening partnership between China and Russia, potentially the most serious threat to the United States. Mr. Biden only acknowledged last week, for the first time, that he was trying to interfere in that geopolitical combination. The next American president may well become consumed by it.




Four years ago, Jack Ma was the embodiment of China’s spectacular economic rise. Already the country’s wealthiest and most famous businessman, he was poised to become one of the richest in the world.


The expected initial public offering of Mr. Ma’s fintech company, Ant Group, was projected to surpass the record-shattering launch of his e-commerce giant, Alibaba. Soon, it was thought, he would be lionized like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs — a paragon of Western-style business in China.


At the same time, another wealthy Chinese businessman was awaiting a very different fate. Xiao Jianhua was languishing in detention on bribery and corruption charges — a larger-than-life target of a government crackdown on graft. Mr. Xiao had amassed a fortune manipulating markets and cultivating close ties to relatives of top Chinese officials, and he was about to be made an example.


And yet behind the scenes, these bookends of China’s catch-as-catch-can capitalism — its most celebrated and its most notorious billionaires — were linked through investments worth at least $1 billion, an investigation by The New York Times and The Wire China found.

这两名亿万富翁一个最为著名,另一个最臭名昭著,但都是不择手段的中国式资本主义的代表人物。而《纽约时报》和《连线中国》(The Wire China)的调查发现,背后至少有10亿美元的投资将他们联系在一起。

A review of more than 2,000 confidential documents shows that Mr. Xiao’s now dismantled company Tomorrow Group secretly secured lucrative shares in an array of Mr. Ma’s companies over a period of five years. These business associations were never disclosed, and a former senior executive at Tomorrow Group said, “As far as we know, Jack Ma was unaware” of them.


The deals offer a close-up view of China’s signature brand of capitalism, where well-connected entrepreneurs and those who raise money for them are better off, at least in some cases, not interacting with one another. In almost any other robust economy, the proprietor of a major business would want to develop a relationship with an investor who raised $1 billion, and the investor would want to influence how the money was used.


Not in the China of Mr. Xiao and Mr. Ma.


The documents do not show that Mr. Ma knew about the Xiao investments, and speaking through a lawyer for Alibaba, Mr. Ma said he “never had any business relationship with Mr. Xiao.” The lawyer for Alibaba, in a statement, also said, “As far as Alibaba and its affiliates know, the connections you claim to exist do not have any basis in fact.”


But in one instance involving an Alibaba affiliate, the investigation found, Mr. Ma’s friend and business partner, Huang Youlong, entered into the investment on behalf of Mr. Xiao’s companies. In another deal involving a Hong Kong brokerage firm named in part after Mr. Ma, Mr. Huang and other Xiao associates were the biggest shareholders.


As late as 2020, even as Mr. Xiao sat in detention and Ant was preparing its I.P.O., companies and people in Mr. Xiao’s network held Ant shares with an estimated value of more than $300 million, the investigation found. In a surprise last-minute move, Chinese regulators halted the offering and launched investigations into both Alibaba and Ant, which to this day remains privately held.


The documents reveal the inner workings of the Xiao network, which he controlled through proxy shareholders that granted him anonymity and made the transactions difficult to decipher. They were concealed behind offshore entities and tracked on spreadsheets by Mr. Xiao’s staff. The Times and The Wire China were able to confirm transaction details through an examination of corporate filings and interviews, and two former employees of Tomorrow Group confirmed the authenticity of the documents.


Mr. Xiao’s specialty was helping influential officials and their relatives transfer wealth abroad and buy and sell assets; in at least one case, he did so for one of President Xi Jinping’s sisters. At his trial, the Chinese authorities suggested his holdings, which stretched from banking and insurance to rare metals, coal and real estate, were so vast that they threatened the country’s financial stability.


The documents also tell a story at times sharply at odds with the public narrative about Mr. Ma, who publicly derided the cronyism that pervades Chinese companies. That Mr. Xiao was able to benefit from Mr. Ma’s world, even as some of New York’s most prestigious law firms conducted due diligence on the deals, was shocking — and telling — to scholars of China’s economy.


“Finding them connected this way,” said Meg Rithmire, a Harvard Business School professor who has studied Mr. Xiao’s financial network, “shows that the Chinese system is so murky that everyone gets caught in the same web.”

“发现他们以这种方式联系在一起,”哈佛商学院教授、一直关注肖建华金融网络的任美格(Meg Rithmire)说。“表明中国的体系非常阴暗,以至于每个人都陷入了同一张网中。”

Mr. Xiao is now serving a 13-year sentence, and Mr. Ma has all but retreated from public life, having no formal role in the companies he founded. Both men — one defrocked, the other locked away — are among the highest-profile targets in Mr. Xi’s dramatic consolidation of power since he became China’s top leader over a decade ago.


Mr. Ma’s clashes with the government have been well documented, including his running afoul of Mr. Xi for criticizing the push for stronger financial oversight of his companies. But until now, nothing has been publicly known about the investments linked to Mr. Xiao.


The Times obtained the documents in 2018, more than a year after Mr. Xiao was abducted in Hong Kong and spirited into mainland China, and they have been used in various reporting efforts. In parts English and Chinese, they include brokerage and bank statements, contracts, corporate registration filings and spreadsheets mostly from the company’s Hong Kong operations.


The source of the material, who once worked for Tomorrow Group, wanted to expose how Mr. Xiao secretly controlled and manipulated companies and how financial regulators in Hong Kong and China failed to stop him, the source said. Because Tomorrow Group was also under government investigation, it is possible that Chinese authorities have access to the same information, the source said. Mr. Xiao was praised for his cooperation at his sentencing.


The Times revisited the documents last year and shared them with The Wire China. Their joint investigation found that the investment connection between Mr. Ma, 59, and Mr. Xiao, 52, had begun several years before the 2017 abduction.


Mr. Xiao, who is in prison in Shanghai, could not be reached for comment. The former senior executive at Tomorrow Group confirmed that the company was behind the investments. “At the time, Alibaba and Jack Ma were so successful,” the former executive said. “Everyone wanted to invest with them. They had the magic touch.”


‘Clandestine and Dispersed’


As China’s economy boomed in recent decades, many well-connected families earned billions of dollars by leveraging their clout over highly regulated industries.


Leading the charge were the so-called princelings — the relatives of top Communist Party officials — who controlled the intersection of state influence and private wealth. Their behind-the-scenes efforts could save or wreck deals, and they did so without worrying about being unmasked by the Chinese media or facing consequences on Election Day.


Mr. Xiao was their longtime concierge.


From the time he was a 17-year-old student leader at Peking University, Mr. Xiao began to develop ties to the country’s power structure. With a coterie of female bodyguards, at least two foreign passports and more than 100 offshore companies, he amassed riches through state-dominated industries rife with cronyism: banking, insurance and brokerages.


Mr. Ma was not part of this system. In the late 1980s, he took a job as an English teacher making $14 a month, and when he founded Alibaba a decade later, he followed the Silicon Valley playbook, acquiring funds from savvy global investors like Goldman Sachs and Japan’s SoftBank.


For Mr. Ma, Chinese officials were to be respected and obeyed but otherwise avoided. “I do everything they tell me,” he told an audience at Stanford University in September 2011. “But do business? Sorry.”



The Chinese authorities began paying more attention to Alibaba as its success took off. Mr. Ma has said he was pressured to transfer Alipay, a mobile payment system now controlled by Ant Group, to a Chinese company. Mr. Ma also moved to increase Chinese ownership in Alibaba, which at the time had more than 70 percent of its shares held by foreign investors.


It was around this time that Mr. Ma and Mr. Xiao’s parallel universes first converged.


The same month that Mr. Ma spoke at Stanford, Chinese investors began increasing their foothold in Alibaba. The select group included Mr. Ma’s friends as well as an obscure British Virgin Islands shell company called Financial Giant, which invested $25 million, the documents show.

马云在斯坦福大学发表演讲的同一个月,中国投资者开始增加他们对阿里巴巴的持股。这些投资者中有马云的朋友,还有一家鲜为人知的英属维尔京群岛空壳公司,据文件显示,这家公司叫Financial Giant,对阿里巴巴投了2500万美元。

On paper, Financial Giant’s owner was an unknown 24-year-old woman whose family hailed from a small city near the Russian border. Two Swiss banks — UBS and J. Safra Sarasin — lent her legitimacy by opening brokerage accounts for her company.

从公司文件看,Financial Giant的所有者是一名没人听说过的24岁女子,她家位于中国和俄罗斯边境附近的一个小城市。两家瑞士银行——瑞银和J. Safra Sarasin——为她的公司开设了经纪账户,从而为其合法性提供了支持。

00CHINA TOMORROW DOC 2 master1050瑞士嘉盛银行的记录显示,肖建华的一名代理人出售了阿里巴巴股份。

The woman, Zhao Binbin, could not be reached for comment. She had something else going for her, the Tomorrow Group documents show: She belonged to a family that acted as proxies for Mr. Xiao, and she was holding the Alibaba shares on his behalf.


One of her relatives, a piano teacher, was listed as the top official of a Xiao company that in 2013 bought assets from one of Mr. Xi’s sisters. The same relative was married to a Xiao employee who in 2014 bought a $62 million Van Gogh painting at a Sotheby’s auction.


“When Boss Xiao was building Tomorrow Group, there was a saying: ‘clandestine and dispersed,’” said the former Xiao employee who provided the documents, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the former employee still works in the industry.


“Xiao’s name and Tomorrow’s name will not appear,” the former employee said.


Playing the Princelings Game


It is unclear how or why Mr. Ma and Mr. Xiao first became acquainted. They met in Beijing in 2013, at a club affiliated with a major Chinese bank, one person close to Mr. Xiao said. An undated photo surfaced on a Chinese social media site in 2018 showing them toasting each other at a restaurant with kimono-clad servers.


The “why” behind the Xiao investments may have more to do with China’s inescapable world of princelings than any pressing business imperative. As relatives of China’s political elite looked to benefit from the country’s growing economy, Mr. Xiao made a career of connecting them with promising ventures — and often concealing those connections behind shell companies, proxy investors and other smoke screens.


In 2010, Mr. Ma co-founded an investment firm, Yunfeng Capital, and investors got early access to his companies. One of Mr. Xiao’s proxies, the young woman from near the Russian border, was among them, acquiring her Alibaba shares through Yunfeng around 2011, the investigation found.


By the following year, in anticipation of Alibaba’s I.P.O., Mr. Ma was looking to pare down foreign ownership in the company — particularly Yahoo’s huge stake — and brought in a new corps of Chinese investors. A $7.6 billion deal to buy back about half of Yahoo’s holdings was financed in large part by Chinese banks and investment firms led by princelings, including Boyu Capital, which was founded by the Harvard-educated grandson of a former Chinese president, Jiang Zemin.


By 2014, Mr. Ma had become a money-making machine for the country’s political elite. Chinese firms owned or overseen by relatives of six current or former Politburo members had invested in Alibaba and its affiliates, according to company records.


In a statement on behalf of the companies, Alibaba described the investors as “reputable state-owned firms or well-regarded private investment firms,” adding that it had “never solicited investments from any investor on account of their ‘political connections.’”


The most lucrative event was Alibaba’s I.P.O. on Sept. 19, 2014, when the e-commerce giant’s market value shot past that of its biggest rival, Amazon. Mr. Xiao’s $25 million investment, made through his proxy, soared to $160 million that day.


00china tomorrow YuYulong vjpm master10502014年9月,阿里巴巴在纽交所进行IPO期间,马云的两位商业伙伴虞锋和黄有龙在纽约证券交易所外合影。

It was a heady day for Mr. Ma at the New York Stock Exchange, which was decked out in Alibaba orange. Beaming before the cameras, he posed with friends and colleagues, including a stocky man who appeared fleetingly in a video produced by Alibaba documenting the I.P.O.


The man was Huang Youlong, a businessman married to one of China’s most famous actresses. He was also Mr. Xiao’s ticket to even bigger stakes in Mr. Ma’s companies, The Times and The Wire China found.


The Movie Star’s Husband


Mr. Huang, 47, stands out from the rest of Mr. Ma’s high-achieving friends: He didn’t look the part, and he lived a bit of a charmed life.


He became a citizen of Singapore and went into business there with an American who was later jailed in the United States for illegally exporting aviation equipment to Iran. He became a business partner of a Chinese casino magnate who is now reportedly a fugitive. And in 2008, he married Zhao Wei, a famous Chinese actress who would eventually fall from favor and be mysteriously erased, film credits and all, from the Chinese internet.


00china tomorrow Wei cfpk jumbo黄有龙与妻子、电影明星赵薇。这对夫妇用肖建华一家公司的资金投资了马云的电影业务。

By 2014, Mr. Ma and Mr. Huang had become close. In a sign of friendship, Mr. Ma joined Mr. Huang that year at his father’s 80th birthday party and even sang at the celebration, Chinese media reported.


When it came to his own businesses, Mr. Ma was joined by Mr. Huang in blockbuster deals, the Tomorrow Group documents show, in which Mr. Huang both acted as a proxy for Mr. Xiao and sought to profit for himself.


In 2014, Alibaba bought ChinaVision, a film and television production company, and renamed it Alibaba Pictures. But the purchase immediately ran into problems when accounting irregularities were discovered in the former company’s books.


Trading in Alibaba Pictures stock was temporarily suspended, and two days before it resumed, Mr. Huang and his wife paid about $400 million to acquire a 9 percent stake from ChinaVision’s former chairman. The widely publicized investment boosted confidence in the new company, in part because Ms. Zhao was a bankable movie star at the time.


But the couple paid for it with money from one of Mr. Xiao’s companies, the documents show, a fact not publicly known and not included in disclosures to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


The documents reveal that the Xiao company financed 60 percent of the purchase and privately lent Mr. Huang $125 million at 8 percent interest to pay for the majority of the couple’s 40 percent stake. Mr. Huang also received a $75 million loan from Credit Suisse to help pay for the shares. While the loan was in Mr. Huang’s name, Mr. Xiao’s team handled payments and correspondence with the bank, the documents show.


Mr. Huang did not respond to emails or questions sent to his Hong Kong office. In a statement, Alibaba said it was “not involved in the transaction, and had no knowledge about Mr. Huang and Ms. Zhao’s investment activities,” though it acknowledged it had consented to the transaction.


The investment quickly paid off. In April 2015, shares in Alibaba Pictures soared as Alibaba said it was considering injecting some of its own entertainment assets into the company. Days later, Mr. Huang sold some of his holdings, netting a $75 million profit, or a return of 144 percent in four months. A near-identical amount was paid to Mr. Xiao’s company, the documents show.


‘Jack’s Eyes and Ears’


By the time Mr. Huang cashed out those holdings in Alibaba Pictures, Mr. Ma’s investment firm had already set its sights on a new business: Reorient Group, a Hong Kong brokerage run by a business partner of Erik Prince, the American security contractor.


Taking over Reorient would give Mr. Ma and David Yu, a friend and Shanghai financier who was his partner on the deal, a foothold in Hong Kong’s financial sector. They would rename the company Yunfeng Financial after the firm they founded earlier, Yunfeng Capital.


“This is a strategic investment for us,” Mr. Yu said at the time.


00china tomorrow Yu zwjf jumbo
2021年,马云与虞锋。肖建华的公司网络是他们的香港证券公司的最大股东。 Jaime Reina/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Mr. Ma owns 40 percent of Yunfeng Capital and remains closely associated with it. (The “Yun” in Yunfeng is Mr. Ma’s given name in Chinese.) He took the stage in Beijing when they debuted the company in 2010 and Yunfeng Capital later joined Alibaba on at least a half-dozen deals.


The Reorient purchase is the clearest evidence that Mr. Xiao was a crucial shareholder in one of Mr. Ma’s companies. Through four offshore companies and a fifth firm owned by Mr. Huang, Mr. Xiao controlled roughly one-third of the company’s shares by the end of 2015, making his network the largest shareholder — even larger than Mr. Ma.


The deal took weeks to negotiate, and both Mr. Huang and his wife were a regular presence in the talks, recalled one former senior Reorient executive who was not authorized to speak publicly about the deal. Mr. Huang acted as “Jack’s eyes and ears,” the executive said.


00CHINA TOMORROW DOC 1 master1050数据显示肖建华通过黄有龙秘密持有的瑞东集团的股份。

The purchase followed a familiar playbook from Alibaba Pictures and other deals. Reorient’s top executives sold a controlling stake to Mr. Ma and his fellow investors, issuing them new shares at a steep discount, according to a regulatory filing. When news broke that a firm co-founded by Mr. Ma had made the investment, Reorient’s shares soared more than 150 percent.


In a statement, Yunfeng played down Mr. Ma’s role in the firm, saying he “is not involved in the decision-making or operation.” But the former senior executive at Tomorrow Group said Mr. Ma was the main attraction. “When we had a chance to invest in his companies,” the executive said, “we often did this through Huang Youlong or Yunfeng Capital.”


Mr. Xiao’s network paid a premium to become the biggest shareholder, the documents show, offering a glimpse into the shadow world of Hong Kong finance, where side agreements often spell out ownership of shell companies.


A contract between Mr. Huang and a company controlled by Mr. Xiao showed that they had to pay a $190 million premium to an unspecified beneficiary, effectively doubling the price of their investment.


On paper, Mr. Huang retained a 10 percent stake himself, but a spreadsheet shows that even that holding was obtained with loans from Mr. Xiao’s company.


At the time, the filing with regulators said nothing about Mr. Xiao, who, the documents show, actually invested alongside Mr. Ma in Reorient through three separate companies. Two of them were owned by stand-ins for Mr. Xiao, including a 27-year-old woman from the Inner Mongolian city where Tomorrow Group once operated.


In separate statements, Mr. Ma, Yunfeng and Johnson Ko, the chairman of Reorient at the time, said they had no knowledge of the Xiao connection. “Reorient conducted thorough know-your-clients due diligence,” Mr. Ko said.


Weeks after the deal was finalized, the ex-wife of Mr. Ma’s business partner, Mr. Yu, benefited enormously from Mr. Xiao’s continued interest in Yunfeng Financial. Two offshore entities controlled by Mr. Xiao paid $235 million to buy an additional stake in the company from the ex-wife.


She netted a windfall of more than $190 million, public records show. In its statement, Yunfeng Capital described her as “an independent investor.”


A Campaign Against Graft


In 2017, the dragnet of Mr. Xi’s corruption crackdown finally closed in on Mr. Xiao.


Years earlier, in his first speech to the Politburo as Communist Party chief, Mr. Xi made clear that the party was facing an existential crisis after six decades of rule.


“A mass of facts tells us that if corruption becomes increasingly serious, it will inevitably doom the party and the state,” Mr. Xi said in November 2012.


Before the year was out, government officials were being rounded up in an ever-widening campaign against graft, which also took down some of Mr. Xi’s most powerful political rivals.


In March 2013, Mr. Xi became president, and that same year his relatives shed hundreds of millions of dollars in insider investments. In a statement to The Times in 2014, a spokeswoman for Mr. Xiao confirmed that the president’s sister and brother-in-law had finalized the sale of their 50 percent stake in a Beijing investment company they had set up in partnership with a state-owned bank. Their stake was sold to a company founded by Mr. Xiao.


The crackdown initially focused mainly on government and party officials and their relatives, not business leaders, but soon virtually no one was off limits. Mr. Xiao’s turn came under cover of night in January 2017, when he disappeared from his apartment at the Hong Kong Four Seasons Hotel.


Video footage captured by security cameras showed he was taken away in a wheelchair, his head covered, accompanied by about a half-dozen unidentified men pushing a large suitcase. It is believed he was then transported by boat from Hong Kong, eluding border controls, to police custody in mainland China.


In the days that followed, Mr. Xiao’s relatives and associates scrambled to unload some of their holdings, including more than $60 million held in a Yunfeng Capital fund, the Tomorrow Group documents show. The company that bought the stake was run by a business associate of Mr. Huang’s, Chinese corporate records show.


Mr. Xiao’s role as concierge to the Communist Party elite had come to an end. But his financial ties to Mr. Ma had not — just as Ant Group, the e-payments and personal lending company, had become Mr. Ma’s latest darling.


The Final Undoing


By 2018, Ant had more than 700 million active users, and the company was barreling its way toward an I.P.O.


Mr. Ma followed the old playbook in preparing for the offering, corralling a group of powerful political elites as investors, The Wall Street Journal reported in 2021.


Mr. Xiao was secreted away in detention. But members of his network controlled about a tenth of a percentage point of Ant’s shares, according to data from WireScreen, a sister company of The Wire China that compiles Chinese corporate ownership data. Even that small fraction would be worth about $307 million if the I.P.O., as had been expected, valued the company at more than $313 billion.


One Xiao employee, the corporate records show, was the single largest investor in a fund full of Mr. Ma’s friends and their relatives, including the mother of Ms. Zhao, the movie star. The fund was managed by Yunfeng Capital and was one of the largest holders of Ant shares.


Yunfeng and Ant said in statements that they were not aware of any connection between their investors and Mr. Xiao.


By the end of 2019, as the Chinese authorities were unwinding Mr. Xiao’s network of companies, they saw concerning parallels in Ant’s ownership structure, according to Angela Huyue Zhang, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong who recently wrote a book about China’s regulation of technology companies.


Like Mr. Xiao’s Tomorrow Group, Ant was dominated by a single person. And there were troublesome ripple effects of Mr. Xiao’s downfall. A bank he had controlled, Baoshang, filed for bankruptcy in 2020.


00china tomorrow baoshang pjhg master1050一名男子走过包商银行的街头广告, 肖建华控制的该银行于2020年申请破产。

China’s central bank would need to intervene, Professor Zhang said, “if something bad happens to Ant like what happened to Baoshang.”


The authorities had drafted new rules that would rein in private financial systems, and Mr. Ma made their decision to intervene in Ant easier to justify during a speech in Shanghai.


Mr. Ma took aim at China’s state-dominated banking system, arguing that it constrained innovation and growth through a “pawnshop mentality” by lending only to those who posted collateral. He roasted financial regulators for being obsessed with minimizing risk.


That was in October 2020. By early November, the Chinese government called off Ant’s I.P.O., the opening salvo in its assault on big tech. On social media, one post derided Mr. Ma’s remarks as “the most expensive speech in history.”


Since then, Mr. Ma and his companies have been routed. Alibaba’s stock is down about 75 percent from its peak. Mr. Ma’s voting power in Ant has been mostly stripped away. A turnaround strategy announced by Alibaba last year has languished. Plans to publicly list some of its assets have been put on ice.


Some of Mr. Ma’s friends haven’t fared any better. Mr. Huang was sued in Hong Kong for millions in unpaid debts. His wife, Ms. Zhao, has not appeared in a movie since 2019, though some references to her on the Chinese internet have been restored. Mr. Ma, in his statement, said he had not been in contact with either of them “for many years.”







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