



周三,TikTok的支持者在国会大厦外抗议。现在,超过一半的美国人在手机上安装了这款应用。 Kent Nishimura for The New York Times

In a capital where Republicans and Democrats agree on virtually nothing, it was notable when the House overwhelmingly declared on Wednesday that TikTok poses such a grave risk to national security that it must be forced to sell its U.S. operations to a non-Chinese owner.


But that glosses over the deeper TikTok security problem, which the legislation does not fully address. In the four years this battle has gone on, it has become clear that the security threat posed by TikTok has far less to do with who owns it than it does with who writes the code and algorithms that make TikTok tick.


Those algorithms, which guide how TikTok watches its users and feeds them more of what they want, are the magic sauce of an app that 170 million Americans now have on their phones. That’s half the country.


But TikTok doesn’t own those algorithms; they are developed by engineers who work for its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, which assembles the code in great secrecy in its software labs. But China has issued regulations that appear designed to require government review before any of ByteDance’s algorithms could be licensed to outsiders. Few expect those licenses to be issued — meaning that selling TikTok to an American owner without the underlying code might be like selling a Ferrari without its famed engine.


The bill would require a new, Western-owned TikTok to be cut off from any “operational relationship” with ByteDance, “including any cooperation with respect to the operation of a content recommendation algorithm.” So the new, American-based company would have to develop its own, made-in-America algorithm. Maybe that would work, or maybe it would flop. But a version of TikTok without its classic algorithm might quickly become useless to users and worthless to investors.


And right now, China has no incentive to relent.


The House vote “was a nice symbolic gesture,” James A. Lewis, who leads the cyber research program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said on Wednesday. “But the Chinese get a vote, too.”


It is all part of a broader standoff between the world’s two most powerful technology superpowers. The sparring plays out every day, including in President Biden’s refusal to sell China the most advanced computer chips and in China’s objections to a forced sale of one of the most successful consumer apps in history. A spokesman for China’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday that Washington was “resorting to hegemonic moves when one could not succeed in fair competition.”


It is a remarkable problem, one not envisioned when TikTok first released its app in 2016. At that time, Washington was focused on other problems from Beijing. It accused China’s intelligence agencies of cleaning out the Office of Personnel Management, stealing the security clearance files of more than 22 million American government officials and contractors. It was still smarting from the cyber-enabled theft of American chip designs, jet engine technology and the F-35 fighter.


No one was contemplating the possibility that Chinese engineers could design code that seemed to understand the mind-set of American consumers better than Americans did themselves. By the millions, Americans began to put Chinese-designed software, whose innards no one really understood, on their iPhones and Androids, first for dance videos, then for the memes and now for news.


It was the first piece of Chinese-designed consumer software to go wildly viral across the United States. No American firm seemed capable of displacing it. And so it wasn’t long before its ubiquity raised worries about whether the Chinese government could use the data TikTok collected to track the habits and tastes of American citizens. Panicked, state governments across the United States started banning the app from state-owned phones. So did the military.


But officials know they cannot wrest it from ordinary users — which is why the threat of banning TikTok, especially in an election year, is faintly ridiculous. In a fit of remarkable candor, Gina Raimondo, the commerce secretary, told Bloomberg last year that if any democracy thinks it can outright ban the app, “the politician in me thinks you’re going to literally lose every voter under 35, forever.”


The House bill passed on Wednesday holds open the threat of such a ban. But that is probably not its real intent. Rather, it seeks to give the United States leverage to force a sale. And for two years now, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, a secretive body that reviews corporate deals that could jeopardize national security, has quietly been trying to work out an arrangement that would avert a true showdown. So far it has failed — one reason that the bill passed.


In the course of those negotiations, TikTok has proposed to continue U.S. operations — while still fully owned by ByteDance — and have its algorithm inspected and dissected in the United States. It is part of a broader plan TikTok calls Project Texas.

在谈判过程中,TikTok提出继续在美国运营,仍由字节跳动全资拥有,并且让其算法在美国接受检查和分析。这是 TikTok称为“得克萨斯计划”的更广泛方案的一部分。

Under Project Texas, all U.S.-origin user data from TikTok would be stored on domestic servers operated by Oracle, the cloud computing company. To build confidence in the independence of its algorithm, TikTok has also proposed that Oracle and a third party will review its source code to make sure it has not been manipulated.


TikTok says much of this plan is already being implemented. But government officials insist that it is hard to know how such inspections would actually work — even for the most experienced experts, reviewing minor changes in code, at high speed, is a complicated proposition. Biden administration officials say it is not like inspecting agricultural goods or counting weapons under an arms treaty. Very subtle changes could alter the news that is delivered, whether it was about a presidential election or Chinese action against Taiwan.


TikTok has tried to enshrine that arrangement into a formal agreement to resolve the government’s national security concerns. But that idea met resistance from senior Biden administration officials, starting with Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco, who felt it was not tight enough to resolve their concerns.


Instead, the Biden administration and lawmakers have pushed for ByteDance to sell TikTok. Senator Mark Warner, the tech-savvy Virginia Democrat who leads the Senate Intelligence Committee and supports the new bill, said that any sale of the app needed to ensure that the “algorithm doesn’t continue to reside in Beijing or it’s replaced by an algorithm that’s totally independent of the algorithm that is in Beijing.” It also needed to protect the security of TikTok’s data, he said.


But in the House, it was hard to figure out what lawmakers were most concerned about: privacy, the potential for disinformation or just the idea that Chinese-developed code was inside Americans’ (largely Chinese-produced) iPhones. All those worries were often jumbled together.


“Foreign adversaries like the Chinese Communist Party pose the greatest national threat of our time,” said Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the Washington Republican who leads the Energy and Commerce Committee, during the Wednesday House debate over the bill. She called TikTok a “valuable propaganda tool for the C.C.P. to exploit.”


TikTok may not have eased that concern in how it lobbied to defeat the House bill. Ms. McMorris Rodgers noted that TikTok had used an alert in its app to push users to contact Congress and urge a “no” vote. Congressional offices were overwhelmed by the calls, some of which staff members believed came from teenagers. To TikTok’s executives, this was democracy in action. To some in Congress, it proved their point.


“This is just a small taste of how the C.C.P. weaponizes applications it controls to manipulate tens of millions of people to further its agenda,” she said.




2023年,拜登总统与中国国家主席习近平在加州举行会谈。 Doug Mills/The New York Times

Ask President Biden — or just about anyone in the national security firmament of the United States — about America’s most potent geopolitical challenge over the next few decades, and you are bound to get a near-unanimous answer: China.


The argument is familiar. The United States has never before faced a competitor who challenges it on so many fronts. Xi Jinping’s China is America’s only real technological competitor, in everything from artificial intelligence to semiconductors, electric cars to biological sciences. The country has more than doubled the size of its nuclear arsenal in the past few years, and a new partnership it has formed with Russia could upend every assumption about how America defends itself.


Then there’s the economy. If, a few years ago, American economists worried about China’s rapid rise, today they worry about its slowdown, and the overhang of industrial production that is flooding the world with excess goods, with potentially disastrous consequences.


There’s also the very real risk of war over Taiwan. There’s TikTok. The list goes on.


Yet when the issue comes up on the campaign trail at all, it’s framed chiefly as an economic threat. Thornier discussions of China’s role as a broad strategic competitor, with ambitions that are already forcing the United States to change how it prepares its workers, shapes its investments and restructures its defenses, have fallen largely by the wayside.


China has fallen victim to what I call Situation Room-Campaign Trail disequilibrium. It works something like this: If there is a topic that is fixating Washington policymakers, it’s usually a good bet no one is talking about it, except in platitudes, on the campaign trail.


This week was a prime example. While the campaign roared along, President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, was in Beijing, meeting with President Xi on a range of urgent issues, including China’s support of Russia’s war in Ukraine.


Chips, human rights and climate


You might think that China would be the exception to the Situation Room rule. It touches everything, from how we shop at Walmart to the warming of the earth. Progressives could be expected to concern themselves both with its human rights record and its status as the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases.


Some conservatives arguing for bigger defense budgets pay close attention to the growth of China’s navy, and its 2021 tests of hypersonic missiles that took the Pentagon by surprise. They make a case for letting Europe worry about the war in Ukraine, so the United States can focus on China.


But China has yet to emerge as the subject of sustained — and substantive — debate in the presidential campaign.


It’s easy to dismiss this by saying that foreign policy rarely gets a serious airing in presidential elections, unless Americans are actively deployed in a conflict abroad. But it’s emerged as a key theme in multiple elections.


In 2016, Trump turned “America First” into his rallying cry, echoing a term used by an isolationist, stay-out-of-war political pressure group in the 1940 election. (When my colleague Maggie Haberman and I first asked Trump about the phrase in an interview in early 2016, he said he hadn’t heard of it; days later, he was using it.)


The Kennedy-Nixon debates in 1960 were dominated by the questions of nuclear strategy and how to curb the influence of the Soviet Union. And Barack Obama’s election in 2008 was propelled by the human and strategic disaster of the Iraq War.


Falling back on easy talking points


29 pol on politics newsletter debate klwt master10501960年,肯尼迪与尼克松的辩论主要围绕核战略以及如何遏制苏联的影响等问题来展开

Vice President Kamala Harris mentioned China just once when she accepted the Democratic presidential nomination last week, saying she wanted to ensure “that America, not China, wins the competition for the 21st century and that we strengthen, not abdicate, our global leadership.” She then moved on to Russia.


For his part, Trump no longer talks at his rallies about the great trade deals he thinks he is going to strike with Xi, as he often did while in office. Instead, he blames Beijing for the coronavirus pandemic and then promises to impose steep tariffs on Chinese goods.


Harris has criticized those ideas as a “national sales tax” that would cost middle-class consumers billions and fuel inflation. But the Biden administration has not only kept Trump-era tariffs in place, it has also proposed new ones, including a 100 percent tax on Chinese-made electric vehicles. So far, the Harris campaign hasn’t said what kind of tariffs she would support.


The argument about tariffs is a critical economic one. But the strategic questions of dealing with China go far beyond what you can order — or how much you pay — when you shop online.


Nukes, satellites and dominance


Almost as soon as the next president is sworn in, questions about countering China’s military buildup — in space and cyberspace, on the seas and in the nuclear missile silos that have suddenly appeared in the Chinese desert — will sweep through those Situation Room meetings.


First and foremost will be the implications of the new relationship between Beijing and Moscow. Just before he exited the presidential race, Biden acknowledged for the first time, in response to my question at a news conference, that the administration had adopted a strategy of trying to interrupt the partnership of its two biggest adversaries, much as Nixon and Kissinger attempted 50 years ago. Harris has been around for internal debates about that strategy, but we know little about her thinking on the subject.


Quietly, Mr. Biden also changed the guidance on nuclear strategy, to focus more on a Chinese arsenal that the Pentagon thinks is headed to 1,500 weapons. That sounds like an invitation for rekindling Cold War-era debates.


The one subject no candidate wants to touch, of course, is TikTok. Trump threatened to ban it in the last year of his presidency; he has now flipped his position. Harris hasn’t said yet whether she thinks the Chinese-owned app, which her campaign is using furiously to attract younger voters, is a blessing or a national security threat.


But Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo had it about right when she was asked last year whether the Biden administration was ready to ban it in an effort to keep Chinese influences off American phones.


“The politician in me,” she said drolly, “thinks you’re going to literally lose every voter under 35, forever.”




上周在芝加哥举行的民主党全国大会的最后一晚,副总统贺锦丽和她的丈夫道格·艾姆霍夫。 Todd Heisler/The New York Times

Given the sudden possibility of electing a female president, there’s been a lot of talk about masculinity of late. It’s true that Democrats have been showcasing genial, outspoken guys who support women’s rights and accomplishments. But beyond the typical male-feminist talking points, there is another, subtler aspect of the new masculinity, which has yet to be acknowledged: husbandliness.


For four days last week, men at the Democratic National Convention openly showed emotion and admired their wives — even at their own expense. Doug Emhoff made gentle fun of his early romantic foibles while courting his future wife, Vice President Kamala Harris (the phone call!). Former President Barack Obama acknowledged the difficulty of having to give a speech after his wife, Michelle.


Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, Ms. Harris’s running mate, spoke not just about “reproductive rights,” but about his personal pain in dealing with infertility and the joy of finally having his children — choking up when recounting naming his daughter, Hope. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg talked not just about marriage equality, but about air-frying mac and cheese for his 3-year-old twins, and trying to get them to wash their hands.


The men of the D.N.C. were shining a light on something almost never discussed in politics: the private, household role of the husband as a person intimately involved in the domestic, physical, sometimes even gynecological details of a marriage.


28HUSBANDLINESS 02 wfvm master1050前总统贝拉克·奥巴马在民主党全国大会第二晚开玩笑说,他“感觉已经准备好了——即使我是唯一一个愚蠢到在米歇尔·奥巴马之后发言的人”。

Josh Zurawski and Derick Cook took the stage with their wives to discuss the nearly fatal medical crises they had endured as a result of abortion bans. As Anya Cook described her husband’s attempts to save her life during her miscarriage, Mr. Cook silently held their infant daughter in his arms.


This is new. We’ve heard men endorse female candidates or talk about “kitchen table” issues. But we’ve never heard men wade this deeply into the intimate details of coupledom.


Often in politics it’s the women playing the supporting roles — praising their husbands’ brilliance, holding the babies in the background, talking about parenthood or childbirth, meal prep, or courtship days. Domestic attachments tend to be defining identities for women, mere social adornments for men.


But at the Democratic convention, a quality best described as husbandliness became a virtue to highlight — and something important happens when men publicly embrace husbandliness: Women can be seen as something other than “wifely.”


28HUSBANDLINESS 03 wfvm master1050民主党全国大会发言人乔希·祖拉夫斯基描述了他对失去妻子阿曼达的恐惧,当时她在医院里与死神搏斗,等待合法终止无法存活的妊娠。

When men — straight or gay — embrace their roles in the private, domestic world, it frees women to embrace their roles in the public world, their status as authorities. By being husbandly, men at the D.N.C. lifted the yoke of wifeliness from Ms. Harris’s shoulders, helping her project the image of a strong leader at the head of the Democratic ticket.


The debut of the new husbandliness came just one day after the death of the television pioneer Phil Donahue, a founding father of enlightened, tender masculinity and, arguably, the originator of pop-culture husbandliness.


Mr. Donahue was among the first publicly feminist male celebrities: a man who seemed strong and confident while demonstrating empathy, respect and genuine interest in women. When he married the actress and second-wave feminist Marlo Thomas, in 1980, they embodied a new kind of egalitarian couple.


For a long stretch in the 1970s and ’80s, Mr. Donahue’s program was the most watched daytime talk show on television, reaching nine million mostly female viewers an episode. He chose many of the show’s topics to appeal specifically to this audience, covering issues such as lesbian motherhood, vasectomies and childbirth.


28HUSBANDLINESS 04 wfvm master1050与约翰尼·卡森拿自己的离婚开玩笑、爱挖苦人的大卫·莱特曼或热衷于风流事的杰里·斯普林格等其他电视节目主持人不同,菲尔·多纳休(上方,摄于1979年)在许多女性观众心目中扮演了代理丈夫的角色。

It was easy to imagine Mr. Donahue at home with his wife, sharing chores, talking about feelings. No subsequent male talk show host ever managed to embody this kind of husbandliness again. Mr. Donahue was also known for listening to women, becoming the first daytime host to share his microphone with his largely female studio audience, allowing them to ask questions on air. “He’s every wife’s replacement for the husband who doesn’t talk to her,” the humorist Erma Bombeck is said to have quipped.


The key word there was “husband.”


Was the blueprint for a so-called new masculinity there the whole time?




去年,立场新闻的钟沛权(左)和林绍桐离开香港法院。 Louise Delmotte/Associated Press

The two veterans of Hong Kong’s long boisterous news media scene didn’t shy away from publishing pro-democracy voices on their Stand News site, even as China cranked up its national security clampdown to silence critics in the city.


Then the police came knocking and, more than two and a half years later, a judge Thursday convicted the two journalists — the former editor in chief of Stand News, Chung Pui-kuen, and his successor, Patrick Lam — of conspiring to publish seditious materials on the now-defunct liberal news outlet. Both face potential prison sentences.


The landmark ruling highlighted how far press freedom has shrunk in the city, where local news outlets already self censor to survive and some foreign news organizations have left or moved out staff amid increasing scrutiny from the authorities.


During the trial, prosecutors characterized news articles and opinion pieces published by the two as biased against the government and a threat to national security. The articles were similar to those Stand News had been publishing for years. But after the authorities crushed protests that rocked the city in 2019, China imposed a national security law, and tolerance for dissent in the city’s freewheeling media began to evaporate.


The two editors have maintained their innocence. Mr. Chung said in his court testimony that they were operating within journalistic principles, to deliver stories with news value and of public interest.


“We didn’t have a hidden agenda, or any other goals that you couldn’t see,” he said in his testimony at the trial last year. “We saw very important events with a lot of public interest; we only wanted to document them.”


Former colleagues of Mr. Chung described him as a fearless leader and a fair-minded journalist who encouraged employees to seek out pro-Beijing politicians for interviews or opinion articles, even though those requests were regularly declined.


“He was steadfast to his ideals,” said Lam Yin-pong, a former editor at the site who now runs a one-man online news agency. “He has the most backbone. His sacrifice is very extreme.”


The trial is the latest example of the authorities’ campaign against dissent in Hong Kong that has seen scores of activists, opposition politicians and ordinary citizens who posted comments online sent to jail. The campaign has led to an exodus of local and expatriate residents and driven out some foreign companies as the city’s economy struggles to bounce back from the pandemic.


“The verdict could impose an additional chilling effect on the local media industry that has been exercising self censorship heavily since 2020,” said Eric Lai, a Hong Kong law expert at Georgetown Center for Asian Law.


In his ruling, the judge in the case, Kwok Wai-kin, wrote that it was necessary to balance freedom of speech “with the prevention of the potential damage wrought by incendiary publications.” Judge Kwok is one of the judges handpicked by Hong Kong’s chief executive to hear national security cases.


28hongkong media ptgh master1050《苹果日报》创始人黎智英自2020年以来一直在狱中服刑。

Hong Kong’s press freedom ranking fell to 135th out of 180 countries and territories, according to an index compiled by the advocacy group Reporters Without Borders. A representative of the organization was denied entry to Hong Kong on a fact-finding mission in April.


The media mogul Jimmy Lai, founder of the defunct pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, is on trial on charges of conspiracy and collusion with foreign forces under the national security law.


The United States-funded news service Radio Free Asia said in March it had closed its office in Hong Kong after the government enacted a new national security law that targets so-called foreign interference. The Hong Kong Journalists Association was targeted for criticism after it elected a new board this year, with Chinese state media accusing it of having a political agenda.


The two editors, who both spent almost a year in prison after their arrests, had their bail extended pending sentencing expected in late September. Mr. Lam did not attend Thursday’s hearing because of health issues, his lawyer said.


The imposition of Hong Kong’s new security law has led to some uncertainty over how existing political cases will be handled. The Stand News journalists were charged in 2021 under a British colonial-era sedition law, which carries a maximum sentence of up to two years in prison.


But Hong Kong’s new national security law introduced this year increased the maximum sentence for sedition to seven years — and 10, if an “external force” was involved. It replaced the sedition law.


Legal experts said that in at least one other case related to national security, the courts have applied the harsher new punishments retroactively. It isn’t clear if that will happen when the court sentences the two editors.


Stand News was founded in 2014, and its founding principles included safeguarding democracy, freedom and human rights. It came to greater prominence for its livestreaming of monthslong anti-government protests in 2019, its small but seemingly ubiquitous team nimbly covering the movement and the response by the authorities.


Mr. Chung and Mr. Lam were arrested in late December 2021. Hundreds of police officers descended on the newsroom and collected boxes of evidence. Stand News replaced its home page with a notice announcing that it would shut down.


28hongkong media cqlz master10502021年,数百名警察来到新闻编辑室,从立场新闻的办公室收集了成箱的证据。

During the trial, prosecutors cited 17 articles they said were at the center of a conspiracy between the two editors and the company that owned Stand News to publish seditious materials. Those included an opinion article written by Nathan Law and an interview with Ted Hui, both former lawmakers who now live in self-exile abroad and are wanted by the Hong Kong police.


The trial of the Stand News editors has been plagued by delays: Originally slated to last 20 days, it stretched to more than 50. The verdict was first scheduled to be handed down last October, but it was postponed three times.


Mr. Chung spent 36 days on the witness stand, with prosecutor Laura Ng, the prosecutor, suggesting to him that Stand News was a platform for hardened critics of Hong Kong and Beijing. Mr. Chung responded that he sought to include voices across the political spectrum because he believed that open discussion was healthy for society.


“To me, freedom of speech is close to a kind of faith,” he said.


In one exchange, Mr. Chung was asked if his belief in free speech would include giving a platform to dangerous voices, such as Osama bin Laden in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S.


The toll of the trial became evident on Mr. Chung when at one point he broke down in tears as he recounted the day his wife, Chan Pui-man, was arrested over her role as an associate publisher of Apple Daily. Mr. Chung had stepped down as the top editor of Stand News in the months before the site closed to focus on handling her affairs while she was in prison.


Prosecutors accused him of continuing to give instructions to Mr. Lam afterward, citing group chat messages in which he pointed out typos or story ideas that the newspaper hadn’t yet covered. Mr. Chung said that he was merely offering suggestions, and that work habits were hard to shake.


Former co-workers of Mr. Chung recalled in interviews that he was often the first one into the office and last to leave. Sometimes he would jump in and write article drafts himself, make graphics and write captions for photographs, they said. When Stand News struggled financially, he took a reduced salary, they said.


Lam Yin-pong, the former colleague, recalled Stand News running a story that was critical of the Democratic Party.


“We didn’t try to serve anyone in particular, or to say what is right,” he said. “To call this a conspiracy is a joke.”




Lisk Feng

One Saturday evening in late July, more than 100 people attended an elaborate party in the lush garden of a mansion in Silicon Valley. The host was David Wei, a former chief executive of Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, and now a venture capital investor. Guests, most dressed in white, were offered Panama hats as the bright California sun set and models walked a catwalk between large round tables covered with white cloths.


Many of the guests were current or former investors or entrepreneurs in China’s tech industry. Their conversations, like those at a number of similar gatherings in Silicon Valley this summer, bounced among three topics: how little confidence they have in China; how many opportunities artificial intelligence presents in the United States; and how they can get into the game on this side of the Pacific.


Chinese tech professionals are moving to Silicon Valley for opportunities they don’t believe are available in China anymore. They’re part of a wave of Chinese companies “going global,” as a growing number of businesses look outside their home country for growth.


With China’s economy in a lasting slump, investors and entrepreneurs are seeking the next China. They feel unwelcome by their government, which in recent years has sent an ominous message by clamping down on private companies. The heightened tensions between China and the United States make it tough to operate as a Chinese-based business with international ambitions. There are opportunities in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. But only one other market can compare to China in size and potential. That’s the United States.


00newworld 01 bqlm master1050上个月在北京举行的小米新智能手机发布会。

Most eager to make the jump are the venture capitalists. They used to be able to raise money from funds managed by America’s university endowments, retirement pensions and wealthy individuals, and then invest that money in Chinese start-ups. They helped give rise to China’s tech industry, backing Alibaba, Baidu (internet search), Xiaomi (smartphones) and Didi (ride hailing). When these companies did public stock offerings, the venture capital investors reaped bountiful returns.


This is also the group now in the most awkward position. Neither Beijing nor Washington wants these people to invest in cutting edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and semiconductors. Both governments have made it difficult for the companies they back to list stock for sale in New York, their main way to cash in.


“We used to enjoy the best of both worlds,” said a venture capitalist who has worked in both countries for decades. “Now we’re losing on both ends.”


All of the 14 Chinese venture capitalists and entrepreneurs I talked to are working in Silicon Valley or making plans to do so. Most of them requested anonymity because they don’t want to attract attention from Beijing or Washington.


The first thing one of them said to me when we met in Palo Alto was that her career in China was finished and that she was depressed. She had not made a single deal in nearly three years. She plans to focus on Silicon Valley but will need to spend time in China to wind up projects.


Another investor, who had not visited the United States much in the past decade, told me that she would split her time between the two countries while looking for U.S. start-ups to back.


00newworld 03 bqlm master10502018年,阿里巴巴联合创始人马云在上海。

A third person, who relocated to Silicon Valley this year, was the most determined to settle down. He said he was selling his investments or dissolving his companies in China. He no longer feels safe there, he said, because the government jailed entrepreneurs or imposed sometimes huge fines on private enterprises.


He said most of his peers were reluctant to leave China completely and start over in a foreign country with a foreign language and a foreign culture. It has been tough for him, he added.


Tom Zhang, a well-connected human resources expert who has worked at several big tech companies in Silicon Valley, said he had met with many investors from China since last year.


“They have completely lost their direction, buzzing around like flies, not knowing what to invest in next,” he told me.


There’s no doubt that these people belong to the privileged class. To meet with them, I visited quite a few fancy mansions. One home sat atop the Los Gatos hills; my Uber driver whistled in awe when he turned onto the long driveway. Then he chuckled when he stopped his modest S.U.V. in front of a red Ferrari, a Tesla Cybertruck and a few Audis and BMWs. And there was Mr. Wei’s party, which one partygoer described to me as Gatsbyesque.


Nonetheless, the frustrations of this moneyed set reflect a significant shift in the tech world: the bust of a financial pipeline known as U.S. dollar-denominated venture capital funds, and the demise of the market economy-driven model that propelled China’s tech growth. Behind the shift is the vision that China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has for the country’s tech industry, one that is led by the government and aims for national self-reliance.


The ramifications of this approach for China’s drive for innovation and its tech rivalry with the United States probably won’t be clear for years.


But for now, on the human level, it’s a waste of talent for China. A generation of investors who spent two decades cultivating start-ups and shaping tech development have nowhere to apply their expertise.


The problem for China’s displaced investors is that the United States isn’t exactly a welcoming land.


Since 2018, the U.S. government has heightened its scrutiny of Chinese technology. A year ago, President Biden signed an executive order banning new American investment in key industries that could help Beijing’s military capabilities.


This has left many in Silicon Valley afraid of China. Some brand-name venture firms will not consider putting money into a start-up that has taken funds from investors with China ties, a Chinese venture capitalist who had started two funds in the Valley told me. And that leaves founders reluctant to take money from transplanted Chinese investors for fear of scaring off later investors. His assessment was confirmed by other people I interviewed.


Only start-ups that are desperate for funding will take money from relocated Chinese investors. The few venture firms with China connections have rebranded themselves and take pains to explain that all the partners are U.S. citizens and that their funding mainly came from outside China.


One veteran investor told me that a founder had refused to talk to him even after he explained that he had been a naturalized citizen for decades. People are acting with extra caution, the investor said.


But that’s not stopping other venture capitalists from looking at Silicon Valley as the promised land. They still have some slim hope, said the investor who has started two funds here. They probably won’t be able to land the next Alibaba, but they might find some opportunities to invest in small start-ups that might succeed, he added.


That might be better than nothing.




美国总统国家安全事务助理杰克·沙利文周四与中国领导人习近平举行会晤。 Pool photo by Trevor Hunnicutt

The White House national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, met on Thursday with China’s leader, Xi Jinping, and held rare talks with a top Chinese military official in a sign that the two countries are communicating at senior levels despite tensions over the South China Sea and Taiwan.


Mr. Sullivan’s meeting with Gen. Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, was the first in years between a senior American official and a vice chair of the commission, which oversees China’s armed forces and is chaired by Mr. Xi. In 2018, Jim Mattis, who was the U.S. defense secretary at the time, met with Gen. Xu Qiliang, who held the vice chair position.


It was the latest effort by the two powers to keep communication channels open even as disputes grow over national security, trade and geopolitics. On the military front, the United States has argued that more open communication is necessary to prevent accidents between the two countries’ warplanes and navy ships as they regularly patrol contested areas like the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.


“A meeting with Zhang Youxia is very significant, and an indication that China is prepared to meaningfully re-engage with the Department of Defense,” said Drew Thompson, a visiting senior research fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. “Beijing views the military-to-military relationship as an important political indicator of the overall relationship, which differs somewhat from the U.S. perspective, which sees it as a more pragmatic channel to reduce risk.”

“与张又侠举行会晤意义非常重大,这表明中国准备好了重新开始与美国国防部进行有意义的接触,”新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院的高级访问学者唐安竹(Drew Thompson)说。“中国政府将双边军事关系视为整体关系的一个重要政治指标,这与美国的看法有些不同,美国将其视为一个更务实的降低风险渠道。”

Mr. Sullivan’s meeting with General Zhang, which was held at the headquarters of China’s People’s Liberation Army, came on the final day of his three-day visit to Beijing to bolster the Biden administration’s bid to manage competition with China.


29china us mvbz master1050沙利文周四还会晤了中共中央军事委员会副主席张又侠上将。

China and the United States have been locked in a rivalry for global influence and have seen tensions rise over a raft of issues, including China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea, its tacit support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the flood of Chinese electric vehicles and solar panels onto global markets.


“We believe that competition with China does not have to lead to conflict and confrontation — the key is responsible management through diplomacy,” Mr. Sullivan said at a news conference after meeting with Mr. Xi.


Even as the visit was a chance for both nations to reassure the world that they were working to lower the risk of conflict between them, it was clear that they were still fundamentally divided on strategic issues. China has rejected Washington’s framing of the bilateral relationship as being defined by competition, a stance Mr. Xi highlighted at the top of an official summary of the meeting.


“First of all, we must answer the general question of whether China and the United States are rivals or partners,” Mr. Xi told Mr. Sullivan. China’s intentions were “above board,” he said, and his country was committed to “peaceful development.” He said he hoped that the United States would work with China to “find a correct way for the two major countries to get along.”


Mr. Sullivan told reporters that the Biden administration’s priorities in its final months included greater communication between their militaries and more cooperation to tackle the fentanyl crisis in the United States.


He also elaborated on discussions about a potential meeting between President Biden and Mr. Xi, noting that both leaders would likely attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru and the Group of 20 Leader’s Summit in Brazil, to be held in mid-November.


“It would only be natural for them to have the chance to sit down with one another,” Mr. Sullivan said.


He also spoke briefly about Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, and her perspective on China.


“She shares President Biden’s view that responsibly managing this competition, so it doesn’t veer into conflict or confrontation, is essential,” Mr. Sullivan told reporters, noting that Ms. Harris has met Mr. Xi and also China’s second-highest official, Premier Li Qiang.


Earlier in the day, General Zhang told Mr. Sullivan that the world expected the two countries to “maintain stability in the military and security fields,” according to a statement released by China’s defense ministry. He also reiterated China’s opposition to American support for Taiwan, the island democracy that Beijing claims.


“China demands that the United States stop military collusion between the United States and Taiwan, stop arming Taiwan, and stop spreading false narratives involving Taiwan,” the general said, according to the official statement.


Mr. Sullivan later said that having a chance to speak in person with General Zhang had made a difference.


“The meeting with Vice Chairman Zhang was very important — there is no substitute for actually being able to sit across the table not just with the vice chairman but with his whole team, to be able to hear from them their perspective on critical issues,” he said.


On Wednesday, Mr. Sullivan and China’s most senior diplomatic official, Wang Yi, said their countries’ top military commanders in the region would hold a video call at some point.


Mr. Thompson said such a call could help reinvigorate lower-level dialogue that used to take place more frequently in the past. Those meetings, he said, allowed military personnel to discuss aerial and maritime maneuvers in greater detail to prevent accidents.


Washington is also concerned about encounters between China and U.S. allies that could draw American forces into a confrontation. That includes the most recent standoff between the Philippines and China near a disputed atoll, Sabina Shoal, where Chinese coast guard vessels have rammed Philippine ships and targeted them with water cannons.


“The order of the day should be de-escalation” in the South China Sea, said Mr. Sullivan, who, during his talks in Beijing, raised America’s commitment to defend the Philippines as a treaty ally.


“Nobody is looking for a crisis — not the Philippines, not the United States and, we hope, not the P.R.C.,” he said, referring to the People’s Republic of China.


Such regional tensions have led to chilly relations between the Pentagon and the Chinese military over the past several years. China suspended military-to-military communications in 2022 after Nancy Pelosi, who was speaker of the House at the time, visited Taiwan. They were restored in December when President Biden’s senior military adviser, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, held a videoconference call with his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Liu Zhenli.




2017年,国家安全顾问H·R·麦克马斯特在白宫的一次会议上。 Tom Brenner/The New York Times

 AT WAR WITH OURSELVES: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House, by H.R. McMaster


Recently on the campaign trail, Donald Trump has talked up his aggressive stance on China, positioning himself as a tough negotiator in a brutal trade war. But a new memoir by Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, one of Trump’s national security advisers, throws that narrative, and many other stories that Trump tells about his time in office, into stark relief.


As McMaster writes in “At War With Ourselves,” the president could sometimes be kept on the straight and narrow with a clever dose of reverse psychology (Xi Jinping wants you to say this, Xi Jinping wants you to say that). But just as often, McMaster shows Trump to have been an unpredictable waffler who undermined himself to the advantage of his competitors on the world stage.


In November 2017, President Trump visited China on the third leg of a 13-day trip around Asia. It was his “most consequential” destination, McMaster explains. As they flew to Beijing, he warned Trump that Xi would try to trick him into saying something that was good for China, but bad for the United States and its allies. “The C.C.P.’s favorite phrase, ‘win-win,’” he recalls telling his boss at one point, “actually meant that China won twice.”


Trump seemed to hear him, but in the Great Hall of the People, the president strayed from his talking points. He agreed with Xi that military exercises in South Korea were “provocative” and a “waste of money” and suggested that China might have a legitimate claim to Japan’s Senkaku Islands. McMaster, his stomach sinking, passed a note to Gen. John Kelly, the chief of staff: Xi “ate our lunch,” it read.

特朗普看上去是有在听的,但到了人民大会堂,总统偏离了他既定的谈话要点。他对习近平说的韩国军事演习属于“挑衅”,且“浪费钱”表示了认同,并表示中国对日本的尖阁诸岛(Senkaku Islands,中国称钓鱼岛。——译注)也许存在正当的领土主张。大感不妙的麦克马斯特给幕僚长约翰·凯利将军写了张便条,上面写着习“吃了我们的午餐”。

“At War With Ourselves” is intended to be a companion to “Battlegrounds,” McMaster’s 2020 assessment of U.S. foreign policy backsliding since the Cold War, but it works well as a stand-alone and serves as essential reading for anyone countenancing a potential second round of Trump as a global leader. The general shows how, despite his best efforts to help the president, the supposed master of the “art of the deal” was treated like a “chump” by a roster of the world’s top authoritarians.


Flattery and pomp from leaders like Xi, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Russian president Vladimir V. Putin seem to have been all that was required to get in Trump’s good graces. In 2018, McMaster found Trump in the Oval Office scrawling a cheerful note to Putin across a New York Post article reporting that the Russian president had denigrated the American political system but called Trump a good listener. Like a child with his Christmas wish list, the leader of the free world asked McMaster to send it to the Kremlin. It was especially bad timing: Evidence was coming to light that Putin had directed an assassination on British soil. McMaster did not forward the note, later explaining to an infuriated Trump that his letter would “reinforce the narrative that you are somehow in the Kremlin’s pocket.”


“At War With Ourselves” is beautifully written and never dull. Its author is as concerned with the commander in chief as he is with the destructive bickering among the president’s deputies who hurled “accusations of disloyalty” in their efforts to reach Trump’s ear. In tale after tale, McMaster shows how the former president allowed his own prejudices and the petty rivalries within his administration to undermine his policy goals in what McMaster terms a “vortex of vitriol.” Trump’s “indiscipline,” he writes, “made him the antagonist in his own story.”


The book is rife with literary references to, among others, Chaucer, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius and Shakespeare. Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, is described both as Iago, the soldier villain who plays on his leader’s insecurities in “Othello,” and as one of the “weird sisters” who incite Macbeth with splenetic prophecies.


The Shakespearean metaphors only go so far. Does McMaster really think of Trump, like Othello, as a “noble and valiant” outsider who was sadly poisoned by the strain of his office and the selfishness of his officers? The answer is probably not: Beyond having what McMaster terms a “disruptive nature,” it is hard to see what good there was before things got worse. Perhaps McMaster, who served in the military for three and a half decades, can’t shake his basic sense of duty to the presidency — on the final page, he talks about how he hopes young people will take the lesson that there are “tremendous rewards” associated with serving “any administration.”


27h r mcmaster cover master1050

If McMaster respects the office of the president, the Trump he depicts in the book seems to go out of his way to disrespect it. Time and again, Trump can’t seem to focus on briefings and responds to serious problems with inane suggestions. “Why don’t we just bomb the drugs?” he asks when the conversation turns to Mexico. (McMaster, in an apparent act of self-soothing, suggests that Trump “only” meant to shock his advisers with such statements, but he never seems to ask himself to what end.)


McMaster even traces President Biden’s signature foreign policy failure, the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021, to the “atmosphere of inconsistency” promulgated by Trump. What’s more, with the 2024 presidential election in sight, McMaster questions whether the 78-year-old Trump can still “perform well the sometimes grueling job of president.” He notes that the 13-day trip to Asia “tired” him and stretched his patience — and that was seven years ago.


The confusion and capriciousness that permeate the administration in “At War With Ourselves” are terrifying to consider in retrospect; even more so when one imagines them in the context of today’s world, so close to regional wars in the Middle East and the South China Sea.


The message of the book appears to be that Trump is unsuited for another term, although McMaster, known for what the New Yorker writer Patrick Radden Keefe once described as “strenuous expressions of humility,” never explicitly goes so far as to say so, and he even lays some blame on senior advisers like himself. He does, however, indulge in a few rounds of old-school psychoanalyzing. “Seneca emphasized the need to have control over one’s own mind,” he writes, noting that “Trump’s anxieties and insecurities rendered him vulnerable.”


This, as Hamlet might say, is the vicious mole of nature, the thing in Trump that Trump, let alone McMaster, could not tame or fight. In the end, the most Shakespearean character in McMaster’s tragedy might be the general himself. He gave his all to a leader he is convinced is fatally flawed, but whose tempest of energy he never stops believing he can direct toward some greater purpose — only to be summarily fired and discarded thanks to a bickering and back-stabbing cabal, and the man who yields to it.


 AT WAR WITH OURSELVESMy Tour of Duty in the Trump White House | By H.R. McMaster | Harper | 357 pp. | $32.50

 AT WAR WITH OURSELVESMy Tour of Duty in the Trump White House | By H.R. McMaster | Harper | 357 pp. | $32.50



今年夏天,增加税收的提议在肯尼亚引发了致命的抗议活动。 Brian Otieno for The New York Times

After a new tax increase incited weeks of deadly riots in Kenya early this summer, President William Ruto announced that he was reversing course. He abandoned the finance law he had proposed, and then he shook up his cabinet.


Last week, the government reversed itself again. The newly appointed finance minister announced that some of those discarded tax increases would be reintroduced.


The Ruto administration is desperately trying to raise revenue to pay off billions of dollars in public debt and avoid defaulting on its loans, even as critical public assistance and services are being cut.


Governments throughout Africa are facing the same dilemma.


The continent’s foreign debt reached more than $1.1 trillion at the end of last year. More than two dozen countries have excessive debt or are at high risk of it, according to the African Development Bank Group. And roughly 900 million people live in countries that spend more on interest payments than on health care or education.


Outsize debt has been a familiar problem in the developing world, but the current crisis is considered the worst yet because of the amounts owed as well as the huge increase in the number and type of foreign creditors.


And in Africa, a continent pulsating with potential and peril, debt overshadows nearly everything that happens.


00africa debt 06 kphb master1050刚果民主共和国的一个猴痘治疗中心。许多非洲国家背负的巨额债务使得用于医疗保健等服务的资金减少。

It leaves less money for investments that could create jobs for what is the youngest, fastest-growing population on the planet; less money to manage potential pandemics like Covid or mpox; less money to feed, house and educate people; less money to combat the devastating effects of climate change, which threaten to make swaths of land uninhabitable and force people to migrate.


If nothing is done to help countries manage the financial crunch, “a wave of destabilizing debt defaults will end up severely undermining progress on the green transition, with catastrophic implications for the entire world,” warned a new report from the Finance for Development Lab at the Paris School for Economics and Columbia University’s Initiative for Policy Dialogue.


At the same time, economic stagnation in combination with government corruption and mismanagement has left many African countries more vulnerable to brutal wars, military coups and antigovernment riots.


In Nigeria, where foreign debt amounts to $40 billion, rising inflation and widespread hunger spurred a string of violent antigovernment protests this month. Forty percent of the country’s 220 million people live in extreme poverty. Yet more than a third of the revenue collected by the government is used to pay the interest on its public debt.


00africa debt 04 kphb master1050尼日利亚约拉市的中央市场,这个国家正在经历通货膨胀水平的上升。

In Uganda, where foreign creditors are owed $12 billion, demonstrations in July targeted corruption. And in Kenya, which has $35 billion worth of external debt, some protesters have said they are ready to march again after the latest news of impending tax increases.


In many African countries, there has been zero per capita income growth in the past decade. The debt crisis has caused the value of many currencies to depreciate, further sapping purchasing power.


The string of economic shocks produced by the coronavirus pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine helped to supercharge the debt crisis. Food and energy prices soared as government coffers dwindled. The moves by central banks in wealthy countries to fight inflation with higher interest rates caused borrowing costs to rapidly climb.


The issue, though, is not just how much money countries like Kenya and Nigeria have borrowed, but whom they have borrowed from.


In recent decades, the pool of potential lenders has exploded to include thousands of private bondholders and a major new geopolitical player: China.


Seeking to spread its own clout and counter American and European influence, China has transformed itself into the world’s biggest national lender, financing roads, ports, bridges, airports, power plants, telecommunications networks and railways in developing countries.


Many nations, bristling at loan conditions dictated by Western lenders or the International Monetary Fund, were eager to find an alternative source of financing. Agreements with China often came without environmental, financial or human rights restrictions, though they were more opaque so difficult for outsiders to assess.


00africa debt 05 kphb master1050内罗毕高速公路是中国在肯尼亚援建的基础设施项目之一。

China now accounts for 73 percent of bilateral borrowing in Kenya, 83 percent in Nigeria and 72 percent in Uganda, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.


Over the past two decades, one in five infrastructure projects in Africa was financed by China, a report from the National Bureau of Asian Research found, and Chinese firms built one in three projects.


Some of them — like Kenya’s railway between Nairobi and Mombasa — have turned into showcases of corruption and blunders. Many of these large-scale infrastructure projects will never produce enough revenue to justify the costs.


Economic conditions and loan repayment prospects have soured, but China has been reluctant to offer debt relief. It has instead been holding out for repayment, extending credit swaps and rollovers that end up putting off the day of reckoning.


It took Zambia nearly four years to reach a loan restructuring agreement after it defaulted in 2020, for example, primarily because of opposition from China, the country’s single largest creditor.


The monumental increase in the number of private bondholders and creditors has further complicated efforts to resolve debt crises.


00africa debt 03 kphb master1050肯尼亚总统威廉·鲁托在6月爆发致命骚乱后撤回了增税提议。但上周,他的财政部长表示,将重新引入其中一些增税措施。

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank encouraged poor and middle-income countries to embrace Wall Street and seek private loans overseas in the 2010s, said Jayati Ghosh, an economist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Interest rates were extremely low, investors were on the hunt for higher returns and development officials hoped countries could tap a big new source of capital.


As a result, governments looking to rally political support or finance development borrowed too much and creditors seeking gains lent too much.


When interest rates suddenly rose, countries were forced to take out new loans, at high costs, to repay the money they had previously borrowed.


Investors were also able to impose costly loan terms like higher rates on struggling nations that were sometimes on the edge of default — what’s known as a risk premium. Kenya’s government paid more than 10 percent on international bonds to pay off a $2 billion debt that was due in June.


Countries that borrow more than they can afford end up experiencing intense economic and social pain as output crashes, employment dries up, and inflation and poverty rise. The systemic problem, said Indermit Gill, chief economist at the World Bank, is that lenders who also made bad decisions by extending too much credit often don’t pay a financial penalty.


00africa debt 02 kphb master1050一名示威者在乌干达坎帕拉的反腐抗议活动中被拘捕。

“You got paid a risk premium for a reason,” Mr. Gill said of the lenders, adding that if they don’t absorb losses, they will make more reckless loans. “That’s a major weakness in the way the system works.”


The debt overhang leaves countries unable to make the kind of investments that could put their economies on stable footing, which would enable them to repay their loans.


And money that was intended for economic development ends up being siphoned off: Emergency loans from international institutions like the I.M.F. and the World Bank have been used to pay off private foreign creditors or China.


In Kenya, the central bank announced in June that private creditors would get $500 million of a World Bank loan.


As the Finance for Development Lab report concluded, “The global community is currently funding loans to developing countries, which end up ‘leaking out’ to pay off other creditors.”





周三,拜登总统的国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文和中国最高外交政策官员王毅在北京举行会晤。 Pool photo by Ng Han Guan

Senior American and Chinese officials meeting in Beijing discussed plans for a call between President Biden and China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, as well as talks between their military commanders in the region, as the two countries work to stabilize relations.


The White House said in a statement after the talks on Wednesday that the countries were “planning for a leader-level call in the coming weeks.”


Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, and Wang Yi, China’s top foreign policy official, met for nearly 11 hours over two days, the fifth round of negotiations in less than 18 months between the two top officials. They met at Yanqi Lake, a resort on the outskirts of Beijing, near the Great Wall.


The Biden administration has sought to smooth over tensions with China while continuing to turn up the pressure by curbing China's access to the U.S. economy and technology. The meetings between Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Wang, following talks between Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi last November in California, are also aimed at showing that the rival powers can manage their differences.


“This is a mature and unusually candid channel. Sullivan and Wang have spent a lot of time together over the last year, and that has created some stability even as the relation has grown significantly more competitive,” said Rush Doshi, a former Biden administration official now at the Council on Foreign Relations, who participated in four earlier meetings between Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Wang.


One big question in the discussions is how or when the two leaders might talk in the coming months. They are running out of time to schedule the next meeting as Mr. Biden is preparing to leave office in January.


China said there had been discussion of a “new round of interaction between the two heads of state in the near future.”


Both sides said they had agreed to a video call between their top military commanders in the region. The United States said that such a call would be held in the “near future,” but China was more noncommittal, saying that it would take place “at an appropriate time.” Admiral Dong Jun, China’s defense minister, met with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III in May in Singapore.


“This theater-command-level dialogue is essential for crisis prevention but has been resisted by the Chinese military,” said Danny Russel, a diplomacy and security analyst at the Asia Society Policy Institute. But while the two sides did agree on an initial call, they did not establish the ongoing line of high-level communication between the countries’ militaries that the Biden administration has sought.


Mr. Sullivan is also scheduled to meet on Thursday with General Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, which oversees China’s military. That would be the first meeting between a Biden administration official and a vice chairman of the commission, which is led by Mr. Xi.


The United States has long sought more contact between the two countries’ militaries, in the hope that improved links might reduce the risk of miscommunication in case of a future crisis. 


Worries about possible miscommunication or escalation during a conflict have increased as China has deployed military forces ever closer to longtime American partners in the region like Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines.


Just on Monday, a Chinese military surveillance plane breached Japanese territorial airspace for the first time, according to Japan, for unclear reasons. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said on Wednesday that the two countries were discussing the matter and that “Chinese military aircraft have no intention of intruding into the airspace of any country.”


China’s regional and global ambitions are one of the points of contention between the United States and China. The Chinese statement after the meetings between Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Wang said that the two sides should have a “correct understanding” of the relationship in order to peacefully coexist — phrasing that China uses to mean that the United States should not regard China as seeking to dominate the world.


Yun Sun, the director of the China program at the Stimson Center, a research group in Washington, said the Chinese statement indicated that Beijing was using Mr. Sullivan’s visit to “present an image of the U.S. ‘correcting its attitude,’” therefore enabling China to agree to stabilize relations.


The Chinese statement also emphasized Beijing’s unhappiness with American technology export controls and its stance on Taiwan, an island democracy that China claims as its territory.


The White House statement said American officials urged China to work with the United States to fight trafficking in narcotics that end up on the American streets, and it raised concerns over the detention of American citizens in the country.


American officials are scheduled to hold further talks with other top officials in downtown Beijing on Thursday.


Brad Setser, a former economic policymaker in the Biden and Barack Obama administrations, said that the two countries appeared to have made more progress on security issues than on the many economic disputes that divide them. The United States has been pressing China to slow its heavy investments recently in new factories, contending that they would cause overcapacity. China has denied that overcapacity is a problem.




监管部门和立法者们已在越来越多地考虑是否让公司领导人对服务平台上的活动承担直接责任。Telegram的创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫的被捕表明这个转变已经发生。 Jim Wilson/The New York Times

This month, X closed its Brazil operations after one of its executives was threatened with arrest for not taking down certain content. Last year, Changpeng Zhao, the founder of Binance, pleaded guilty to federal money-laundering violations that took place on his cryptocurrency platform. In 2021, Twitter executives in India faced arrest over posts that the government wanted removed from the site.


And on Saturday, Pavel Durov, who founded the online communications tool Telegram, was arrested in France as part of an investigation into the platform’s complicity in crimes including possession and distribution of child sexual abuse imagery.


For years, internet company executives rarely faced personal liability in Western democracies for what took place on their platforms. But as law enforcement agencies, regulators and policymakers ramp up scrutiny of online platforms and exchanges, they are increasingly considering when to hold company leaders directly responsible.


That shift was punctuated by Mr. Durov’s arrest over the weekend, raising questions over whether tech executives like Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg also risk being arrested when they next set foot on European soil.


For now, tech executives have little to fear, with cases like Mr. Durov’s likely to be outliers, experts said. Historically, companies have been held responsible for a platform’s transgressions, rather than individuals. And legally, the bar is high in the United States and Europe to prosecute individuals for activities at their companies, especially with U.S. laws like Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects internet platforms from being responsible for harmful speech.


But the threshold for holding executives liable for what takes place on their sites is lowering in specific areas, particularly child safety, said TJ McIntyre⁩, an associate professor at University College Dublin’s School of Law.


Last year, Britain passed an online safety law that can hold tech leaders personally responsible if their company is made aware of content that risks child safety and systematically fails to remove it. Even Section 230 doesn’t apply to some forms of outlawed speech, such as child sexual abuse.


“There’s a 30-year arc here,” Mr. McIntyre said. Since the 1990s, he said, tech executives have not typically been held responsible for what users did on their platforms, though that approach is now being questioned by those who want stronger accountability.


Mr. Durov, 39, has not been formally charged with any offenses and could remain in the custody of French authorities through Wednesday. While French authorities have provided few specifics, he faces a raft of potential charges related to activities on Telegram, including child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, abetting criminal transactions and refusing to cooperate with law enforcement.


Mr. Durov made himself a target with an anti-authority ethos that governments should not restrict what people say and do online except in rare instances, experts said. Unlike Meta, Google and other online platforms that typically comply with government orders, Telegram was also called out by French authorities for failing to cooperate with law enforcement.


After Mr. Durov’s arrest, Telegram said that it abided by E.U. laws and that it was “absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.”


Tech companies are paying close attention to the legal liability that their executives may face. This year, Meta successfully fought to have Mr. Zuckerberg, its chief executive, removed as a named defendant in a lawsuit brought by New Mexico’s attorney general against the company for child protection failures.


In China, Russia and other authoritarian countries, U.S. tech companies have sometimes pulled out their employees to prevent them from being arrested. The concern is employees will be used as leverage to force companies to do things like remove content unfavorable to the government.


Previously, only a few notable cases surfaced in which tech executives were seen as potentially liable for activities that took place on their services. In 1998, Felix Somm, a former executive at CompuServe, an online services company, was given a suspended two-year sentence in Germany for complicity in the proliferation of pornography on the internet. He was later acquitted. In 2002, Timothy Koogle, a former chief executive of Yahoo, faced charges in France for the sale of Nazi memorabilia on the website. He was also later acquitted.


In 2012, Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload, was arrested by U.S. authorities for copyright infringement related to his website. Ross W. Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road online black market, was convicted in the United States for facilitating illicit drug sales in 2015. In 2016, Brazil briefly imprisoned a Facebook executive for failing to turn over WhatsApp messaging data in a drug trafficking investigation.


These instances were capped over the weekend by Mr. Durov’s arrest.


One challenge for prosecutors and law enforcement agencies is proving a tech executive had knowledge of illegal activity on their platforms and did not try to curb the harms, said Daphne Keller, a professor of internet law at Stanford University Law School.


That’s difficult to demonstrate, since TikTok, YouTube, Snap and Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, have worked to take down and report illegal content to law enforcement officials, so their executives can argue they tried to do the right thing.

这很难证明,因为TikTok、YouTube、Snap,以及拥有 Facebook和Instagram的Meta一直在努力删除非法内容,并将这些内容报告给执法官员,所以这些平台的高管能辩称,他们一直在努力做正确的事情。

“Knowledge is the key issue here,” said Ms. Keller, a former lawyer for Google. “It’s the usual trigger for anyone losing immunity.”


Still, the risk of prosecution is needed to force tech companies to act, said Bruce Daisley, who was a vice president at Twitter before Elon Musk bought the site in 2022 and renamed it X.


“That threat of personal sanction is much more effective on executives than the risk of corporate fines,” Mr. Daisley wrote recently in The Guardian.


Mr. Musk, who takes a hands-off approach to policing content on X, may be putting himself at particular risk just like Mr. Durov, said Kate Klonick, an associate professor at St. John’s Law School who is researching E.U. regulation of online platforms.


“If I was a betting person, I would say that there will be a day that Elon Musk is on trial or be in prison in some country because of his refusal and his thumbing the nose at the rule of law,” she said.


Mr. Musk did not respond to a request for comment, but that prospect appears to be on his mind, too. The tech mogul, who has declared Mr. Durov’s arrest an affront to free expression, posted on X on Saturday: “POV: It’s 2030 in Europe and you’re being executed for liking a meme.”




共和党副总统候选人JD·万斯在密歇根州农村地区的一个马场发表演讲,该地区因一个24亿美元的建厂计划而出现分歧。 Jamie Kelter Davis for The New York Times

For two years, a rural town in the middle of Michigan has been embroiled in a civil war over plans by a Chinese-owned electric vehicle battery company to build a $2.4 billion factory.


On Tuesday, the local furor collided with presidential politics as the Trump campaign sought to leverage anti-China sentiment and concerns over the future of the electric vehicle industry in Michigan for political gain.


The fight over the E.V. battery facility has turned Green Charter Township, which is about 60 miles north of Grand Rapids, into the latest battleground over Chinese investment in the United States. Residents have expressed various concerns about the factory, including that it will be used by China to spy on Americans and will pollute the local environment.


The debate over the intentions of the Chinese company, Gotion, has led to angry town hall meetings, the ousting of the township’s board in an election last November and litigation over the future of the project.


Michigan is a pivotal swing state in the November election, and a New York Times/Siena poll this month showed Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, leading former President Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee, by 4 percentage points.


At a 150-acre horse farm owned by one of the most vocal “No Gotion” activists, Senator JD Vance, Mr. Trump’s running mate, blamed Ms. Harris for Gotion’s arrival in Michigan. In 2022, Ms. Harris cast the deciding vote that enabled passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which created billions of dollars in new green energy subsidies and has lured foreign companies to the United States.


“Kamala Harris not only wants to allow the Chinese Communist Party to build factories on American soil, she wants to pay them to do it with our tax money,” Mr. Vance said on Tuesday afternoon. “Democrats are helping China to destroy and replace our auto industry from the inside out.”


The crowd of approximately 500 supporters of the Trump campaign, some of whom were wearing shirts accusing Chinese companies of using forced labor, erupted in boos when Mr. Vance mentioned Gotion.


The Treasury Department has estimated that only 2 percent of the clean energy investments made in the United States during the Biden administration have been made by Chinese companies and that American companies or U.S. allies have made the rest.


During his brief tenure in the Senate, where he represents Ohio, Mr. Vance has been hawkish on China. He introduced a 2024 bill to combat Chinese currency manipulation and another piece of legislation that would ensure that inventions created by taxpayer-funded research cannot be manufactured in adversarial countries such as China.


27dc trump china 01 mqbk master1050密歇根州大急流城和邻近的格林查特镇民众对国轩高科的建厂计划表达了各种担忧,包括担心它会被中国用来监视美国人,会污染当地环境等。

Mr. Trump has also talked tough on China, imposing steep tariffs on its exports while president and moving to ban TikTok from U.S. app stores over national security concerns. He has since equivocated on TikTok, saying that, if elected, he would “save TikTok.” And despite his anti-China views, as president Mr. Trump welcomed U.S. investment by Taiwan’s Foxconn, which derives much of its revenue from its Chinese factories.


At the 2018 groundbreaking for Foxconn’s $10 billion plant in Wisconsin to make flat-screen televisions, Mr. Trump called the project the “eighth wonder of the world.” Plans for the factory later sputtered amid changing market dynamics and much of the planned site remains undeveloped.


Mr. Vance’s decision to wade into the fight over Gotion came in the wake of another shift by Mr. Trump, who earlier this year indicated openness to foreign investment. During remarks in March and at his July convention speech, Mr. Trump suggested that he would welcome foreign companies, including those from China, building car factories in the U.S. if they were staffed by American workers.


“If they want to build a plant in Michigan, in Ohio, in South Carolina, they can, using American workers, they can,” Mr. Trump said in March, adding that they could not send Chinese workers to staff those plants. “If they want to do that, we’re welcome, right?”


Gotion’s vice president of North American manufacturing, Chuck Thelen, embraced those remarks during a virtual town hall last month, suggesting that Mr. Trump was supportive of Chinese companies such as Gotion setting up shop in the U.S.


Last week, Mr. Trump changed his tenor on the issue. He said that he opposed the Gotion project, which has been supported by Michigan Democrats. They include Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who has praised it as a win for the state. The battery factory is projected to create more than 2,000 jobs in the region.


“The Gotion plant would be very bad for the State and our Country. It would put Michiganders under the thumb of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing,” Mr. Trump wrote on social media. “I AM 100% OPPOSED!”


Mr. Thelen said in a statement that he had not meant to suggest that Mr. Trump supported the Gotion facility but noted that the company had a good relationship with the Trump administration. He said that the company was moving forward with its plans.


“Speaking last month in Grand Rapids, former President Trump supported the onshoring of electrification manufacturing in our state and the United States by Chinese-affiliated companies,” Mr. Thelen said. “Trump wants the people of Michigan and our local economy to thrive from these types of jobs, and so do we.”


Gotion received $800 million in state subsidies, such as grants and tax exemptions, from Michigan’s strategic fund. The company could also be eligible to receive tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act.


The Coalition for a Prosperous America, which represents American manufacturers, estimates that Chinese companies could gain access to $125 billion in U.S. tax credits related to “green energy manufacturing” investments. Republicans in Congress have introduced legislation that would prevent Chinese companies from accessing such tax credits.


The debate over the future of Gotion has led to arguments about the environment, national security and the local economy.


“It’s important for Michigan to have jobs in these new industries,” said Erik Gordon, a professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. “The question is, should we be giving subsidies to a Chinese company so we can have these jobs or could there be another alternative?”


The Biden administration has expressed concern about Chinese companies benefiting from the 2022 climate and tax law but officials have said that the legislation does not allow them to exclude foreign companies from getting tax incentives.


The Harris campaign did not immediately have a comment on Mr. Vance’s criticism of the vice president.


In June, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. proposed adding a military facility located near the planned Gotion factory to a list of sites that would give the investment review panel more authority to block foreign transactions. However, the rule would not be retroactive and could only obstruct Gotion from buying additional land in the area.


Mr. Vance, speaking after his prepared remarks, made no promises about what Mr. Trump might be able to do to stop construction of the Gotion factory if he is elected.


“Hopefully it progresses slowly and there is something we can do about it,” Mr. Vance told reporters.


The feud has divided Green Charter Township and the surrounding area in Michigan, leading to protests at town meetings and an aggressive “No Gotion” social media campaign. The township’s Republican board of trustees that had approved the Gotion factory was voted out last November and replaced with officials who pledged to stop the project.


Those efforts, which have included a move to block Gotion from accessing the local water supply, have so far been stymied by a lawsuit that the company filed against the township that alleges the officials are backing out of a legally binding agreement.


At Mr. Vance’s rally, many expressed hope that a Trump administration would support their efforts to stop Gotion.


“I’m really worried that they’re going to end up polluting the river,” Don Taylor, 82, of Hersey, Mich., said. “I don’t trust the communist Chinese, either.”


Lori Brock, leader of the movement to stop Gotion and owner of the Majestic Friesians Horse Farm where Mr. Vance spoke, said on Tuesday that it was “reckless and absurd” that the state and federal government are subsidizing a company controlled by China, which has a history of spying on the United States.


“We are against it and we don’t want it here,” Ms. Brock said. “The Chinese Communist Party is the biggest national security threat that our country has faced in decades.”




前总统特朗普的提议包括对大多数进口商品征收10%至20%的关税,以及对中国产品征收60%以上的关税。 Roger Kisby for The New York Times

When Donald J. Trump ran for president in 2016, there was not much love for tariffs in Washington. Many Republicans and Democrats believed that putting levies on imports created economic inefficiencies and that freer trade was the best recipe for growth.


That view has largely fallen out of fashion in 2024. While Mr. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, differ greatly in their campaign proposals, both of their parties are increasingly embracing tariffs as an essential tool in protecting American manufacturers from Chinese and other global competitors.


It has been a sharp reversal from previous decades, when most politicians fought to lower tariffs rather than raise them. But the loss of American manufacturing jobs as a result of globalization and China’s focus on churning out cheap exports have created a bipartisan backlash against more open trade. Given that Mr. Trump’s 2016 win capitalized on such sentiments, Democrats have been striving to avoid losing voters opposed to free trade.


“On economic policy and trade issues, you have both major parties moving in the same direction,” said Nick Iacovella, a senior vice president at the Coalition for a Prosperous America, which advocates tariffs and domestic investments in industry.


Mr. Iacovella said that Mr. Trump would most likely go further on tariffs than Ms. Harris would, but that no matter who won the election “it’s still going to be a tariffs administration, and an industrial policy one.”


Ms. Harris has sought to differentiate herself from Mr. Trump’s trade proposals, which include tariffs of 10 percent to 20 percent on most imports, as well as levies of more than 60 percent on China. Many economists say that level of tariffs would drive up prices for consumers, since companies would be likely to pass on higher import costs.


At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, Ms. Harris described the proposals as “a national sales tax — call it a Trump tax” — and said the plans “would raise prices on middle-class families by almost $4,000 a year.”


Economists’ estimates vary, but the left-leaning Center for American Progress Action Fund calculated that the tariffs could increase costs on a middle-income family by $3,900 per year.


Ms. Harris has not said much about how she would approach tariffs, including whether she would impose additional levies on China. But Charles Lutvak, a spokesperson for the Harris-Walz campaign, said in a statement that Ms. Harris would “employ targeted and strategic tariffs to support American workers, strengthen our economy, and hold our adversaries accountable.”


Despite early criticisms of Mr. Trump’s trade policy, the Biden administration has kept the former president’s initial tariffs on China in place and proposed adding another $18 billion of new levies on some Chinese products, including a 100 percent tax on electric vehicles. The administration also proposed new tariffs on electric vehicle batteries, semiconductors, steel and medical products, in an effort to ensure that newly invested American factories can stay in business.


27DC TARIFFS 02 lpvq master1050副总统贺锦丽试图将自己的贸易提案与特朗普的区分开来。一名竞选官员表示,她将在上任后实施“有针对性和战略性的关税”。

The Biden administration is set to issue its final determination on those levies before the end of August. Last month, it also imposed additional tariffs on certain metals from Mexico, seeking to block Chinese materials from a route into the United States.


Inu Manak, a trade policy expert at the Council on Foreign Relations, said politicians of both parties were now more willing to argue that they could increase tariffs without any negative effects. She pointed to a recent poll by the Cato Institute that showed that Republicans and Democrats had high levels of support for hypothetical tariffs imposed by their party but not the other party.


“When Harris criticizes Trump, she’s not criticizing tariff policy, she’s criticizing his tariff policy,” Ms. Manak said. “And I’m sure if she proposed something, Democrats would think that’s great.”


The tariffs that Mr. Trump has floated are orders of magnitude larger than what President Biden’s administration has proposed, presumably covering more than $3 trillion of trade, and implying a much bigger impact on the economy.


In addition to a universal tariff on all imports and higher tariffs on China, he has suggested a reciprocal policy in which the United States will match tariffs that another nation imposes on American exports.


Speaking in Asheville, N.C., last week, Mr. Trump said he might double the 10 percent tariff he had already proposed on most foreign goods.


“We are going to have 10 to 20 percent tariffs on foreign countries that have been ripping us off for years,” he told the crowd.


Economists generally agree that tariffs of this size would have a noticeable effect on consumer prices, while also raising costs for manufacturers that buy imported parts or materials. About a third of U.S. imports are inputs that go into American farms and factories.


Large tariffs could also incite retaliation from foreign countries, kicking off a damaging trade war. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the director general of the World Trade Organization, said this year that a 10 percent American import tariff could lead to a “free-for-all which would upend the stability and predictability of trade.”


Mary Lovely, an economist at the Peterson Institute, said tariffs seemed to be the “solution du jour — a supposed remedy for a hollowed-out manufacturing sector, left-behind communities, and income inequality.”


“Unfortunately, tariffs remedy none of these ills, and, sadly, higher tariffs will make them worse,” Ms. Lovely said.


27DC TARIFFS 04 lpvq master1050保罗·威尔伯恩是阿拉巴马州阿什兰威尔伯恩橱柜公司的总裁。他认为关税挽救了他的公司和整个行业。

But the tariffs have proved popular with industries that have faced stiff competition from Chinese firms, like makers of kitchen cabinets. Paul Wellborn, the president of Wellborn Cabinet, a manufacturer of kitchen and bath cabinets in Ashland, Ala., credited tariffs with saving his company and the industry.


Wellborn Cabinet’s sales fell after the Great Recession, when the housing market collapsed and with it demand for new cabinets. But as the economy started to recover, business was still slow, Mr. Wellborn said. The industry realized that Chinese companies had taken over about 40 percent of the market and that their share was continuing to grow.


Wellborn Cabinet joined with others in its industry to mount an investigation into Chinese trade practices, which resulted in tariffs ranging from 4 percent to nearly 300 percent on Chinese cabinets. The industry was further helped as Mr. Trump added first 10 percent and then an additional 15 percent of tariffs on top.


“He’s right on the money as far as tariffs,” Mr. Wellborn said of Mr. Trump.


Other companies have been more critical. Thomas Shaw, the founder of Retractable Technologies, a maker of syringes, said that he supported tariffs and American manufacturing, but that the government had not given his company time to relocate before imposing the levies.

其他公司则提出了更多的批评。注射器制造商Retractable Technologies的创始人托马斯·肖表示,他支持关税和美国制造业,但政府在征收关税之前没有给他的公司重新部署的时间。

The company makes some of its syringes and needles in a plant in Little Elm, Texas, while making others in China. Mr. Shaw claimed he had been blocked from producing more in the United States by anticompetitive behavior, and had been forced to go to China to manufacture what he described as an innovative product that had reduced needle sticks for nurses and helped the government deploy vaccines during the pandemic.


This year, the Biden administration said it would give the company only a few months before a 50 percent tariff on Chinese syringes went into effect, which was an unrealistically short period to move a factory around the world, Mr. Shaw said.


“We were forced to go to China, and now with the tariff we’re being forced to go back,” he said. “What it’s doing is it is making it more difficult for us every day.”


Even if tariffs cause certain economic duress, they may still be a winning formula politically. One study put out this year by a prominent group of economists, for example, found that Mr. Trump’s China tariffs had little effect on employment in the industries protected by the tariffs. But politically, they were a success, resulting in more support for Mr. Trump and the Republican Party in the affected areas.


“Some of the support it creates for Republicans might be due to the fact that people appreciate the government reacting to, standing up to China,” David Dorn, an economist at the University of Zurich and one of the study’s authors, said in an interview this year.




上海人民公园著名的相亲角,摄于今年3月。 Qilai Shen for The New York Times

For Shanghai’s lonely and retired, love is elusive. Divorced or widowed residents gather in a dating corner in People’s Park every weekend looking for a chat. They mill about an Ikea canteen on Tuesdays in search of some fun.


They arrive dressed a little nicer than usual, ready to talk about their virtues, their past lives and the future.


“I’m simple. I don’t smoke cigarettes or play mahjong,” said Xu Xiaoduo, 70, a twice-divorced former primary-school teacher who volunteers details about his pension (around $1,250 a month) and his dancing abilities (very good).


“But,” he added with a sigh, “I can’t find true love.” Others share his frustrations, but downplay any yearning to find love. More than a few say they have lost hope.


It should not be this hard. There are more people in China who are 65 or older than there are in any other country. And Shanghai has more older adults than any other Chinese city. Most of these residents stopped working long ago because China has one of the lowest retirement ages in the world, and many are either widowed or divorced. Everyone seems to be lonely, the children and grandchildren too busy with their own lives to visit.


The pool of older singles in China is only becoming bigger. Within the next three decades, the population of people who are 65 or older is expected to reach 400 million, according to the International Monetary Fund.


00china senior love 02 jhgb master1050人民公园的相亲角以吸引父母周末来这里为未婚子女找对象而闻名,现在也成为了老年人的社交中心。00china senior love qwbp master1050人民公园的“相亲市场”主要是针对来这里为未婚子女找对象的父母,它也启发了老年人将公园作为聚会场所的想法。

As people in China live longer and as ideas about love and marriage change, more people are looking for a second, or third, chance at love. To help fill the void, dating shows have popped up with titles like “Not Too Late for Fate.” Online, there are chat rooms, livestreaming matchmakers and dating apps for the old and single.


But there is no substitute for getting together.


Every week in Shanghai, hundreds of older adults return to the same designated corners of public parks and, for some reason that no one was able to explain, one dining area at an Ikea in the upscale district of Xuhui, hopeful of meeting a future spouse.


The gatherings are social events — people bring karaoke machines and speakers to the park to dance and sing. They bring thermoses to Ikea to fill with free coffee, and sit around birch and plastic white tables swapping stories about their childhoods.


There are regulars, like Ma Guoying, 64, who has a warm smile and likes to wear bright colors and large, round glasses. She has spent a lot of time at Ikea and People’s Park over the past several months. Her friend Zhang Xiaolan, 66, has been coming for a decade.


Neither of them has had much luck finding a man. The older ones always seem to want younger women.


But it’s an activity that fills up a few hours of the day.


“If we stay at home 24 hours a day, our brains would deteriorate,” Ms. Ma said. Divorced and retired many years ago, she said it was lonely at home. Her daughter calls only occasionally, mostly just to check on her.


00china senior love 04 jhgb master1050父母们带着未婚的成年子女的履历来人民公园展示。00china senior love fhjm master1050对于上海的老年人来说,在公园聚会是一件不可取代的事。每周都有数百人回到公园里的老地方,希望能遇到未来的伴侣。

A leafy plot of land at the center of Shanghai, People’s Park has a long history of serving as a meeting place, first for gamblers, then for student protesters and those hoping to practice their English. Today, it is better known for its “marriage market,” a place where parents return weekend after weekend with relentless optimism about finding a match for their unmarried and childless offspring. They bring résumés with personal details like the height and weight of their children, and they boast of attributes like I.Q. level, university degrees and test scores.


It seemed only natural that the park could also become a meeting point for another kind of romantic hopeful: the retired and bored.


“Gradually, someone thought if the children could find a partner, so can the parents,” said Liu Qiyu, who was dressed in a blue velvet corduroy sweatsuit and accessorized with a gold watch, chains and a silk scarf. As older men and women began to crowd around in groups nearby, Mr. Liu explained that he wasn’t looking for someone himself.


“I came here once or twice, looking for the other half, but I couldn’t find one,” he said.


Like the weekend park meet-ups, Tuesdays at Ikea tend to attract people between the ages of 60 and 80 looking for what has become known in China as “twilight love.”


For a few hours in the afternoon, the Swedish furniture retailer has the feel of a social club. The second floor of the store has some of the usual weekday traffic — shoppers who amble through the cafeteria’s metal stanchions picking out the famous meatballs, almond cakes and lingonberry juice. But many more have come for something other than Swedish fare, some bringing their own food and loitering from table to table, pulling chairs up to where friends and acquaintances are seated.


In the brightly lit bathroom, off to the side of the shop floor, women gather to gossip. One is putting on lipstick.


00china senior love 03 hzkm master1050每周二下午,这家宜家餐厅都会成为数十名老年居民聚会的地方。

00china senior love 01 hzkm jumbo
“我很简单。我不抽烟,也不打麻将,”70岁的徐晓铎(音)说。他曾是一名小学教师,离过两次婚。 Qilai Shen for The New York Times
00china senior love 02 hzkm jumbo
69岁的李志明(音)喜欢在网上购物。“我觉得网上约会不可靠,”他说。 Qilai Shen for The New York Times

Online dating isn’t really a thing for the men and women here. They have smartphones, or at least they have the means to buy one, but most say they don’t want to search for a partner online.


“When it comes to buying things, I go online,” said Li Zhiming, 69, who had styled his black hair with gel and was wearing eyeliner and bell bottoms. “I don’t think online dating is reliable.”


Mr. Li said his wife had left him and their young son to go abroad in 1996, the early years of China’s reform and economic opening. He has been alone ever since. After retiring from a job as an engineer nine years ago, he started to plan his days with activities. He plays cards, dances to Latin music and can sing.


“I have my own apartment, a pension and a healthy body,” Mr. Li said.


He said he wanted to find a woman who was “young and beautiful.” In exchange, he promised to cook and take care of her. “I am lonely at home,” he said.


Zheng Yue, 70, chose to sit alone and wait for someone to come to her. Like many other women here, she did not want to give her full identity, instead providing the name she used on her public social media account.


Ms. Zheng, whose husband was a former police officer and died from an injury he had suffered years earlier, is looking for a man who is “knowledgeable, sensible, mature, stable, amiable and kind.” Someone, she added, whom she could “hold hands with for a lifetime.”


It takes a lot for women to come to these gatherings, she said. They tend to be more shy about finding a new partner.


“We are brave enough to come by ourselves and take the first step.”


00china senior love 04 hzkm master1050张晓兰(音)和马国英(音)是好友,她们穿着粉色衣服来到宜家,和其他老人一起喝下午茶。00china senior love 08 jhgb master1050上海单身老年人的聚会不仅仅是寻找伴侣的机会,也是他们的社交活动。



沙利文(右二)周二抵达北京。 Pool photo by Ng Han Guan

Making another heavy push to work with China in the waning months of the Biden administration, Jake Sullivan arrived in Beijing on Tuesday for talks aimed at showing that the United States and China can manage their differences.


The U.S. national security adviser began his fifth meeting in less than 18 months with China’s top foreign policy official, Wang Yi, as the Biden administration seeks to reinforce its strategy on China despite uncertainty over the future of American foreign policy.


There is much to talk about — but probably little on which they will agree.


Mr. Sullivan plans to discuss working with China on limiting the spread of fentanyl and expanding high-level military contacts. He will also stress the United States’ position on Taiwan and its concerns about China’s support of Russia.


China indicated it would raise its own objections during the talks — including over America’s support for Taiwan, the island democracy Beijing claims, and U.S. controls on exports of technology to China.


Beijing wants the United States to ease its pressure on China, in the hope that it would set the tone for smoother relations with the next U.S. administration, analysts said.


“China’s priority is to maintain the stability of China-U.S. relations in the last several months of Biden’s presidency,” said Zhao Minghao, an expert on U.S.-China relations at Fudan University in Shanghai.


The prospect of a potential meeting between President Biden and China’s leader, Xi Jinping, before Mr. Biden’s term ends, is likely to come up. (It was unclear if Mr. Sullivan would meet with Mr. Xi during his three-day visit.)


Here are some of the issues Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Wang are expected to broach:


Taiwan and Ukraine


Perhaps the biggest flash points in relations between China and the United States are Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s increasing aggression toward Taiwan.


Mr. Sullivan is likely to urge China to reduce its support to Russia, which the United States and NATO say has helped sustain Russia’s war effort, now in its third year. China buys huge quantities of Russian oil and supplies Russia with dual-use technology that can be applied to the battlefield, U.S. officials say.


Beijing is unlikely to turn its back on Moscow, its only major-power partner in counterbalancing the United States.


Chinese officials will seek to criticize U.S. support for Taiwan, which Mr. Xi has threatened to take by force, if necessary. Beijing accuses Washington of promoting “Taiwan independence” by supplying the island with arms and allowing for exchanges between American and Taiwanese officials.


China said in a statement on Sunday that the United States needed to do more to repair relations. “The United States has kept containing and suppressing China,” a foreign ministry statement said. The relationship, it said, is “still at a critical juncture of being stabilized.”


Taiwan was “the first and foremost red line that must not be crossed,” the statement read.


Technology Controls


Mr. Sullivan has championed the Biden administration’s export controls designed to prevent China from getting its hands on advanced American semiconductors, or microchips, that can be used to develop weapons or computing power that could threaten U.S. national security.


27china us qwgz master1050拜登总统在台积电凤凰城工厂开工仪式上发表讲话,摄于2022年。

That has frustrated China, which has struggled to catch up with the United States in designing advanced chips despite investing billions of dollars in research. Beijing says the export controls are aimed at stunting China’s rightful development.


The restrictions, which were first introduced in October 2022, have had far-reaching consequences by forcing countries to shift, or consider shifting, some production of semiconductors out of Asia back to North America and Europe.


It is unclear what the long-term implications of U.S. export controls will be. China has seized on the restrictions to redouble efforts to become more technologically self-sufficient. Brokers have also used proxies to smuggle banned chips into China.


Will Xi and Biden Meet Again?


Mr. Sullivan’s visit could lay the groundwork for one last summit between Mr. Xi and Mr. Biden. Discussions between Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Wang were key to organizing last November’s meeting.


Though he will only serve one term, and one that was disrupted by the Covid pandemic, Mr. Biden could be the first president not to travel to China since President Carter.


Mr. Biden has visited China before, when he was vice president in 2011, a trip remembered for his stop at a local Beijing restaurant for noodles and dumplings. If a state visit is not possible, Mr. Xi and Mr. Biden could potentially meet at the APEC summit in Peru in November.


Of course, China may not be interested in Mr. Biden’s lame duck presidency and could be focused on how best to approach the next administration. Writing in Foreign Affairs magazine this month, the Chinese international relations scholars Wang Jisi, Hu Ran and Zhao Jianwei said Beijing sees little difference between a Trump or Harris administration; they will both be driven by domestic pressure to be tough on China.


“Beijing is preparing itself for the outcome of the U.S. elections with great caution and limited hope,” they wrote.




Illustration by The New York Times; Images by CSA-Images, via Getty Images

The United States needs a strategy for dealing with China as an economic and national security threat, and Donald Trump’s blustery “America First” approach ain’t it. Kamala Harris has a better shot because of her belief in strengthening alliances.


In her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, the vice president promised to make sure that “America, not China, wins the competition for the 21st century.” In the same sentence, she hinted at how she intends to make that happen. She promised to “strengthen, not abdicate, our global leadership.”


Trump’s go-it-alone approach can’t work because the United States isn’t powerful enough to take on China alone.


There is a better way. I read about it in an important article in the September-October issue of Foreign Affairs by Aaron Friedberg, a professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton University. Its title is “Stopping the Next China Shock: A Collective Strategy for Countering Beijing’s Mercantilism.”


First, the problem. Friedberg writes that 25 years after a surge in Chinese exports disrupted global trade, Beijing is again flooding the world with a wave of “heavily subsidized manufactured goods and materials.” For Beijing, this serves two purposes. It keeps Chinese workers employed at a time that domestic demand is weak. And it transforms China into “the world’s most productive, innovative and powerful state.”


Western economists and diplomats have argued for years that China could score a win-win by consuming more of what it makes instead of selling so much of it abroad. Boosting domestic consumption — and thus shrinking the trade surplus — would raise the living standards of the Chinese people while relieving pressure on foreign factory workers.


But President Xi Jinping has no intention of taking the economists’ and diplomats’ advice, Friedberg writes. China’s leaders “can best be understood as mercantilist Leninists whose top priority is to acquire and exercise political power,” he writes. Enriching ordinary Chinese is not part of that plan. Making other countries dependent on China for essential goods most certainly is.


Now, Friedberg’s solution. “Only by banding together in a trade defense coalition — an idea I developed with an economist in Asia — can countries with market-based economies protect themselves against China’s predatory practices,” he writes. (He is protecting the identity of the economist who helped him develop the idea, although he declined to say specifically why.)


Forming such a coalition will require giving up on free traders’ dream of unrestricted commerce among all the world’s nations and falling back instead on “a core subsystem of countries” — China not among them — that “are genuinely committed to the concepts of openness, fairness and reciprocity, and are willing to defend and abide by them.”


The trade defense coalition would need to include the United States, the European Union, and “most likely” Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Turkey and the United Kingdom, according to Friedberg. Argentina and Indonesia would also be potential candidates, “as well as any other nations that seek to industrialize independently of China to safeguard their economic or military security.” Members would agree on a set of uniform tariffs on critical products that are “vulnerable to supply dominance by China.”


China has attempted to circumvent tariffs by the United States and European Union members by shifting parts of production or assembly to other nations. To stop that, coalition members would have to get much better at detecting Chinese-origin content and imposing tariffs based on the percentage of it in a product. Not an easy task.


This open discrimination against Chinese goods would shatter the rules of the World Trade Organization. But Friedberg argues that “China has already warped and distorted the W.T.O.’s principles and now uses the organization’s procedures to shield its own discriminatory practices from scrutiny and avoid compliance.”


Could this really work? Coalition members would have to stick together to resist China’s inevitable riposte, namely to divide and conquer by showering benefits on countries that continued to cooperate with it.


I bounced Friedberg’s argument off several experts who participated with him in a conference sponsored by Princeton’s Center for International Security Studies this year. Alicia Garcia-Herrero, a senior fellow at Bruegel, a European economic think tank, agreed that “without a coalition, there’s no way the U.S. can contain China on its own.” She said Harris would be better at this than Trump for the reason I gave, which is that “you need an administration that can conceive that a coalition is the way to go about it.” Countries need to act now before China reaches free-trade agreements with countries that might prevent them from joining, she said.


Max Zenglein, the chief economist of the Mercator Institute for China Studies, which is based in Berlin, told me he also generally agreed with Friedberg’s argument. But he said China has become a leader in many technologies, and coalition members could lose access to Chinese innovations. (Example: Cheap Chinese electric vehicles.) Capping, rather than banning, Chinese imports could preserve access to Chinese innovation while making sure that protected domestic companies don’t get lazy, he said.

总部位于柏林的墨卡托中国研究中心首席经济学家曾林(Max Zenglein)告诉我,他大体上也同意弗里德伯格的观点。但他说,中国已成为许多技术领域的领导者,联盟成员可能无法获得中国的创新成果。(例如:廉价的中国电动汽车。)他说,限制而非禁止从中国进口产品,既能保留获取中国创新的机会,同时也能确保受保护的国内企业不会变得懒惰。

I emailed with two other experts. Stewart Paterson, a senior fellow at the Singapore-based Hinrich Foundation, supported Friedberg’s idea of alliances and pointed me to an article he wrote for Hinrich along the same lines in 2020.


Daniel Rosen, a co-founder of the Rhodium Group, who leads the research firm’s work in China, wrote that a coalition along the lines of what Friedberg proposes “is a crucial element of a balancing coalition to reduce the dependence of market democracies on autocratic economies.”

荣鼎咨询的联合创始人荣大聂(Daniel Rosen)负责这家研究公司在中国的工作,他写道,与弗里德伯格的提议类似的联盟,“是减少市场民主国家对专制经济体依赖的平衡联盟的关键要素。”

He shared with me a note to clients in which he wrote that “there is no doubt in my mind, not the faintest iota of a doubt or second thought, that strategic Beijing strongly desires a Trump 2” over a Harris 1.


“Team Harris will have tweaks” to President Biden’s policies, which have shored up U.S. alliances, “but understands the strategic leaps and bounds that have been achieved,” Rosen wrote in the client note.


In contrast, “Trump ignored the advice of his competent nat-sec advisers to protect U.S. alliances, and would continue to eviscerate America’s global partnerships in a second term,” Rosen wrote. “Nothing could be more valuable to Beijing than such a unilateral withdrawal from the competition. Nothing.”


A potential objection to Friedberg’s trade defense coalition is that it’s overkill — that it would needlessly antagonize China, heightening the risk that a trade war would spill into a shooting war, or at least depriving the world of the benefits of cross-border trade and investment. Another objection is that it simply wouldn’t work: Coalition members would squabble and defect. Countries outside China and its sphere of influence would not have the energy, patience or skill to rebuild production capacity in long-lost industries that have strategic value.


The “overkill” argument has lost force in recent years as Xi has demonstrated that he isn’t interested in allaying Western concerns. The “won’t work” argument is harder to refute. If Harris wins in November and takes the trade defense coalition route, she’ll have a chance to prove the doubters wrong.





2014年,Telegram创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫。“归根结底,隐私比我们对恐怖主义等坏事发生的恐惧更重要,”他在2015年写道。 Jim Wilson/The New York Times

More than a decade ago, when Russia pushed Pavel Durov to shut down the pages of opposition politicians on a Facebook-like site he had created, the tech entrepreneur responded online by posting a cheeky picture of a hoodie-wearing dog with its tongue out.


“Official response to the intelligence services to the request to block groups,” he wrote unapologetically.


Thirteen years later, Mr. Durov’s anti-establishment streak appears to have gotten him into a fresh round of trouble with the authorities. On Saturday, he was arrested in France as part of an investigation into criminal activity on Telegram, the online communications tool he founded in 2013, which had grown into a global platform defined by its hands-off approach to policing how users behaved.


On Monday, President Emmanuel Macron of France referred to Mr. Durov’s arrest and said that the country was “deeply committed to freedom of expression” but that “in a state governed by the rule of law, freedoms are upheld within a legal framework, both on social media and in real life.”


Mr. Durov’s arrest has caused a firestorm, turning him into a folk hero among those concerned about free speech and government censorship, especially as scrutiny of online content has increased globally. Elon Musk, the owner of X, and Edward Snowden, the American intelligence contractor who fled to Russia after disclosing classified information, were among those who raced to Mr. Durov’s defense. The hashtag #FreePavel spread on X as debate raged over the murky intersection between tech and freedom of speech.


Telegram said in a statement on Sunday that it abides by European Union laws. “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform,” the company said.


Telegram has long been underpinned by Mr. Durov’s anti-authority ethos and commitment to free speech. A devout techno-optimist with a flair for trolling authorities online, the 39-year-old has said he believes strongly that governments should not censor what people say or do on the internet.


That guiding maxim helped Telegram become a popular chat app for Russians, Iranians and others living under authoritarian governments. But Mr. Durov’s laissez-faire approach to policing the platform has also attracted terrorists, extremists, gun runners, scammers and drug dealers.


Secrecy trumps the closer policing of online speech, he has said. “Privacy, ultimately, is more important than our fear of bad things happening, like terrorism,” he posted in 2015.


“To be truly free, you should be ready to risk everything for freedom,” Mr. Durov wrote on Instagram in 2018 beneath a photo of himself atop a horse in the desert.


On his personal social media accounts, Mr. Durov’s posts showcase an eclectic lifestyle. In one recent post, he claimed he had fathered more than 100 biological children in 12 countries as a sperm donor over the past 15 years. He said he was sharing the information to help destigmatize the topic, adding that he first donated sperm to help a friend struggling with infertility and that he planned to “open source” his DNA.


00DUROV 01 gwpj master1050法国国家反欺诈办公室大楼,据报道,杜罗夫就被关押在那里。

But Mr. Durov’s biggest priority is Telegram. In 2014, he left Russia amid growing scrutiny from its security services and eventually decamped to Dubai, where he said the government would not interfere with his business. Since then, he has fought with Apple and major governments over content controls. Telegram has faced temporary or permanent bans in 31 countries, according to Surfshark, a maker of VPN software used to avoid internet blocks.


In an interview with Tucker Carlson that aired in April, Mr. Durov accused the Federal Bureau of Investigation of trying to hire a Telegram programmer so the U.S. government could gain access to user data. During the interview, one of his first in years, he sat in front of a bookcase that held two sculptures of chairs, one covered in knives and the other with phalluses — an apparent allusion to a Russian prison joke.


DUROV Carlson master1050杜罗夫在今年4月播出的一次采访中与塔克·卡尔森交谈。这是杜罗夫多年来首次接受的几次采访之一。

The F.B.I. did not respond to a request for comment.


Born in 1984 in the Soviet Union, Mr. Durov moved with his family when he was 4 to northern Italy. His brother, Nikolai, a math whiz who became Telegram’s chief technology officer, was featured on Italian television solving cubic equations. In the early 1990s, after the Soviet Union collapsed, the Durovs returned to St. Petersburg, where Pavel and Nikolai participated in youth math competitions and coded on an IBM computer the family had brought back from Italy.


In college in St. Petersburg, a friend showed Mr. Durov an early version of Facebook, founded by Mark Zuckerberg. Inspired, Mr. Durov set out to make his own version. Vkontakte, a service he started in 2006, dominated Russia within a few years. It also attracted notice from the Kremlin, which demanded information about Vkontakte’s users.


Mr. Durov said he had begun building Telegram to be a more secure way to communicate after Russian security forces showed up at his apartment around 2011. Mr. Durov, who was still running Vkontakte while building Telegram, said the government had eventually given him an ultimatum: Hand over data about Vkontakte’s users or lose control of the company and be forced to leave the country.


“I chose the latter,” Mr. Durov said.


Since disavowing Russia, Mr. Durov has lived itinerantly surrounded by Telegram engineers. He moves location every few months, former employees said. He has spent time in Barcelona, Bali, Berlin, Helsinki and San Francisco, even as he made Dubai Telegram’s formal headquarters. He remains an earnest engineering leader, often obsessed with the app’s features at the expense of making money or moderating criminal activity, former employees said.


Mr. Durov has citizenship for the United Arab Emirates and France, according to Telegram. Though he travels by private jet, he has said he eschews buying things, keeping hundreds of millions of dollars in his bank account and Bitcoin to ensure he can be free. Bloomberg has estimated his net worth at more than $9 billion.


“I would rather make decisions that would influence how people communicate rather than choosing the color of seats in the house,” he said in the interview with Mr. Carlson.


Telegram is now approaching one billion users worldwide, making it larger than X. Telegram works as a messaging app, similar to WhatsApp or iMessage. But it also hosts groups with up to 200,000 users and has broadcasting features that help people and groups share views with even larger audiences. The service is particularly popular in Ukraine, Brazil, Indonesia, India and Russia.


As use of Telegram exploded, Mr. Durov’s light touch to policing content drew criticism. Policymakers, law enforcement and security researchers said the app had become a haven for disinformation, terrorism propaganda, far-right extremism, drug dealing, child pornography and weapons sales.


Over the years, Telegram has taken down some content, such as child sexual abuse material or posts explicitly aimed at inciting violence. But the authorities were often frustrated by Mr. Durov’s lack of cooperation. Others have raised concerns that Telegram maintains ties to the Russian government, which lifted a ban of the service in 2020. Security experts have also warned that the tool, which does not use the same encryption standards as apps like Signal, is not as secure as the company says.


On Monday, French prosecutors said Mr. Durov was being held as part of an investigation opened last month into crimes related to child pornography, fraud, drug trafficking and money laundering. French authorities noted Telegram’s lack of cooperation with law enforcement. Mr. Durov remained in custody, which can be extended through Wednesday.





在香港打羽毛球。 Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group, via Getty Images

A 15-year-old girl and her boyfriend are studying alone together on a hot summer day when she removes her jacket and clings to his shoulder. What should he do?


In Hong Kong, the authorities advise the young man to continue studying or to seek a diversion, including badminton, to avoid premarital sex and other “intimate behaviors.”


Critics, including lawmakers and sex educators, say that the Chinese territory’s new sex education materials are regressive. But top officials are not backing down, and the standoff is getting kind of awkward.


“Is badminton the Hong Kong answer to sexual impulses in schoolchildren?” the South China Morning Post newspaper asked in a headline over the weekend.


Hong Kong teenagers find it all pretty amusing. A few said on social media that the officials behind the policy have their “heads in the clouds.” Others have worked it into sexual slang, talking about “friends with badminton” instead of “friends with benefits.”


The sex ed materials were published last week by the Education Bureau in a 70-page document that includes worksheets for adolescents and guidance for their teachers. The document emphasizes that the lessons are not designed to encourage students to “start dating or having sexual behaviors early in life.” It also advises people in a “love relationship” to fill out a form setting the limits of their intimacy.


“It is normal for people to have sexual fantasies and desires, but we must recognize that we are the masters of our desires and should think twice before acting, and control our desires instead of being controlled by them,” the document says.


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Hong Kong Education Bureau

The curriculum, which replaces an older one, explains that while some adolescents masturbate, sexual impulses can generally be controlled by avoiding “publications or media” that stimulate them.


It also recommends exercise and other activities that “draw attention away from undesirable activities,” and warns students to dress appropriately and avoid wearing “sexy clothing” that could lead to “visual stimulation.”


Critics are wary, saying that the guidelines are irresponsible. Diana Kwok, professor of gender studies at the Education University of Hong Kong, told the South China Morning Post that the authorities should not emphasize the need to control sexual development, but instead teach young people how to face or understand it.


Doris Tsz-Wai Chong, the executive director of the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women, a Hong Kong nonprofit that works in local schools, said that the new sex ed guidance was inadequate for its young audience. That is partly because it includes gender stereotypes, she said, including the idea that women see opposite-sex friendships as purely platonic while men see them as potential romantic opportunities.


Ms. Chong said her organization was also concerned about the warning over “sexy clothing.”


“Teaching the idea that someone’s choice of clothing can ‘visually stimulate’ or provoke sexual assault perpetuates harmful rape myths,” she added.


Officials aren’t flinching. Christine Choi, the education secretary, framed the guidance on Sunday as a kind of moral imperative and a way of protecting young people, particularly those who are 12 to 14.


“We should teach them to take responsibility for themselves correctly, to understand how to take care of themselves and respect others,” she said in a television interview. “When they grow up, they will face a more complex society and environment.”


John Lee, Hong Kong’s leader, described the materials as good for the territory’s long-term future on Sunday. “I think that social culture has to be created collectively,” he said.


It was not immediately clear on Monday how the Education Bureau developed the sex ed materials. The bureau did not respond to a request for comment. Neither did two local nonprofits whose work the bureau cited in its footnotes, or a local association of sexuality educators, researchers and therapists.


Young people in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan often use slang to talk about sex, just like their peers around the world. If your date asks if you want to go back to their place to “watch my cat do back-flips,” don’t say you weren’t warned.


Now, thanks to Hong Kong’s Education Bureau, new slang is in play. The sentence “I want to play badminton with you” will never be the same again.




本田和其他汽车制造商表示,他们计划斥资数十亿美元在加拿大建造电动汽车厂和电池工厂。 Carlos Osorio/Reuters

In a significant escalation of trade tensions between Western countries and China, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday that Canada would impose 100 percent tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, joining the United States and the European Union in protecting domestic car production.


The move aligns Canada’s automotive policy with that of the United States, the market for the vast majority of Canadian-made vehicles where President Biden in May announced 100 percent tariffs on Chinese electric cars. And it also appears to be a form of insurance for the tens of billions of dollars in subsidies that Canadian governments have committed for the development of electric vehicle and battery factories being built in the country by Honda, Stellantis, Volkswagen, General Motors, LG and others.


In addition, Canada will also impose a new 25 percent tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum. The tariffs will most likely worsen the country’s rocky relations with China and could raise the possibility of retaliation by the Chinese government against Canadian agricultural exports.


“I think we all know that China is not playing by the same rules,” Mr. Trudeau told reporters on Monday in Halifax, Nova Scotia. “What is important about this is we’re doing it in alignment and in parallel with other economies around the world.”


Canada opened public consultations on the tariffs at the beginning of July. The 100 percent tariff on Chinese electric vehicles will go into effect on Oct. 1.


The new U.S. tariffs are expected to begin by the end of August. And the European Union has said that, at the end of October, it would impose additional tariffs of 9 percent to 36.3 percent on Chinese electric cars, depending on the manufacturer, beyond the standard 10 percent tariff it already levies on imported vehicles.


Twenty-five percent of federal subsidies for consumers to buy electric vehicles covered imports from China in 2023, according to government documents obtained by Automotive News Canada, an industry publication. A year earlier, just 2 percent of the subsidies went to Chinese-made cars, the government analysis said. Most of the Chinese-made vehicles being subsidized were Teslas produced in Shanghai.


The only zero-emission vehicle currently made in Canada is a General Motors delivery van.


Automotive manufacturing companies and Unifor, the union that represents autoworkers in Canada, have been pushing Mr. Trudeau’s government to match the U.S. tariffs on Chinese electric cars and trucks. Those calls grew louder after a lobbying firm working for BYD, a leading Chinese electric vehicle maker, filed notice that it was working to sell passenger cars in Canada.


BYD, which has been expanding around the world, currently only sells electric buses in Canada and the United States. The company has been selling imported electric and hybrid cars in Mexico and other Latin American countries.


Some environmentalists oppose high tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles and have urged the Canadian government to explore other ways to keep domestic manufacturers competitive. They argue that tariffs will slow the use of zero-emission vehicles by keeping prices relatively high.


“Canada made a decision today that will result in fewer affordable electric vehicles for Canadians, less competition and more climate pollution,” Joanna Kyriazis, the director of public affairs at the clean energy policy research group Clean Energy Canada, said in a statement on Monday. She added that Canada should have followed Europe in opting for lower tariffs.


Mr. Trudeau came to office in 2015 promising to renew relations with China, which had soured under a previous Conservative government. Instead, they sank to a new low in 2018 after the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested Meng Wanzhou, a senior executive at the Chinese technology company Huawei, on an extradition request from the United States.


In what Canada characterized as hostage-taking, China then arrested two Canadians. Ms. Meng and the two Canadians were ultimately allowed to return to their home countries in 2021.


China also temporarily blocked imports of canola, an oil seed, from Canada. While the step was ostensibly taken because of insects in the grain, Canada viewed it as further retaliation.




2022年中国珠海航展上的运-9飞机,图片来自中国官方媒体。 Chen Jimin/China News Service, via Getty Images

A Chinese military surveillance plane breached Japanese airspace off the country’s southwestern coast on Monday, marking what Japan’s defense ministry described as the first known incursion by China’s military into its territorial airspace.


According to a ministry official, a Chinese reconnaissance aircraft briefly entered Japanese territory near Nagasaki Prefecture around 11:30 a.m. on Monday. In response, Japan’s Self-Defense Force put fighter jets on high alert and issued a warning to the Chinese aircraft.


While Chinese planes frequently appear in international airspace around Japan, this incident represents the first confirmed entry of a military aircraft into Japan’s territorial airspace.


Over the past two decades, Japan has increasingly faced foreign aircraft encroachments. Last year, Japan’s Self-Defense Force scrambled fighter jets to intercept foreign planes on 669 occasions — more than three times the number of such responses two decades ago.


Of these 669 cases, 479 were in response to Chinese aircraft sightings, according to Japan’s Ministry of Defense.


Military analysts suggest that Monday’s airspace violation could be a message from China challenging Japan’s delineation of its territorial border. China asserts control over a large continental shelf in the East China Sea, with its outer edge extending close to the Danjo Islands area, where the Chinese plane was spotted.


The airspace violation is the latest in a series of recent events heightening tensions between Japan and China.


Last week, a Chinese newscaster deviated from the script on a radio news program by Japan’s public broadcaster, asserting that the Senkaku Islands — controlled by Japan but claimed by China — are Chinese territory.


That same day, graffiti was discovered at the Yasukuni Shrine war-commemoration site in Tokyo using Chinese characters that appeared to read “toilet.”


Japanese officials summoned Chinese Embassy representatives to a meeting on Monday evening and urged them to prevent future incursions into Japanese airspace, according to a statement from Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.




今年早些时候在青岛参加训练的解放军学员。 Florence Lo/Reuters

China will hold live-fire military drills near its border with Myanmar starting on Tuesday, fortifying its boundaries with a southern neighbor that has been engulfed in a civil war for more than three years.


China’s People’s Liberation Army’s Southern Theater Command said on Monday that it would conduct both land and air exercises in the southwestern province of Yunnan to test the “joint strike capabilities of theater troops and maintain security and stability in the border areas.” China conducted two similar drills in April.


The patrols, which will last until Thursday, come less than two weeks after China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, visited Naypyidaw, Myanmar’s capital, and reaffirmed Beijing’s support for the ruling military junta, which seized power in a coup in 2021. Analysts say that despite Mr. Wang’s pledge of support, Beijing is using the drills to send a signal to the junta that it would like the military to return to Chinese-led peace talks with rebels and refrain from intensifying the conflict.


Myanmar, a country of about 55 million long fractured by ethnic divisions, has been thrown into fresh chaos as the military resumed control. Thousands have been killed and tens of thousands detained by the junta, which has been accused of committing atrocities and killing civilians by bombarding the country with airstrikes.


The junta’s violence has led to the emergence of a resistance movement made up of both civilians from Myanmar’s urban areas who had become rebels and battle-hardened insurgents in the border regions who have been fighting for autonomy for decades. Together, they control about two-thirds of the country, mostly along its frontiers, while the military government holds the major cities located in the central lowlands of the Irrawaddy Valley.


26CHINA MYANMAR1 lgjb master1050中国级别最高的外交官王毅本月初重申了北京支持缅甸执政的军政府。

Resistance forces have been on the offensive for months, putting the junta on the back foot outside its strongholds. Mounting losses in troops and territory led the junta to impose a mandatory draft earlier this year.


China has been growing uneasy about the conflict, which has drawn closer to its borders, disrupting trade and raising concerns about the safety of Chinese nationals. Earlier this month, rebel forces overran a regional military base less than 100 miles from the Chinese border.


Myanmar “plays a crucial role in the development of China’s southwestern economy and national security,” said Song Zhongping, an independent defense analyst based in Beijing and a former Chinese military officer. “China is very concerned about peace and stability in the region, and even more concerned about the security of our borders.”


At stake are China’s investments in Myanmar, including multibillion-dollar plans to build an economic corridor from southwestern China to the Indian Ocean so that Chinese trade can bypass the Strait of Malacca, a high-traffic waterway near Malaysia. In July, anti-junta rebels captured a Chinese-backed nickel-mining project in the north about 160 miles from Mandalay.


China’s strategy in Myanmar has been to play both sides, said Jason Tower, the Myanmar director at the United States Institute of Peace, a nonpartisan research organization funded by the U.S. Congress. China cultivates economic, military and diplomatic ties with the junta while providing weapons and other supplies to rebel groups along the border, he said.


26china myanmar3 cbhv master1050云南瑞丽的一个中缅边境检查站。

China used that influence to call for negotiations last December between the junta and rebel groups near the border called the Three Brotherhood Alliance. Talks collapsed in May, Mr. Tower said.


The junta has been frustrated by Chinese aid to the rebels, sending supporters to protest Beijing outside the Chinese Embassy in Yangon, Myanmar’s former capital and its largest city, Mr. Tower said.


Earlier this month, after the regional military base fell, the junta leader, Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, said that rebels were receiving arms, including drones and short-range missiles, from “foreign countries.” Though he did not name China, he said some arms and ammunition were coming from factories across the border with China. China is also a major supplier of weapons to the junta.


China needs to hedge because it is unclear who will ultimately hold power in Myanmar, said Ja Ian Chong, an associate professor of political science at the National University of Singapore.


“Beijing wants stability and influence. They aren’t particularly wedded to any one party or approach, it seems to me,” Mr. Chong said.


During Mr. Wang’s visit to Myanmar, he said he hoped that Myanmar would protect Chinese citizens and projects in the country, maintain stability along the border, and work with China on cracking down on cross-border crimes.


In China’s view, the junta appears too weak to consolidate power, and the rebels too disparate to form a unity government, Mr. Tower said.


China is probably concerned that the junta may step up airstrikes on rebels near the Chinese border, where the regime has virtually no presence on the ground. “If the junta wants to recover some of the territory it lost, it will resort to using heavy airstrikes in the border areas,” Mr. Tower said. “That is a sensitive issue for China.”








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